germany sucks
it is over, Germany is full with nazis, and the east germany sucks.
It is ugly (not all), dirty and the ppl always sad... (not everybody but a 95% YESSSS)
i cant understand them, why can´t they enjoy the life???
Sorry but germany sucks.11 mars 2007, 02:10 new york man
@french man
My American friend was right...
aleman 11 avr 2009, 05:02 - Signaler un abus -
france is not only paris,german. there is marselha,caen,lion and a lot of beautifull cities in france!stop to write bullshit! i see you dont know france!
and american know nothing.your american friend is a dumb ass like youfrench man 11 avr 2009, 05:08 - Signaler un abus -
@french man
All your cities bow to Paris and pale in comparison to it, there's no doubt about that. Paris controls the whole country of France. Germany, by contrast, is made up of states just like the US. The sixteen states were created before they together formed (or acceded to) the Federal Republic. You couldn't form states if you wanted to, because everything is so concentrated in Paris. Just look at your "regions" that are an utter failure.
aleman 11 avr 2009, 05:17 - Signaler un abus -
poor aleman
the worst region in france is better than any of the states of former east germany.utter failure was the reunification of germany.your country is divided in two!
i am happy because you dont deny that german women are the ugliest in the world.german women want date frenchs ,but we dont want them,because they are very ugly.
and stop to compare a multicultural country like usa with your shit germany.usa and germany has nothing to do with each otherfrench man 11 avr 2009, 05:28 - Signaler un abus -
@french man
Just because I don't deny all of your insults doesn't mean I agree with them. Really, anybody reading this will see that you are the nationalist, not me. You are the bigot, not me. You are the one with bad manners, not me. You're a very bad ambassador of your country. But keep on bashing Germany. Apparently it makes you happy, so enjoy. I'm shocked that someone your age would write the kind of crap you've been writing. You're 36, really? You write like you're 16.
aleman 11 avr 2009, 11:24 - Signaler un abus -
@french man
One minute Americans are all rednecks, the next minute they're multicultural "unlike Germany". Your arguments are so bizarre and you can't even see it. The US was settled for the most part by English/Irish and German people, as far as the European-descended population is concerned. Americans are much more similar to Germans than they are to the French. I know because I lived there for years. Where have YOU lived besides heaven-sent France?
aleman 11 avr 2009, 11:43 - Signaler un abus -
@french man
And the non-European groups in the US all try to be a part of the country. That's the big difference between, say, the Mexicans in the US and the Turks in Germany. Which brings me back to my original post. If the Turks tried to be part of German society the way Mexicans do in the US (despite all scuffles that exist there too), I would have never complained about them. I loved the Mexicans in California.
aleman 11 avr 2009, 11:51 - Signaler un abus -
just to make clear: it doesn't make much sense discussing in here, as french man, latino man, happy foreigner, whoever are all the same person obviously.
To him, all Germans are "very freak".
Totally insane character...
Spare your time, go out into the nice weather, have a beer and a good time!!!
It's more worth it....
Happy Easter!scN Anja 11 avr 2009, 11:55 - Signaler un abus -
Yes, that's my plan for today. Happy Easter.
aleman 11 avr 2009, 12:07 - Signaler un abus -
aleman turk hater and evil anja
evil anja,go to polish your little adolf already went to npd meeting today?
aleman,caution.your hate against turks close more and more to madness.mexicans are integrated in american society?are you crazy?mexicans and latin americans in usa have their own culture.
why are you obsessed with turks? did one of them steal your girlfriend?or did you try date a turk girl,and she did not want you?it is very strange this hate that you have against turks! do you want became the new hitler of germany,but this time you will preach the hate not against jews,but against turks?
you germans are really ,like said evil anja,very freak!french man 11 avr 2009, 09:17 - Signaler un abus -
french man
Yes, Mexicans in the US have their own culture. That's okay with me, as long as they are trying at the same time to be part of American society. And they ARE trying to do that, most of them are. At least they don't commit honor killings and stuff like that.
