Easy money

  • Do you want to earn money?

    You can earn thousands of dollars In 3 Weeks...!
    Do you want to get money?
    Do you want to change your life better? Do you want to be independent?
    All that You need is PayPal and 9$ on your account!
    (If you haven't registration than you can do it on www.paypal.com. It will take 20 minutes and no more.It's free)
    What is it 9$? It's Price of 2 Happy Meals only!
    There is nothing comparing with your future opportunities! Now You can change your life better!
    You will never regret if you do this!
    When I saw the same announcement at first time my idea was that it's trick.At first I thought that it's rip-off!
    But I was very interested at it and tried it!
    But then I have changed my mind because In five days ago I was really amazed!
    I saw real money,real 26257$ on my PayPal account! And now I get money on PayPal account every day!
    My income is growing very fast every day!
    It's unbelieverable! But It works! And I advise You to take part in it!
    Do you want to be a participant!(It is very easy!) Do you want to get money?
    Do you want to change your life better? Do you want to be independent?
    Ok! I'm sure that You are reading this article with great interest!
    You must know that there is no illegal information and there is no scam in this letter!!!

    Read this things you should do to earn money:
    1) With your PayPal account Send only 1.5$ to each e-mail addresses listed below!
    1. [email removed]
    2. [email removed]
    3. [email removed]
    4. [email removed]
    5. [email removed]
    6. [email removed]
    2) After you have sent 1.5$ to each e-mail addresses, remove the first e-mail address at the list above.
    Then put your e-mail address on the 6th position.
    And move numbers of each e-mail address on 1 step.
    3) Then save this announcement(as a copy).
    4) Use your search engines(GOOGLE or other) to find forums and chat sites.
    Then post it changed letter(with your e-mail address) to other forums and sites! It's very important!

    There are some statistics data for you:
    if from the 200 (or more) messages you have posted on forums,you will get only 6 responds(at least), you will take your first invested 9$(6*1.5=9) back!
    These 6 people will send at least 200 messages with your e-mail address! So this letter with your your e-mail address will be more and more popular!
    Popularity of your announcement will be growing! So You will be getting more and more money-thousands of dollars!
    And Your income will depend only on You!(than more letters you send than more money you will get) It will be your honest money!
    You must know that there are many people in the internet which will be interested at this letter and answer You! And You will take your money!
    Be quickly! It is your chance!
    So, do some efforts and you can turn your life!!!
    GOOD LUCK!!!
    If You have some problems or difficulties with it then ask me!
    My second e-mail address:[email removed]

    22 dec 2007, 05:11 Tom
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