I Dr Manzoor Ahmad Dar Completed MBBS from Saint Petersburg State
Medical Academy after named I.I.Michnikova Russia in 1999.I have finished one year internship course and one year junior Residency in Accidental and Emergencies Medicine.
Presently I am working in Jammu and Kashmir Health Services as a General Practitioner last six years.
I want to apply for a job as G.P./ Resident/Medical Officer/General Physician in your country, So I have Most humble request to your good self kindly inform me as early on the following contact which is given below:-
Name: Dr Manzoor Ahmad Dar
C/o: Gulshan carpets
Saida kadal, Rainawari
Srinager-3, Kashmir
Phone: 01942425292
Cell: 09419063006
Mail: [email removed]
07 juil 2007, 09:45 Dr Manzoor Ahmad Dar