germany sucks
it is over, Germany is full with nazis, and the east germany sucks.
It is ugly (not all), dirty and the ppl always sad... (not everybody but a 95% YESSSS)
i cant understand them, why can´t they enjoy the life???
Sorry but germany sucks.11 mars 2007, 02:10 new york man
The symbol "Schwarzes Kreuz" is very different from the 1940 Kreuz:
^^This is the symbol of the Bundeswehr today.
^^This is the Kreuz ("Balkenkreuz"which was used from 1916 until 1945. It was not all the time a Nazi Kreuz.
And also much Germans were killed. After WW II the Prussian Germans were ejected form their assets. Women were assaulted so.
Germany don´t have a growing number of Nazis, Germany have got a growing number of lefts. The party "Die Linke" gets much votes. Te NPD loses a lot of members.
If you make a demonstration, you will get a lot of friends in Germany. Most of the Germans are against racism and Nazis. Every week are great demonstarions aganist the NPD, the government wants to ban them (they want to start a lawsiut at the Bundesverfassungsgericht).Hallo 18 déc 2008, 10:23 - Signaler un abus -
I hate Greece,Spain,USA,Great Britain,Romania and Hungary too.
So what´s your point paolo?
But most of them all, I hate you Paolo, you jew ass licking filthy son of a bitch. Go shoot yourself.Prometheus 22 déc 2008, 06:40 - Signaler un abus -
first to all those "get the f*** of this board"-babbler: this is the worldwide web, we germans can enter any site (not like in china), so why shouldn't we read your (outdated, dumb) prejustices about us/me? i got two "black" people at work, one of it is leads his own department! we got turkish, russian, african employess. we are a good team, we are all germans. our customers are threatened like anyone else! and i also never saw "uneducated people" on the streets. weird, huh? i never saw a nazi. kinda odd, isn't it? i am so sick of some overweight americans sitting in front of their computers typing such crap about our (definiately) dark history. i am born in 1990, so i am a young, modern german, educated (multiple graduation), in my own flat already, working, beeing tolerant, meet with foreigners and having fun and working with them. the only thing what i hear from 18 year old americans is "omg germany suxxxxx". how dumb can a single person be?
i am bit shocked when i read this topic; i really think many of you never had been in germany. and - many of you "non-germans" wrote even more racist, dumb, senseless posts than the germans here. "you" hate "us" (?? even those thoughts are so outdated and childish) because we are racist or whatever, but you also are racist by hatung "us" (germans).
what's about summer '06? did we killed soccer-fans? did you saw nazis? doesn't the "bundeswehr" help to fight worldwide harzards such as terrorism or the pirates.
i really want to know all of you poster here were you had been in germany. i guess 80% of the "germany sucks"-sayer can't answer...
(p.s.: why are there so many immigrants? about 8 millions? they come to germany because they hate us/fear us? they came to us from other countries because they like to expect they get killed by nazis?)..
i wonder if some of you "clever" and "educated" people out of germany make an intelligent response.Another (annoyed) german... 22 déc 2008, 10:46 - Signaler un abus -
yeahh the naive bigheaded americans XDDD
heyy guys..xd jeahh you f***ing lardasses, do you watch to much tv or where are the absurd infos from?? i fall about laugthing whenn i read your texts° this show how are the racists here. the accusations are nerves something we said is racialist all we do is racialist we are allways the nazis xd. and we are sooo ugly(jeah and why i´m f***ing american girls)? we smell(yes we have better houses :d and bathrooms than you with your cardboard houses and have the money to shower us)? we are boring(i have my every week party with my freidns in discos or at home the german teenagers go to party with 13 years, we dont to do this secret like you and f*** all over the place like bitches)? we are ignorant and silly xdd ( i´m 16 years old and can speak 4 languages: my motherlanguag german, english and france from school and turkish i have learned from my foreigners friends ;d )?
we are unfriendly and unfashionable (off course i´m unfriendly to sooo discourteous w****sons to venture to slander me and my land and yes maybee you are better clothed than me but without it your clothes dont make your gollom body prettier)?
