Austria or Switzerland
I am currently planning a move to Switzerland with my husband who is Austrian but has been living in the states for about 5 years now. I have been reading online forums ever since we have made the decision to move. I don't want to be completely uninformed, I need to avoid that experience as I have had a horrible situation on my hands because of it in the past. My question for this forum is, would it just be better to move to Austria? I have heard that it can be very difficult to adjust to the Swiss lifestyle and make new friends. It is very important for me to assimilate, I believe it would be easier for me to be happy this way. Also, I have heard that Switzerland can be a very boring, cold and dull place. What say you Austrians???? How is Austria in comparison?
27 Lip 2008, 03:35 Tru82
they are neighbours...
Both countries are beatyfull and nice, so are the people. Many things are similar, especially quality of live. I'm American, visited both many times, even lived there..
I kinda prefer Switzerland. They just have more to offer..: more cultures, more languages, more climates and..- you just make more money too.
Either one is nice, but I truly belive that Switzerland is probably your best choice, especailly looking at your concerns..
To me, Switerland is the best! If you care,- read up Switzerlands history! Amazing! Our US foundation is based on theirs!
It is important to know that in both culters it is not really common to talk to strangers. Nothing wrong with it though.. You have to approach the people first!!! They will respond mostly the same way back..
both are really great countries.American, forever but there are other nice places.. 02 Sie 2008, 09:44 - Zgłoś nadużycie -
Both are grat countries to live
In some ways I kinda agree with the above..
You can't go wrong with either or.
Don't pay too much attention to harsh critics on here.. Unhappy people are unhappy anywhere!
I was born and raised in Switzerland, live now here in the US. I always enjoyed visiting Austria. Sure the Swiss or Austrians have their ways, but really, they are good people. Just keep in mind that if you are from a big town that it might be different in a little town
over there.
I would move to Austria or Switzerland anytime!
email me if you want to know more.. [email removed]Swiss guy 02 Sie 2008, 10:25 - Zgłoś nadużycie -
Thanks for the positive feed back!
I appreciate both of your post and found both of your points of view very useful. I like the comment of "unhappy people are unhappy anywhere!" I'll be sure to keep that in mind and try to be really positive wherever I end up. I will email soon Swiss Guy for more info. Thank you for making yourself available!
Tru82 04 Sie 2008, 08:38 - Zgłoś nadużycie -
If you must come to this part of the world, go to a nice, big cosmopolitan German city instead. Austria and Switzerland are small countries in every sense of the word. There is no doubt that you can have a comfortable life here (if you have jobs), but give up any dream of's not like the US in that sense. My experience is with Switzerland. Unlike the other two people who replied to your thread, I actually live here.
There are times when I find it excrutiatingly dull and lonely. The winters here are very long, cold and grey. Very grey. On the whole (of course there are exceptions), I find Swiss people rather cold, superior and unfriendly. Customer service is often rude.
If you have a job and a husband then I expect you will be alright, though. Whatever anyone says, I truly believe that people, however rich or poor they are, come to Switz purely for economic reasons - if I didn't have a job, then I would not stay here.t 09 Sie 2008, 06:33 - Zgłoś nadużycie -
Forget Switzerland
Are you crazy? Switzerland is the worst choice in europe. I've lived there since 4 years. The people there don't like anyone who's not swiss, Europeans included. The swiss are selfish, anti-social, closed-minded, racist, and only care about money. Plus unless you work in a bank you won't find the swiss industries very rewarding, Switzerland is a VERY expensive country and the place blows if you go there as a foreigner.
Austria is a beautiful place, it offers much more than switzerland for a lower price, and people are open-minded and infintiely more tolerant in Austria than in switzerland, land of closed-minded bankers and rude idiots.Switzerland? No way... 20 Sie 2008, 07:08 - Zgłoś nadużycie -
Swiss can be mean
I was married to a Swiss person.
All he cared about was money. He was a total loser in the US for many years, robbed people here and then ran to Switzerland when he was indicted. His parents tried to steal the money also until they were almost arrested for aiding and abetting all the while claiming they were christian. Now, their son, a total fraud is working for a big bank in Switzerland and probably defrauding others. In my experience, all they care about is money and status. They act as if they are moral, but are willing to give up all scruples for financial gain. I agree with the above poster that they are antisocial, but antisocial in the psychopathic sense since they lack feelings and only care about money and status. They also hate foreigners and will only talk to you if they have social or financial gain.Had enough of the Swiss 11 Wrz 2008, 07:18 - Zgłoś nadużycie -
Move to Austria or Switzerland?
