@ laughing foreigner
But your posts don't seem like you are really laughing. I don't think that foreigners are robbing the state. You only think in terms of "Germans" - "foreigners". Why don't you see people as individuals ? The fact that I think that you have an arrogant attitude doesn't mean that I think all foreigners are like that.
My gf is also from another country and she isn't arrogant, for example.
Somehow you seem to have a very negative attitude towards Germans and that made me wonder why you decided to live in Germany.
@ Gringo Hater: Did you change your nick again ? At least Germans didn't rob all the gold and silver from Latin America as your Latin brothers the conquistadores from Spain did. Also Germany didn't participate much in the transatlantic slave trade etc.
If I wrote the same what you wrote about Gringos about Latinos in Northern countries you would wine that I'm racist, right ? So stop your inverse racism please.
Latin Americans and people from all countries are welcome in Germany if they are respectful to other cultures and open minded.this forum is pathetic 16 avr 2009, 10:25 - Signaler un abus
germany sucks
- you are right
- Krautsalat
- ??
- new york sucks
- i hate germany
- ..
- Hey kids from clean, happy, save New York!!!
- you are right
- Germany SUCKS!
- Germany sucks??
- germany sucks ...
- It sucks PERIOD!
- America sucks
- Anonymous
- Germany is beautiful. Germans are horrible
- Germany, Germany everywhere!!!
- living in Germany
- bunch of c*nts
- Arrogant Germany
- germany
- Facts
- Germany
- it rocks
- Germany
- Seattle huh?
- Hell yea
- cutt-nutt
- Germans are nice
- German don't sucks
- Jew in Germany
- Amanda
- German answer
- Berliner sucks
- Anti-American
- germany does suck
- not everything is black and white
- a country of whistleblowers
- Where’s the laughter Germany?
- Idiot.
- viva Mexico + DN why don't u move away then ?
- new york man
- the wrold is a beautiful place
- Oh boy!
- ignorance is bliss
- blah
- people
- misunderstanding
- sorry *blush*
- Germany