you forgot what germany all contrived we was the nation of poets and philosophers^^ and @ the cripple who has wrote the abusive language on german i say one:
du dreckiger basstard wage es dir noch einmal auf meiner sprache zu schreiben traust du dich nich auf enlisch zu schreiben du jämmerlicher hundesohn arschgeficktes dreckskind wenn es zum krieg kommen sollte sehen wir uns und ich werde bei jeden den ich die kehle ausbluten lasse an dich denken. sowelche kenne ich wie dich hier nen dicken machen und dann wenn ich sie sehe auf der straße mein schwanz lutschenT.H. 23 déc 2008, 02:05 - Signaler un abus -
Germans are ass holes
i've been to germany many times as well as other european countries. ALL germans are ass holes. They think they are better than others and the fact is their country is a shit hole. I wish america would have dropped several a bombs on them to abolish their shit race.
klaus coloneatenheinbergstein 23 déc 2008, 11:40 - Signaler un abus -
Hey T.H.
T.H. your english sucks. why don't you get an education and learn to write and spell. Stay in germany and have intercourse with your relatives. The whole world knows that germans inter-bred for several hundred years because they would not breed outside of their race. This is the reason you people are inferior and the rest of the world kicked your asses in WWII. You are like a mut dog.... too much interbreeding.
Germans suck 23 déc 2008, 11:45 - Signaler un abus -
Prometheus you are a poor peasant living like a shit dog in the street. I am a wealthy American.. Yes, I know the rest of the world hates America. but who gives a shit. I live in a multimillion dollar house, have several autos, am retired, (don't travel to germany anymore.. too many ass holes), have no debt. I win, you loose. so when you work all day for a loaf of bread only to go to your shit, dark, cold house think of me. Please respond, it only makes me feel better to know that you are hurting.
hatePrometheus 23 déc 2008, 11:50 - Signaler un abus -
germany sucks
germany really really sucks...miserable people miserable govornment just bloody miserable
m 23 déc 2008, 02:47 - Signaler un abus -
Jetzt geht´s aber los hier!
Some comments here are so fascistic and racist that I´m really scared! I´ll make student exchange next year to the US, but if I read comments like this I must be very careful to say I´m German. Why are you so hateful? Do you feel powerful when you abase Germans?
Hallo 23 déc 2008, 06:11 - Signaler un abus -
T.H. learned turkish from your 'friends' = you are too embarrased to admit you are 'deutsche, tuekisher abstammung'. If your turkish family had gone to almost any New World country you would not have been forced to wait 2 generations for a passport, and been forced to become 'gastarbeiter' which along with 'blitzkrieg' and 'schadenfreude' is the most known German word in the English language. It was only the EU which forced the German government to change this but even now you have to chose between 2 passports. In most New World countries and the UK, you can have 2 passports!
Ted 23 déc 2008, 09:56 - Signaler un abus -
germany is cool!!!!!
You suck like your mum!!!
germany is cool!!!max 24 déc 2008, 10:13 - Signaler un abus -
germany kill you with a A-bomb
You are rellay dead Chicano Pride
Deutschland5 24 déc 2008, 10:19 - Signaler un abus -
Deutschland tötet alle die deutschland hassen
fickt euch alle in den arsch ihr hundesöhne
Leonardo DiCaprio is half german and half amarikan
Bruce willes is in germany born!!!Deutschland is besser als ihr!!! 24 déc 2008, 10:24 - Signaler un abus -
hohoho first at you stressing people merry christmas too!
jehaa ;d no ted i´m not half german, 90% of my friends are turkish, kurdish or afghan...
in my bloodline are only germans my grandpa was in the npd but this was the forerunner generation but i hate peaoples too they said thats germany sucks the most of them are idiots how believes that adolf hitler is be alive.
when i see you in reality then i wanna see the people say this again my friendds would help me to break your big gob. and i have relations in chicaco and know how are the abject antiquated racists! and our rules are silly??? you have the land with the asinines rules.. additionally you are reapeating :d all the time nazi, nazi, silly, american is better.
tell this your mummis and do incest again or assf*** with your homos. @ hateprometheus : yes you have money but what have the rest in your land? nothing they eat shit we have a ballanced system by us dont exust only arm and to be rich look on your f***ing health insurance :d we dont need us headaches about this. and yes im not perfect in english but show me that in my language like your written text is miserable^^T.H. 24 déc 2008, 04:43 - Signaler un abus -
I am german and I think this discussion is really sad.
