Manpower Recruitments From Bangladesh

  • Sir/Madam

    Please accept best wishes and regards from our company Alamsons Ltd. Recruiting License no 165. Established since long with the sole objective of recruiting skilled and unskilled manpower of different categories and send them to different parts of the world. Recently a huge expansion programme of the company has taken place upgrading Training facilities computerization of the entire working procedure, etc. This humble note is a part of that to go for new established new business relationship.

    In the context above we humbly solicit your kind patronization from your esteemed country. Give us a chance even on trial basis. We will redeem our pledge to give you best possible service. A small gesture may usher a new era of hope & prosperity to all.

    Thanking you with kind regards.

    Mahbub Hasan
    Trade Test Engineer
    Alamsons ltd.
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
    P# 88-02-8821225, 8811433, 8861928
    Fax # 88-02-9888158
    E-mail: [email removed]

    Mahbub Hasan 15 Jan 2009, 10:59 - Report
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AppLy for BANGLADESHI MANPOWER suply from Bangladesh

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