Cyprus friends

  • I am a Cypriot living in the US. I only made friends in the US and became integrated when I decided to do so. ie embraced the culture, the food, the social norms and the people. Students have this problem everywhere, the americans have a term for it and is called cultural shock. You get reverse cultural shock when you return back to your country of origin. Look for it online.

    Specifically for Pakistanis. As you may know Cyprus and Turkey are technically in a "war" status. Pakistan is a friend of Cyprus' archenemy ie the friend of my enemy is my enemy. Cyprus supports India in all Pakistan/India conflicts. The best advise is that if you don't care about politics to say so and don't try defend your governements position on the Cyprus/Turkey conflict, find a polite way to change the conversation. If you want to interject yourself in this conflict be prepare to receive all the anger and emotions that Cypriots reserve for it.

    For all foreigners in Cyprus it will help to speak the language of your host country. Just because many Cypriots speak english it doesn't mean they enjoy spending their days speaking a foreign language in their off time. They do it with tourists when they get paid for it. When relaxing they want to speak their own language in their own country.

    Here in the US I think the protestants are heredics and should burn in hell (joking) but I don't go around telling people that. Cypriots being surrounded by islam feel threatened so if a muslim student shows respect for Christianity Cypriots will deeply appreciate it.

    I embraced the culture in the US and I am having a blast (I love steaks). In Cyprus eat souvla, drink frape go to the beach and do some clubbing....don't forget grilled halloumi. Do not try to replicate your own culture in Cyprus because it's almost impossible. Cypriot students in the UK and US are trying to do that and they are missing the opportunity to see how people in teir host countries live and work.

    Local people don't need new friends, they have their relatives, classmates neighbors etc. It's your job to go out and actively seek friends.

    BTW Cypriots like everybody else are racists until they know you individually they will continue being racist with the rest but will love YOU to death.

    Kyproleon 20 Jun 2009, 04:44 - Verstoß melden
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Why is it so hard to make friends in Cyprus?

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