You don't know Germany, and you don't know the US either. All you know is stereotypes. Everything you see and hear you try to match to those stereotypes. Again, I don't hate the Turks. I just expect a little more openness from them toward their host culture. That is a perfectly reasonable request in my mind.
Frenchie, your problem is that you have received The Truth, with a capital T, and your wisdom springs eternal. Be a little more modest, and don't immediately go off on people when you don't really know what you're talking about.
And by the way, your writing style is horrific. Maybe you should go to the US and take an English class sometime. Then you'll see that in general the Latinos there don't talk to you aggressively on the street for no reason, and they integrate quite well into American life. There are problems everywhere, but by and large the Latinos in the US are okay. It's because their culture is compatible with mainstream American culture. Think about it before you call me names again.aleman 11 avr 2009, 11:21 - Signaler un abus -
french man
There are actually a number of Turks in Germany who have gone on national television and writing books criticizing their fellow Turks for the same things I criticize them for. Maybe that will give you second thoughts about my "racism". I'm not a racist, I just call a spade a spade and don't sweep intolerable attitudes and actions under the rug in the name of multiculturalism. What folks like you do not understand is that multiculturalism requires MUTUAL respect for it to work. It cannot possibly work if some group comes in, the majority of its people have no respect for their host country, and they do not want to integrate. Again, with the Mexicans its different because they do not despise mainstream American culture -- they only want to preserve their cultural heritage. Those are too entirely different things.
aleman 11 avr 2009, 11:48 - Signaler un abus -
Now don't go off on my spelling mistakes -- I realize it should be "two" instead of "too" and other typos. I still believe that your writing style sucks. You write like an angry youth, not like a man in his prime.
aleman 11 avr 2009, 11:54 - Signaler un abus -
I wrote it 1000 times.
Turks in Germany can't be compared to that ones in Turkey,because the "Gastarbeiters" came to Germany from small villages of Anatolia.
They are uneducated.
That's the reason why they live like anatolian farmers in the 60ies.
That was all I wanted to say.
I just get angry if someone thinks that people in Turkey are like the "Gastarbeiters" all over Europe.
I completely agree with what you wrote!
It's a catastrophe how turkish people in Germany behave.
I feel ashamed of them.
The worst thing is that they also destroy the image of Germany in Turkey.
For example many western Turks from the modern towns of Turkey like to spend their holidays in Europe.
They visit different towns in Europe,but not many of them are interested in Germany.
The reason for it are the ridicilous Turks from Germany.Turks in Turkey make fun of them.
They think that Germany can't be a worth seeing place if the majority of the Turks living there are like gangster-rappers.
Another reason are those Nazi-films everybody knows and the cheap german tourists of Antalya.
What can I say......
Both countries have a wrong impression of each other.
Educated Turks and educated Germans don't have any contact.The working-class does it's best to destroy the historical friendship of Germany and Turkey.
Turkey and Germany always fought together against others,not against each other.
But in Germany there are also educated people like me and my family(we are a minority,I know).
I speak fluently,accent-free turkish and I am in Istanbul very often.People in Turkey don't see me as a typical German-Turk.I am completely integrated into the modern society of Western-Turkey.
But still.....
I love Germany and will continue doing it until I die.I always say:I am a German of turkish descent.Cem Dönmez 13 avr 2009, 07:59 - Signaler un abus -
cem donmez
you are disgusting! aleman dispised your people,and you lick his ass! gosh!folks like you make me think that all turks are germans' slaves!
french man 14 avr 2009, 01:25 - Signaler un abus -
Germany is great
I spent four years in Germany, because I studied at the university of Freiburg. The best years of my young life! Never before and after this periode, I found such friendly, cosmopolitan and humorously people like in Freiburg, Hamburg, Berlin and Cologne. I didn't see any Nazis, and I know what a Nazi looks like,because Sweden is full with this assholes, instead of Germany.