I dont know if the American people are not honest in reality but I asked many people here in South Carolina about Germany and about their opinion about germany and I never heard something negative like here.
There was lack of knowledge mainly, when i heard some people asking me if there are cars and trees in Germany. Even though most of the people were interested and wanted to learn about me and Germany, and there were people, who didnt care at all.
So I have to tell all Germans here, not every American is ignorant like that and hates Germany like some of the people here in this forum.
I think everywhere in every country, there are bad places, bad people, racists....
But it is ignorant and stupid to say "All Germans.. all Russian.. all Jews...
I dont think, there are many Nazis in Germany at all, because there are many people from other countries, especially from Turkey, who come to our country and get paid by the governemnt or work in Germany.
Most of the posts here are not helpful at all and the opinion of some Germans and Americans shocked me deeply, but I still think, not the majority of the world's population is like that.
I think Germany and the States are awesome places to live, with good and bad people.. 25 déc 2008, 08:46 - Signaler un abus -
ok,yes no one here is saying that all germans are racist,but the 90%,ohh yes,face it lier.its just that they dont tell you in your face.germans made very bad things in the past,so if you know what i not all this hate just an accident.anyway, im glad that you have a better life now (im sure)faraway from cold,unfriendly people,rude,racist.and just one question for you,if you say that germany,is so perfect ,why you live in america,why you live your paradise on earth???????????
sunrise 25 déc 2008, 07:57 - Signaler un abus -
germans suck
German people will only be nice to you if you are about to give them money. Otherwise, they show their real face (the one that killed 6 million) Stayed there for a short while, but I can give two very distinctive examples: First, on my way back from Amsterdam to Cologne on the ICE, a 3-people family literally stole my seat, forced me to sit in the backward-looking seat (my place was at the forward-looking seat), and when I told them about that, the fat german guy with the moustache said "Yes, yoog place iz zee" so that her spoiled stupid girl could sit in my seat. Secondly, just as we were about to park the car and switched to the reverse gear, a man just slipped into our space. When we reacted, he just smiled and acted like nothing happened. These happened during only a 6-day visit, and are considered very rude in every culture but apparently not in scheisse german culture. I guarantee that no such events would happen in any other civilized country, I had much longer and frequent visits to nearly all western countries, some middle eastern countries and japan. they wouldn't happen even in those middle eastern countries that germans like to condescend frequently. and the fact that inherently they always feel they are superior to and more intelligent to other races, well, that's just funnier that watching george w. bush trying to eat a pretzel
(don't start saying all germans are like that, of course not, but when you observe a society you observe the mean behavior)
holopainen 25 déc 2008, 09:30 - Signaler un abus -
Who the hell believes you??
Der Hans (Dutch) 26 déc 2008, 08:18 - Signaler un abus -
your e-mail address is from germany i think like you write english and by your statement, that you NEEVEr ever
been in america and dont have to live with their rules
Tobias again 28 déc 2008, 02:23 - Signaler un abus -
you live in a multimillion dollar ;D house???
HAHAyes like the rest in america how think they have money !!! BUT they have nothing!! You have only credits on your houses your land is indebted. german banks have give you money that your banks not going to bankruptcy. you have maNY credits from china
F*** of your wealthy America!!you have the financial crisis i could fake that i have money too and do credits and more credits XD go pay off your debts and SHUT UP miserable wretch You are really ridiculous!!!!
??? 28 déc 2008, 09:36 - Signaler un abus -
I want to say something about your "parking problem": In Germany, you can drive often (!) on the freeway as fast as you want. This could be the reason. Germans drive very perilously, that's a part of our culture. This sounds crazy, but it's true. If somebody in Germany "steals" your car-park, a German would call this guy "Arschloch" (asshole) and would begin a conflict with this person. In America are harder disciplines for driving too fast and so on.
