Thinking of moving to the UK

  • What is the bare minimum document I need to get into the UK and hold while I look for a job ??

    Visa only ??
    Work Permit ??

    Looking to become a resident, and any help would be great. Thank you.

    05 août 2005, 10:16 Anonymous
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  • Any Help is Appreciated!

    My name is Christiian. I live in the States. It is my desire to start a life within the uk. I am thinking London area. I am a bright intelligent 23 year old male and adapt quickly. I am just overwhelmed with knowing where to start? Jobs, Housing, how much money is needed to move, are there companies that sponsor people? Anyone interested in helping please contact me direct at [email removed].
    Eternaly Grateful...Christiian Xavier DeLorca

    Anonymous 17 déc 2005, 08:34 - Signaler un abus
  • Busco trabajo

    Hola mi nombre es Estefanía,soy Argentina. En dos meses me estoy yendo a vivir a Inglaterra y por tal motivo estoy en busca de un trabajo; ya sea temporario o permanente.
    Soy relacionista publica y tambien me dedico a la organizacion de eventos, de todo tipo. Tengo experiencia trabajando con grupos de personas y coordinandolos tambien.
    Mi ingles es muy bueno, ya que aparte de haber tomado un curso intensivo de ingles en Oxford a fines de 2006, tambien tengo mucho contacto con gente nativa.

    Mis correos son:
    [email removed]
    [email removed]
    Desde ya muchas gracias.

    EStefania 05 mai 2008, 03:09 - Signaler un abus
  • busco trabajo en inglaterra

    hola me llamo yoel soy un chico de 20 años que vive en españa,quiero mudarme a inglaterra y buskar alli trabajo me da igual de lo que sea cuanto mas peligroso y arriesgado mejor pues la remuneracion sera mayor mi correo es [email removed]

    yoel sanz de siria perez 09 mai 2008, 05:19 - Signaler un abus
  • Please Help to Get Job

    Dear Sir/Mam

    My name is Makarand living in India (Mangalore). I am an undergraduate and have 2 years experience in international BPO Technical (customer service). Working as a Technical Support Representative in Diya Systems (Web hosting company) from June 2006 to till date.
    Roles: To Chat with the customers regarding the issue and to resolve the issue and also, to send e-mails to the customers regarding their questions. We have to use SSH Secure Shell scripts to access customer web files and correct the scripting issues. Endurance International (USA) ( provides shared Web hosting services to its clients. Diya Systems has a project engagement with Endurance to provide Web and system Support to its customers. Please let me know if my profile suits any of your requirements.

    My email address is: [email removed]
    Age: - 23

    Thanking You

    Makarand 21 mai 2008, 01:01 - Signaler un abus
  • Expecting for a suitable job in uk

    I am Sri Lankan Medical doctor work for Sri Lanka & Foreign Government Hospitals since 1999.
    I have extensive experience within the Medical sector which already included foreign experience as a senior medical officer in Seychelles; Mainly in Medicine wards, P.C U, and Medical Clinics and as a Family Practitioner.I provide emotional care and personal support to patients and give specially medical assistance. I am self motivated and hard working Medical officer with experience in all aspects of related areas such as community medicine, Cardio Pulmonary resuscitation, Heart diseases & Diabetes, Primary trauma care management, Human rights and Medical ethics. I am seeking a position to gain relevant International experience toward as a Medical officer.
    I like to work in U K in medical Field,in the Any suitable post relevent to my experience.

    I am willing to work under private sector, Medical Group, or Good Employer.
    Any one interested to provide me Work permit, or Job visa, pl contract.

    My E mail address is [email removed]
    Thanking you,

    Mahinda 25 oct 2008, 11:49 - Signaler un abus
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