Where can you study Medicine and take the USMLE exam after graduation ???

  • You can study Medicine or Dentistry in Kosice in Slovakia in English and take the USMLE exams just after or during the studies.

    It is a very good option if you would like to have a degree up to EU standards since Program is according to the EU norms and standards. Diploma is accepted by all countries in EU and on the world.

    The standards and the conditions of the Uni are very good. Moreover since January 2009 the currency there is Euro. The cost of accommodation (dormitory) is approx. 80 euro per month. Books are for free and the tuition doesn’t change for 6 years. Tuition fee is 8500 Euros/year for the Medicine and 9000 Euros/year for Dentistry.

    Kosice Medical University – ( Pavol Jozef Safarik University ) also offers the possibility of having the last year of study in the country of your origin or any other country that student would like to. This Master Program is also very good if the students are thinking about the USMLE exam.

    You can also see details of the Programs on the page here if you would like to
    http://www.studiesineurope.com or contact us for details [email removed]

    20 jul 2009, 01:17 Studies in Europe
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