In Italy are the drivers also "very rude". It's a part of the culture.Hallo 29 déc 2008, 04:44 - Signaler un abus -
my opinion
i'm greek ,i was born and lived in germany for 11 years.I have to say that germany is an ugly place,dirty and most of the people are rude and not friendly(some of them are friendly only if they drink)There are some nice places but very few compared to the ugly and dirty ones.And all of these are more obvious if you visit other european countries and make a comparison.A plus for me is that i like the food(underated),the beer and the good salary for some jobs.Most negative is:dirty,boring(not many things to do)german women are inferior compared to women from the other european countries,many people have poor hygiene,some places remind me of third world counrty and the educational standards are poor.
Kwstas 30 déc 2008, 03:22 - Signaler un abus -
forgot to say
oh i forgot to say that although nearly all of the german women are ugly , they are direct,they are very open minded and most importantly:they dont WHINE exactly the opposite of mediterranean women.
Kwstas 30 déc 2008, 03:39 - Signaler un abus -
germany is great
Germany is gorgeous, i have family there and think the history and scenery is just wonderous. You really should appreciate the finer things in life. food is great, people, the land itself, the culture. It is a very happy place to be. Everyone i've ever met in my life who have been there love it, i would live there if i had it my way and am working on it. Germany is art!
german bred 02 jan 2009, 07:17 - Signaler un abus -
i live in germany and i am an american. My husband is in the us Army. The germans are rude too me and treat me like i am a moron. The hospital was the worst. They are racist i have seen it. Americanized Germans are ok..but most suck hate to say it! Its not a terrible place very clean and nice. The people could lighten up thought and not be assholes.
crystal 02 jan 2009, 07:55 - Signaler un abus -
Germany is full of racist faggots
If you're a man of colour (I'm Indian), Germany is certainly not the place to be. Germans are cold, xenophobic and detest anyone that is not German, the so-called Master Aryan race. They will constantly stare at you with a look of suspicion and hatred, won't give you directions if you can't speak German and in general, make you feel miserable in their company.
Take my advice -Save your money and move to more enlightened places like the UK, Italy or even France (even though there's a language barrier). Let the racist, Nazi Germans go to hell. Not worth your time.PJH 06 jan 2009, 04:02 - Signaler un abus -
here are so many guys from the USA who think german people would be a shit race ancestors.
I hope you us-american guys know how much german blodd dou do have in your body or how much german bloss does have your best friend in his body.
Even many hollywoodstars do have german ancestors:
some of them are
Bruce Willis
Angelina Jolie
Leonardo di Caprio
and so on
If it really was so then the US-americans should have bombed their own nation. Because most of the us-americans have.Me 06 jan 2009, 06:56 - Signaler un abus -
Sandra Bullock has a german motherMe 06 jan 2009, 06:59 - Signaler un abus -
........Because most of the us-americans do have german ancestors
Me 06 jan 2009, 07:01 - Signaler un abus -
Yes there are a lot of German-Americans, German-Australians, German-Canadians, German-Brits etc etc. In fact, about 2 million Germans have left Germany since 1945. And how many American-Germans, Australian-Germans etc etc are there in Germany? Hardly any in comparison with the number of Germans who left/are still leaving. Why? Maybe Germany is not such a great place to live?
Ted 06 jan 2009, 07:22 - Signaler un abus -
Well Ted, you know as i know that so many germans went to america because of political reasons in the past and also just to start a knew live in a new place with a lot of space.
Yes, there are still going people to america, but also americans go to other places in the world.
Nowadays there are very many people immigrating to germany in order to find a better place to live.
Apart of that some us-people here in this forum speak about the german race. And if they think about such a race then they have to know that many people of their own nation have ancestors from the german the us-american nation has a big part of german blood in itself.Me 06 jan 2009, 07:39 - Signaler un abus -
there are more then 2 millon americans from germany in your nation.
