HIIII 18 >>>>>
MUHY 11 feb 2009, 12:15 - Rapporteer misbruik
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FREE Call to Pakistan Landline and Mobile
- hi
- w/salam
- salaam
- New method to make Cheap International calls
- 02 charging 0844 and 0870 for all contracts
- Orange Mobiles can call Pakistan FREE
- slam
- from landline just 3p per minute to any pakistan no. its soooo simple
- jst for checking
- love
- hello
- Hi
- O2 free calls
- how com i ben charged
- is this correct
- New number?
- number india
- Caution!!!!!!!!!!
- Asslamoalikum
- From 02 call Pakistan using free minutes
- slaam
- Rec. calls free from pakistan 2 Uk
- Cheap calls to Pakistan mobile - now just 1p per minute!
- about free access number
- Thanks Fahad
- hi
- Call FREE India, Pakistan From Orange & O2 CPW Contract !
- call pakistan less than 1 p from ur landline
- call pakistan less than 1 penny from ur landline
- free calls
- mobile calls to pakistan
- Hi Adeel
- salam
- i love pakistan
- Cheap calls to Pakistan
- call me plz
- Call from Dubai to Karachi
- bad news
- read this
- free calls to pakistan
- Put up an absolutely free number!
- free call
- 3G
- Call to Pakistan
- shahid
- call
- I Want free calls in Pakistan
- Salam
Deze forums zijn niet langer actief. Als je een nieuwe discussie wilt starten, ga dan naar onze nieuwe
Verenigd Koninkrijk Forums.
Bedankt, je bericht is verstuurd.