Americans in Germany

  • Hi Gina,

    ad 1.) No, you do not have to leave, if you have the employer sponsoring you within the frist three months. Otherwise you will have to get married (within the three months) or leave.

    Ad 2) Is it possible to be employed without first obtaining a residency permit?
    No. Aboslutely not! A working permit demands a prior or simultaneous residence permit.

    ad 3) A fiance visa exist in germany. Somebody wanted to fool you!

    ad 4) yes. but you can only reenter for another 3 months after a half-year has passed...

    Don't take this relationship at the foreigners office personally. They are know not to be nice and foreigner's friendly.

    Alexander von Engelhardt

    P.S. If you are interested you can register for free legal newsletters just by sending me an email at [email removed]

    Anonymous 09 mai 2005, 05:04 - Signaler un abus
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Help, I'm a prisoner of German Bureaucracy

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