Many years before 1945 have come germans to the USA. 06 jan 2009, 07:43 - Signaler un abus -
"Nowadays there are very many people immigrating to germany in order to find a better place to live." Wrong. For example, there are 120,000 german-born residents of Australia, but only about 9,000 Australian-born residents of Germany. Australia has 1/4 the population of germany, so there should be a about half a million australian-born residents of germany. Why don't the other 450,000+ migrate to the fantastic country of germany, full of friendly and cultivated people, beautiful mountains, great food and beer, cheap rents, with a big shortage of occupations like engineers, and right in the middle of europe?
Ted 07 jan 2009, 11:35 - Signaler un abus -
Germany sucks ?
1. Yes my english is simple - but i´m not ashame though it´s the international language and necessary. But i needn´t ashame ... You can´t demand, that everywhere you go people speak english well. Who are you americans that you blame people not to rule english for the american superior humans when they visit their countries? What second language do YOU speak?
2. Yes we are difficoult, a little bit cold and closed. But you can warm us up with a open minded and relaxing charakter. Just try it!
3. In Germany people want you to make the first step, even if you´re the guest. But this isn´t because of our hate to foreigners, but we are very shy, we´ve problems to initiate a talk with someone we don´t know.
4. Yes unfortunately people with a darker skin like the turks (about 5 Million are from turkish descend), arabs or coloured people don´t have it easy in Germany. In general we didn´t realize yet that we are an immigration nation, we aren´t open minded like we think about ourselves. The media and the teachers teach us, that Germany is a tolerant land and that Germany is the best Land to live after Scandinavia. So we aren´t aware, that we are a little backwards
5. You americans have the same problems with missing open mind. This is what I must read in many forums between or with americans. You just content with your (without doubts) great and diverse nation. You blame the blacks to be more criminal (don´t deny it, I read it time and again in comments)like the Germans do with the turks and russians and your system discriminates the poor, the weak, the unfit and the unskilled
6. Why should a australian move to Germany. The life standard is similar and the land is wide and sunny
7. Every individual is different. Germany and America are not excluded of this natural law ...TypicalGerman 07 jan 2009, 03:49 - Signaler un abus -
Stop this trash
Some posters here are lying fakes. They aren´t greek, mexican, didn´t live several years in Germany and so on. Even a fool speaks in this manner about people after having experience in foreign cultures. They´re only a few users with changing Names
The same on the other side
It seems to be a useless teenage discussionTypicalGerman 07 jan 2009, 04:23 - Signaler un abus -
Germany don't sucks
Hello, I come from Venezuela, and also I had the opportunity to visit Germany a couple of times, and I have to say that I disagree with the opinion that Germany sucks, The first time I went to Germany I’ve to confess that I was really afraid, mostly regarding some comments that I’ve read about racism and all that kind of stuffs.
Well, when I finally arrived Germany. I found a generous and hospitality people living there, also I had the opportunity of making some good friends!
Of course you can find racism, rude people, sad people and the other things that you are mention. But in my opinion it is just a minority. The true is that you can find bad people there like in any other country, not only in Germany.
The important thing is to be open mind anytime you visit any country and mainly the most important “not to generalize”Serhs 07 jan 2009, 06:11 - Signaler un abus -
Role of state
"""In year 2008, the whole apartment with families with Turkish roots were burnt up!"""
There is no evidence for that. You can´t arrest a suspectet committer, if you don´t habe proofs
But we can´t exclude this horrible theory. I could have been even the state to cause affilations between Germans and Turks. Every nation state use false flag operation for their interest. That´s a sad fact all over the world
In spring 2008, a Moroccan guy was murdered in Cologne and no action was taken against the German-German murderers...
"""In September 2008, Neo-Nazis protest is happening organized and backed up by Pro-Koeln (a local fascist party from Cologne) & a main German party Republikana whose 1st motive is to get rid of foreigners written on their official website and by Austrian political parties"""
1.Every european country has it´s xenophobia party - you just must inform
2. Yes the NPD is not only xenophobic, but even a Nazi- party. Our secret service is in need of them them, so that the conservative party and some media (publishing company "springer", der spiegel and others)fit their election campaign to right- wing- interests.
