Min. Timeperiod to return

  • Hello,

    I am working in india and have come to Germany on deputation to my parent company for the past 4 years. Now i have to go back to India. If i want to come back and work again with my parent company again on deputation, what should be the minimum period of stay in INDIA?

    Thanks in advance.

    10 août 2005, 02:29 Anonymous
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  • No wait

    I believe you only need to return to India and apply for the proper visa- the entire process could take several weeks to several months. I am not sure the exact laws, since I am from the US. Since you were working here before, you should only need to return to India, apply for the proper papers and once processed, return to Germany without a specific wait period.
    If I can find the link with the infomation, I will send it. (I have a lot of information and useful web links- just need to locate the exact one).

    Anonymous 12 août 2005, 09:54 - Signaler un abus
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