Austria and Switzerland are very bautiful countries.But please dont live in any of this countries.People in both countries are very rude and unfriendly.I would stay in th US or, I would rather move to the UK if I where you.One can not compare people in the UK with people in Austria or Switzerland. for me UK is the most frienliest country in the world
sympaticus 01 Lut 2009, 03:38 - Zgłoś nadużycie -
austria or switzerland? reply
good call sympaticus, have moved to austria from the uk and am FAST learning that!!!!
eb 31 Mar 2009, 10:30 - Zgłoś nadużycie -
Racists,close minded bankers and rude idiots.........
This is so here in Switzerland.It is a 22 Maj 2009, 03:03 - Zgłoś nadużycie -
This is a perfect description of Switzerland.All conservative "middle age times" minded idiots from every country (of course there are some exceptions) are here. Fine looking/behaving people with a very rude and hidden mentality behind the eyes.Swiss discrimination in according to nationality is another national misery-drama.
The main problem of 3th reich and middle european countries are always the same: They are trying to associate the system called democracy with very old & dangerous religious and racist mentalities/roots from dark middle age times.This is the reason why Switzerland seems as everything is controlled by neutralisation police everywhere in the country.Swiss are rude/close minded people with a lot of studies for seeming nice,fine and modern to others but they will never change their miserable primitive mentality.Please do not try to punish those miserable creatures.Because living with such a horrible mentality is already a great punishment for the soul of humankind.Finally, this country seems as nothing else than a limited old rubbish pack blended with gold and its pit bulls around.Good luck for everybody who is forced to spend a life in this golden hatter 24 Maj 2009, 09:50 - Zgłoś nadużycie -
What the hell...
Hello, i am from Autria. I live near the swiss borderzone. When i read the posts above i felt like my eyes will pop out of my head. Every year we have many american tourists and they all are excited and want to come back. In my Opinion the Austrians are nice and open minded people. Ok, the swiss people definitly are a little bit rude but when you know them better their behavior gets even nicer. U just need to understand them. Not every country has the same mentality and when you visit another country you have to respect that. Its just part of their culture.
In Austria we have much more climates than Switzerland. Switzerland is just as big as a single State of Austria. Just for the post above.
The next thing is that not EVERY austrian, swiss or german guy is a nazi. For us, something like this sounds really disgusting. When i read about KKK and other american racists, what should i believe? That every american that lives in the south is a nazi? And you guys call us not open minded?Two sides of the same coin.
Austria and Swiss are very beautiful in summer for hiking or mountainbiking, climbing, paragliding etc. In Winter you can do every sport that needs snowbut only october and november are more grey than something other.
Well, if you travel to austria or switzerland is not really a difference, just the people in austria are more friendly.
P.S. please excuse my bad english 8)Dorian 28 Maj 2009, 01:43 - Zgłoś nadużycie -
Hilfe es BRENNT!!! Wer hilf uns???? Neu anfang in Ostereich!!!
Gruss Gott liebe Leute,
Wir haben ei grosses Problemm , aber Problemen sind um gelosst zu werden.
Wir haben die moglichkeit um in Osterich existenz zu machen.
Da ist nur ein Problemm, Ich kampfe schonn seit Neun Jahren um aufenthalt in die Niederlande zu bekommen fur meine Gattin aus der Ukraine die uberigens auch die Mutter ist vonn unsere Zwei Kinder vonn 4 & 8 Jahren.
Wir haben beiden die Elternliche macht (nach gericht) uber die Kinder.
Wir sind nicht verheiratet aber haben einen zusammenlebensvertragg.
In die Niederlande hat sie noch keinen aufenthaltsgenehmigung wofur wir immer noch kampfen.
Das dauert schonn seit NEUN Jahren und sind es mehr als SATT!!!
Was muss Ich tun um mit meiner Fammilie aufenthalt zu bekommen in Ostereich???
Wo muss Ich sein um diese "problemen"zu beweltigen???
Wer hilft uns???
Danke in voraus,
Mit freundlichen grussen,
Dennie , Galina, Anastasia & Alexandr.Dennie Peijs 26 Lip 2009, 09:03 - Zgłoś nadużycie -
Hi I like it your message.
How are you
I am Joginder Kashyap
From India, State Haryana, Distt. Kurukshetra, Tehsil Pehowa
I join with u Austria/Swiss
Plz Full Detail your resume and Ph. no.
Send message my Mail [email removed] / 09896533280Joginder 01 Sie 2009, 07:16 - Zgłoś nadużycie