Alex illeterate nazi

  • do you want more,alex nazi trash? there is thousands of sites in the web that can show you who is the boss in latin america.brazilian territory is larger than all are a ignorant that know nothing,and a fucking liar! you are the only fool here. all south americans see how you are fool when you say that brazians live in argentina.there is only 30.000 brazilians in argentina,but 60.000 argentinians in genaral,brazilians like to stay in our country.
    you are a ignorant that are shaming yourself and germany here with the bullshit you write. you have no data and no good points,and only know write prejudices and swear like a dont win with swears and ignorance,piece of shit. show data ,and proof what you said. things in the world will not be like you want only because you want,little monkey. you can lie here all the day that brazil is dominated by argentina,but it will not change the fact that brazil control argentina and all latin america,and brazil is one of the most developed and powerfull countries in the world.
    go drink some beer in oktoberfest, till die by alcoholic come,pile of garbage.

    Proud Brazilian 21 Мар 2009, 05:40 - Report
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