khira monkey

  • you are ignorant.say that,and go be happy.
    brazil dont cara about world problems.we cara only about brazil and nothing more.
    open your eyes and your mind,snow monkey.there is more things above sky than you can see with your limited german mind.
    you germans always substime other peoples,and pay a high price for this.your substimed russia in second world war,calling slaves "sub-humans",and you were defetead by slaves.
    you dispised east asians,and thought that only whites can develop,and now you see japan,china,india and brazil grow and arise above you.
    brazil is one of the brics,illeterate(brazil,russia,india and china)the group of four countries that will control the world in less than 20 are very ignorant!
    keep your eyes closed for reality,little monkey.the worst blind is the blind that dont want to see

    man 03 Май 2009, 01:07 - Report
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