Shimanna, Sorry to offend you!!

  • Shimanna,
    I sorry you are offended by my post. You will be further offended by more truths in this post. I apologize for that, but you have to face the truths.
    The sad truth is this, Saudi Arabia is still a very, very dangerous country for women and children including young boys. And it is UNSAFE for women drivers too.

    SEVERAL, SEVERAL foreigners have experienced myriad problems in Saudi Arabia. Some women were nearly abducted. Some were threatened, even by police. When you meet them, it is most unlikely that they can trust you, as you are a Saudi woman - Saudi women cannot be never trusted to honour secrets or confidentiality as loose gossips bring troubles to foreigners.
    Another thing, foreigners don't wish to offend your nationality as they are just being polite.

    AFHGANISTAN is 2nd in place for rapes, incests, women trafficking, etc.
    Far, far too many Saudi and foreign women are disappearing in Saudi Arabia, even from police stations, from prisons, hospitals, schools, public places, etc.

    How have you ever wondered how there are so many, many, many multi-millionaires and billionaires in Saudi Arabia? How is that Saudi Arabia is now the world's RICHEST country? Ever wondered how Saudis earn their money?

    Trafficking of women and children is the predominant trade in Saudi Arabia - many, many times more lucrative than even oil trade.
    Some Saudis are heavily involved in sex trade in their homeland and abroad. They have got sex trades in Eygpt, Morroco, Thailand, etc. Saudi police and religious authories are heavily corrupted by bribes. For them, money talks. Sure, they make a FEW arrests and have that printed in newspapers. But then, the wealthier sex trade competitors are paying police to eliminate small competitions. Sex traders also bribe religious authorities, many "pious" ones being capable of hypocrisy and child sex abuse.

    More shocking facts than that, far too many beautiful Saudi and foreign women are disappearing from Saudi prisons and police stations, many being sold to brothels. A lot of Saudi women get trafficked into non-muslim countries where Saudi men own brothels and sex shops. In some countries, Saudi-based brothels owners are permitted to display women in the sex shops' windows. To attract customers into sex shops, they have their women wearing the scantiest, gauziest lingeries such as thongs. Some are forced to expose their bare breasts to male passer-bys. Not only that, women are forced to take lessons in lap-dancing or pole-dancing.
    Many devout muslim women have said "no, no, no..." a thousand time to unsolicited sex or degrading acts, and for their refusals, have received severe beatings. At the end, many succumb under torture or die.
    However pious, they get beaten, gang raped and drugged everyday - drugged with heroin or cocaine as to subjugate them.

    If you don't believe these stories, you should travel abroad and see for yourself. See how many sex shops line up the streets. Go and see how many scantily-clad women are displayed like butchers' exposed meat. Ask questions around. You'll be surprised to learn that many enslaved women are muslims coming from Middle East, Africa, East Europe, etc. Like those of other creeds, most enslaved muslim women DID NOT choose prostitution. It is the MEN who put them there in the first place.

    Rita 25 Jun 2008, 05:20 - Report
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