Schools for English speakers

  • I may be moving to Hamburg (from England) because of work. My son is 17 and currently in his 1st year of A-levels. He's studying French but has no German at the moment. Does anyone know if there are high schools in Hamburg which cater for English-speaking students?

    23 déc 2004, 01:05 Anonymous
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  • International school Hamburg

    Hi! You might want to try out the International School Hamburg: They're teaching in English. Good luck on your move!

    Anonymous 27 déc 2004, 10:32 - Signaler un abus
  • help please

    my name is Lida Rahmani and I am an Australian who is here for work experience in Augsburg. I was wondering first of all, How to apply for a residents visa since I am going to be here more than 3 months and I alreay have a work permit. The second thing is on the subject of learning German. Is there any centers in Augburg that I can go to.

    Anonymous 02 fév 2005, 12:01 - Signaler un abus
  • I.S

    Hi Lida,
    wen u come back we should catch up!

    Anonymous 16 sept 2005, 07:19 - Signaler un abus
  • Living in Giessen

    Hi, my name is Andhika Rachman, Indonesian. I plan to study in Giessen (klin the middle of Nopember.
    But I don't know about the situation (market,people habit)and also the living cost.
    Could you tell me about this infomation or is there any website provide about this information?

    Thank you

    Andhika Rachman 17 oct 2007, 12:41 - Signaler un abus
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