It's very funny so see, that everybody here is calling the germans as cold and hatefull. But the most hatefull comments here are NOT from Germans. They came from guys like "proud brazilian" or "french man".
The most germans here are discussing as I know them: factually, prudentially and politely.
Germans, be proud of your wonderfull country and your rich culture. Be proud of your sedulity and your prosperity.
Best wishes from Uddevallaswedish guy 14 avr 2009, 09:54 - Signaler un abus -
@french man
I don't lick anyones ass.
I was born in Germany and I grew up here.
I have a german passport.
I am completely integrated into the german society.
So,it's pretty normal that I love this country.
That kind of Turks @aleman was talking about,are not "my people".
I like the western ones who live like Atatürk wanted them to do.
It doesn't make any sense to have a conversation here.
Bence Almanya gayet güzel bir ülke.
(That is turkish and means:For me Germany is quite a beautiful country).
Goodbye everyone!!!!Cem Dönmez 14 avr 2009, 07:21 - Signaler un abus -
one sentence you're
unlikely to hear a german say in english (or german): "sorry, I made a mistake, it's my fault." Perhaps some germans here could comment why germans seem to have trouble admitting mistakes - I have never heard so many stupid excuses, emotional explosions etc etc to escape from this condition. Where does it hurt? How bad does it hurt? Please tell me.
the laughing foreigner 14 avr 2009, 07:42 - Signaler un abus -
germans prefer to die than admitt any mistake.and now,this swedish boy come here to defend germany!my god,germany is evil,and everybody that dare to defend that damned coutry is evil too!if you know germany ,you understand why nazism grow there:nazism is part of german soul.only in germany a dictador like hitler,illeterate,crazy and gay ,could get followers!germany is the worst coutry in earth:that is the true!
french man 14 avr 2009, 08:27 - Signaler un abus -
@french man
Do you lived in Germany for more than four years? I don't think so. I met helpful and friendly people there.
I visited Strasbourg and Colmar behind the border; the french people were rude and arrogant and I found them very xenophobic. Nazism is growing in many european countries, also France. You have your own extrem right-wing-party, the "Front National". The different to the german NPD (which is just a local phenomenon in the east) is, that the FN had real success in France like 2004 (more than 12%). Politicans like Jean-Marie Le Pen could never be successful in Germany.
Sweden has a Nazi-Problem unfortunately), France has a Nazi-Problem, also Russia and Poland. But Germany hasn't.
THAT'S the truth!swedish guy 14 avr 2009, 09:11 - Signaler un abus -
@ swedish guy
Hey, greetings to Sweden, I visited it in 2000, and 2001 (near Varberg). Wonderful landscape, and also wonderful, relaxed people.
BTW: I am living in Freiburg. I hope, that you really enjoyed your time in our (little bit cracy) town.the happy german 14 avr 2009, 09:19 - Signaler un abus -
Hi, I have the suspicion that there is a certain person in this forum who signs on with different names writing always the same stuff. you can notice that if you read his words and the way he types. he uses the same words, makes the same grammatical mistakes... maybe his wish is to create hostility between germans and other countries ? I suspect this so called "french man" isn't really French.
@ laughing foreigner: It's not only a German thing that people get angry if they are faced with prejudices and racial abuse. Just visit the forums of other countries. There it's the same... people insulting and defending. Maybe your wish is that Germans apologize to you for being alive ? I think you should rather apologize yourselve for your ignorant insults against German people.
