searching for a room in Barcelona

  • Hi!
    I'm Adriana and I'm italian. I will come to Barcelona in January 2009 and I'm searching for a room not much expensive.
    Can somebodt help me?
    Thank you!
    It's my email address: [email removed]

    25 Nov 2008, 11:32 Adriana
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  • Cheap apartment Barcelona

    I think you can find what you're looking for

    Maria 26 Nov 2008, 01:04 - Denuncia
  • Living in the centre of Barcelona

    I was living in Barcelona for 4 months. During this time I stayed in an apartment together with 3 other young people in the city centre of Barcelona...I really enjoyed roommates were awesome and the apartment was clean, lately renovated and furthermore in my favorit district: Eixample......just have a look at

    Good luck!!

    Carola 01 Dic 2008, 05:30 - Denuncia
  • Living in the centre of Barcelona II

    I'm sorry I noticed that I made a typing error: The correct Internet address is:

    Carola 01 Dic 2008, 05:40 - Denuncia
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