Cheap accomodation in Berlin

  • For those that plan to go to Berlin: I was really surprised to find out how cheap accomodations are over here! Before I came here, everybody told me that Germany was really expensive. But in Berlin, you can get a nice room in a share flat for 250 Euros a month. A flat you can get for 400-500 Euros (around 50-60 sqm!). So if anybody plans to move to Berlin, don't worry about accomodation, it's cheap an easy to find!

    24 oct 2004, 01:29 Anonymous
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  • Finding flats in Berlin

    You're right. I got my an apartment through mitwohnzentrale, right in Friedrichshein, and I'm only paying 370 Euros a month. For anyone looking for housing in Berlin: Check out They refer you to sublets and have some good offers most of the time... Enjoy your stay!!! ;o)

    Anonymous 19 nov 2004, 12:02 - Signaler un abus
  • The Whole Moving Experience


    I am an American living in Florida with dreams of moving to Berlin. I actually don't really know where to start. I am lucky as I have a strong network of friends over there but they don't know much about what Americans must do to move there.

    What should be my first priority? Those who moved there, how do you support yourself? Did you find a job before moving there or while being there? Did you already speak German or did you learn once you were living there for a while?

    Any help, suggestions would be sooooo appreciated.


    Anonymous 26 nov 2004, 05:16 - Signaler un abus
  • Living and working in Berlin

    I thoroughly recommend the website. Your first priority is to find a place to live and the rent here is incredibly cheap. Make sure you come with at least SOME cash in the bank to get you through any period of no work. On the job side - there seems to be a shortage and I know quite a few Germans leaving Berlin to head to Munich and other parts of Bavaria where there is currently an economic boom. There are however thousands of coffee bars, cocktail bars, restaurants, clubs etc. so if you don't mind that kind of work you'll be fine. As far as the language goes - I've rarely come across people who can't speak at least some basic English. I can't speak German and I know people who've lived here 10 years and still can't speak it. Good luck!

    Anonymous 29 jan 2005, 09:39 - Signaler un abus
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