I think Cem was right when he said it doesn't make sense to discuss in this forum. Some people just let out their personal frustration by writing insults against Germans. But people can decide where they want to live and if you hate Germany nobody forces you to live here or to talk to Germans. byeare some of the posts fake ? 15 avr 2009, 03:41 - Signaler un abus -
@are some of the posts fake ? are answering questions I never asked, imaginary questions which are huge exaggerations of my questions. You invent your own suffering. But, as my questions suggest, suffering seems to be particularly easy for many Germans. But mostly at the hands of other Germans, since hardly any foreigners live in Germany. What is certain is that self-confidence and strength of personality does not improve by getting rid of all criticism, as the nazis tried to do with mass support. Rather the opposite, in fact. Perhaps that means you and your new country are still in their infancy - which my everyday experience tends to confirm. That means you will continue to be so overwhelmed with your suffering that you have no choice but to blame others for it, shout, weep, invent excuses, etc, just as my questions suggest.
the laughing foreigner 15 avr 2009, 05:02 - Signaler un abus -
@ laughing foreigner
I have only asked you why you think that Germans should apologize to you ? What gives you the competence to analyze the way Germans think ?
I don't suffer at all. You seem to suffer because Germans around you don't seem to behave in the way you wish. But why should they ?
I repeat that not only Germans get upset if people generalize about their country in a negative way. You can see the same reaction in every other forum. That was my main point. Check it for yourself if you don't believe it.I think some posts are fake 15 avr 2009, 08:50 - Signaler un abus -
@I think some posts are fake
I don't expect germans or anyone else to behave as I want. I expect, like most people, other people to behave REASONABLY, especially when it affects me. Adults who have major difficulty taking responsibility for their own mistakes and cause problems trying to shift the blame are not behaving reasonably. I realise some parts of german culture has had a long history of difficulties with defining "REASONABLE" which is why it has been very unsuccessful and had to be forced to develop REASONABLE standards. You sound like Old School german - or are you telling me there isn't actually much of a difference?
the laughing foreinger 15 avr 2009, 10:56 - Signaler un abus -
You're totally right, New Yorker.. Germany sucks BIG TIME! Worst country in the f*cking world man!
IHATEGERMANY 16 avr 2009, 01:08 - Signaler un abus -
@ laughing foreigner
What do you expect ? Why should German readers of this forum apologize to you ? For what ?
You sound like an old school arrogant person who thinks he has to lecture people in other countries. Try it in Iraq where Bush has already been so succesful :Pthis forum is pathetic 16 avr 2009, 01:52 - Signaler un abus -
@this forum is pathetic can apologize for not answering my questions, not being intelligent enough to run a website forum without relying on help from Harz IV, mainly because you don't know any other tole than constantly playing the poor suffering eternally persecuted german victim.
the laughing foreigner 16 avr 2009, 04:06 - Signaler un abus -
@ laughing foreigner
you are playing the role of the suffering here.... the poor expat suffering in germany. but who forced you to live here ?
in any other country you would have the same problems as in germany i think because of your arrogant attitude. what makes you think you are smarter than others and that your culture is better ?
also the welfare program is called Hartz IV. do you rely on it or why do you stay in germany even though you find germans so stupid ?this forum is pathetic 16 avr 2009, 06:51 - Signaler un abus -
@this forum is pathetic
...foreigners can't get Hartz IV, we just pay our income tax so you can. Of course like many germans you think that foreigners are robbing the state, and have arrogant attitudes. And sorry to disappoint you, I'm not suffering here, just laughing.
the laughing foreigner 16 avr 2009, 08:08 - Signaler un abus -
@ laughing foreigner
But your posts don't seem like you are really laughing. I don't think that foreigners are robbing the state. You only think in terms of "Germans" - "foreigners". Why don't you see people as individuals ? The fact that I think that you have an arrogant attitude doesn't mean that I think all foreigners are like that.
My gf is also from another country and she isn't arrogant, for example.
Somehow you seem to have a very negative attitude towards Germans and that made me wonder why you decided to live in Germany.
@ Gringo Hater: Did you change your nick again ? At least Germans didn't rob all the gold and silver from Latin America as your Latin brothers the conquistadores from Spain did. Also Germany didn't participate much in the transatlantic slave trade etc.
If I wrote the same what you wrote about Gringos about Latinos in Northern countries you would wine that I'm racist, right ? So stop your inverse racism please.
Latin Americans and people from all countries are welcome in Germany if they are respectful to other cultures and open minded.this forum is pathetic 16 avr 2009, 10:25 - Signaler un abus -
this forum is pathetic
"Latin Americans and people from all countries are welcome in Germany if they are respectful to other cultures and open minded." .....who are you to decide if people are welcome to germany? Are you the King of Germany? you should fuck off you stupid schoolboy
french man 17 avr 2009, 12:37 - Signaler un abus -
@french man
Why are you insulting everybody here? I thought, that the french are so cultivated...?
the happy german 18 avr 2009, 08:32 - Signaler un abus -
@the happy german
incorrect the bosch are more cultivated than us. at auschwitz they played mozart and never insulted nobody.
french man 18 avr 2009, 02:39 - Signaler un abus -
yes,i agree.germany sucks!
germany sucks 20 avr 2009, 04:03 - Signaler un abus -
"Yyyyyyuuuuuuuaaaaahhhhh"? What the hell was that for? Lol...
IHATEGERMANY 21 avr 2009, 09:00 - Signaler un abus -
BTW, I hate the german language.
Deutche dumköpf...IHATEGERMANY 21 avr 2009, 09:04 - Signaler un abus -
Germany & UsA
Well, first, it isn´t right, that all germans are racists! The time of hitler is long gone!!
And we´re not all sad, maybe you´ve only been to the big cities, because im from germany, too, and im very happy, ilaugh every day.
And who says germany is ugly has never been to germany, the nature is great here!!
And to the people who say Usa is ignorante
you´ve never been there, too!
I´ve also never seen the USA but im trying to keep my own opinion!
Not all Americans are "typical americans", like you say.
So grow up and get you´re own opinion!
This is to all of you!!Lisa*** 21 avr 2009, 04:59 - Signaler un abus -
there was a racist here called "german man"that said "usa is full of niggas".my post was to him.
his post was deleted.american 21 avr 2009, 05:31 - Signaler un abus -
@ french man, brazilian and so on....
I didn´t wanr to post that, but I think I must...
Dieter Nuhr said one time:
"Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal Fresse halten."
Translate and think about this...ldf 21 avr 2009, 05:45 - Signaler un abus -
Alexander the Great conquerd much and he was a hero because he wanted to bring two (Persia and Greece) cultures together.
Napoleon wanted also to seize the world, but he failed miserably because he oppressed other cultures... Thx to Russia that they´d stopped him...Guy 21 avr 2009, 05:51 - Signaler un abus -
A bit of reason Please
Is germany as bad as indicated on this forum? No. Is germany Friendly? No.
British, 30, living in germany for 3 years as part of my work.
The Good:
Germany is clean, it is not dirty as previously mentioned, this is not true. People are not ugly as also mentioned, the same as everywhere else. When u get to know the people on a personal level, they are friendly. Germans are very fashionable. Germans as indicated earlier, do not smell.
The Bad:
Germany in public is cold, it is a fact, no ifs or buts about it. people are rude on the streets to each other, people care very little for people that are not associated with them. In comparisson to alot of countries this is true. Germany is also vain, talk about faceless capitilist vanity, new clothes perfect hair. It is true that german people care too much for their appearance and not enouigh for social interactions and personality.
Too many rules, oh god it gets annoying. Many people wait at a light no matter if there is no traffic or not, but if u walk everybody does.
Condescending arrogance, how many times have I heard, "We germans don't do X like the rest of the world", the classic is hero worship, we don't do hero worship. Bull! Obama when not even president came here and was greeted like a God. So germany is the same as everywhere, not smarter, not dumber, just the same.
I personally hate too many rules and vainty with no apparent care for soul, but i guess this is the ugly product of money. Bu look at other countries also, America was founded on good principles, but lacked implementation for a long time. america'S attitude in the last years has been arrogant too, sometimes believing they are always right. Europe is full of snobs, this is true also, believing they are more intelligent and cultured than america because the came from an older place, all the while consuming american culture like gravy.
This forum was not started silly, but has descended that way, thanks to pride and ignorance.
Face it, germany IS rude, but America is Fake (Personally though, I prefer America much more)
Paul 23 avr 2009, 05:51 - Signaler un abus -
some middle-class gemans are
so obsessed with themselves. Who are we? Are we like that, or that? How do we compare to them and those other ones? Are we better or worse? Of course there are obious reasons for this fascination with looking in the mirror. But knowing that doesn't stop you vomiting up your lunch somedays.
the world 24 avr 2009, 07:13 - Signaler un abus -
some russian in germany
congratulations, are welcomed to brazil,my powerfull,tropical and rich can go here everytime you want!
i want huge you and hold your hand,dude! you are showing to germans who is the boss! germans deserves to be humiliated and treated like bitchs,because they are a people full of sins for what they did in second world war against jews,russians and brazilians(germans scum bags shinked many brazilians sheeps in second world war,and we declared war against them for this)
congratulation,dude.go on! beat the germans right in the face,and dont let they laid with their girls.germans deserves only the worst things in the earth,because they are garbagePROUD BRAZILIAN 25 avr 2009, 01:15 - Signaler un abus -
some russian in germany
and about the nazis,you russians kicked these nazi scum in second world war,together with americans,brits and brazilians,and you can do it agains if needed! nazis are only a bunch of cowards.
PROUD BRAZILIAN 25 avr 2009, 01:21 - Signaler un abus -
Proud German
You say, we german are racists? You should hear yourselves, idiots. Look at America- it is dirty and pollutes our environment. Many Americans are poor and only a few years ago you seperated blacks and whites in restaurants and other public places.
To those wo are from Englang: I thought you were acountry full of nice people. But what I hear here, convinces me of the opposite. Against some opinions, we are actual one of the most democratic countries in the world.good old german 25 avr 2009, 03:03 - Signaler un abus -
"some russian in gaymany" and "PROUD BRAZILIAN" are wanna-be-wiseguys! You´re calling germans as racists, but you comments are also racist, man!
hdghg 25 avr 2009, 04:27 - Signaler un abus -
some russian in germany
i beggin to suspect you are nazi too...why do all these admiration for that nazi scum?they are coward,and you russians showed they are only pussies! why do you admire germans nazi garbages?
PROUD BRAZILIAN 25 avr 2009, 07:34 - Signaler un abus -
some russian in gaymany
well,i dont like muslins too,but i think nazis and muslins are the same scum.
and i dont agree russia would lost a war against nazis nowadays. i think germany today is very weak,and have no nuclear weapon.russia can destroy germany with a few nuclear missiles.we are in the nuclear age,today a war in europe would be a nuclear war.i am sure that many germans dont support nazism nowadays because they know that a war against nuclear potencies would be suicide.PROUD BRAZILIAN 25 avr 2009, 08:55 - Signaler un abus -
Why would anyone write such things?
This is crazy. Living anywhere other than home is difficult. I know after living in Germany for the past few months (I am the wife of an American Soldier) that when I return to America I will go out of my way to anyone who is trying to adjust to a new country. It's hard, regardless of the situation. Most of the Germans I have met are helpful when I ask for help. They are reserved, yes, but that is not the same as being rude or mean. However, to read some of these comments how people feel American Soldiers should be used as fuel makes me sick in a way that I can not explain in words. How dare you? Let me clue you in, my husband is in Iraq and I assure you, he along with 99.9% of them would much rather be home. Do you think he wants to miss the birth of his daughter or his son's first day of school. No! He doesn't. Like most of us in the world, we're currently living with the consequences of someone else's very bad decision. Most Americans, most Germans, most people I imagine are just doing the best they can everyday for their family. I think if we all remember that most of the horrible things expressed on this message board would go away.
Won't say for fear you'll turn me into fuel... 25 avr 2009, 10:10 - Signaler un abus