But believe me: Especially in Austria much more people elect two very xenophobic parties (FPÖ) more than in Germany all extrem right parties together
Mostly German demonstrants prevented a trans- national meeting of themTypicalGerman 08 jan 2009, 01:54 - Signaler un abus -
Don´t talk without any backgrounds
"""In spring 2008, a Moroccan guy was murdered in Cologne and no action was taken against the German-German murderers..."""
Do you know the context?
This maroccan boy tried to rob with his friend from this german- russian guy his mobile, he defenced hisself with a knife and killed the maroccan boy, but surely unintended
But after that every day demonstrations of immigrants took place and the police tolerated it. But even the brother of the killed maroccan boy admitted, that it was a tragical case and not a murderer with rasist background, because the maroccan boy and his friend attacked the german- russian boy.
I don´t justify the german state at all, but be fair ...
In America, the Police would habe made more troubleTypivalGerman 08 jan 2009, 10:36 - Signaler un abus -
Oh Dear!
I'm a German living in the UK and that's why I can probably say what it feels like for someone visiting/moving to another country.
I think you will find rudeness and racism in any other country in the world, not just in Germany. And then, it always depends what you see as being rude, or what you call racism.
There's a saying in Germany " Wie man in den Wald ruft, so schallt es heraus", meaning, "Depending how you shout out into the forest, it will come echoing back at you". If you come into a country and don't even try to intigrate, then the only person to blame for is no one but yourself. I know of Turkish women living in Germany for more than 30 years who hardly picked up the German language. I think that's very sad.
But I know many, many people who had really nice and good experiences in Germany and I'm sure if you keep an open mind, then it's purely up to each one of us to find the right people and make friends. People like that thread starter are just seeing things the way they want to see things, without being objective. If you don't want to be in Germany, leave!!!!! Stay where you are! It's as simple as that.Northern Light 08 jan 2009, 10:30 - Signaler un abus -
just my opinion
Unlike most of the entries at this forum, I think Germany is a nice place. It's true that the weather might be ugly sometimes (at least for me, I comme from a very sunny place in Mexico), and some people is cold/shy/reserved and even racist.
But one can't just generalize, most of my non-mexican friends are german, and I have to say that they are very, very friendly and kind people. As in any place of the world, each country has its +/-. I agree with "Northern Light", the more you show interest at someone's culture and language, the more help you'll find from them in order to integrate.
Finally, I think it's really sad to read comments from people generalizing and calling germans "racists". We define "racist" as a person who insults other ones just because of its race or nation, don't we? so, it can be inferred that those people who use this space in such that way *are* in fact, the racist ones.
Greetings from Mx!Mexicanita 09 jan 2009, 06:15 - Signaler un abus -
I conclude:
Germans in general (but without generalization) are not very open minded and a little bit closed to other people. We´ve some problems to make the first step even with guests and don´t welcome them than in many societies, but expect them to make ends meet on themselves. Xenophobia is a big problem in our country, cause we always use the Neo Nazis as a scapegoat and show with our Finger in the direction of others(f.e. Turks, Polands, Russians)and their faults. So we aren´t true to ourselves.
But on the other hand i agree, that we´re friendly and kind, but you must warm up us a little bit and know that we´re shy - I think that´snot a bad behaviour, but sometimes it reaches the degree of complexTipicalGerman 09 jan 2009, 10:40 - Signaler un abus -
my opinion
I’m totally agree with you guys! In my opinion the bottom lines are: do not generalize, do not emit any prejudgment, and always try to be open mind! And remember that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.
Thanks and greetings from VenezuelaSerhs 09 jan 2009, 05:55 - Signaler un abus -
I´ve found a funny list of American Stars who have German ancestors (from yahoo):
Kirsten Dunst
John McEnroe
Selma Blair
Jackson Browne
Charlize Theron (mum is German)
Marilyn Manson (German ancestors)
Nick Nolte
Kevin Costner
Johnny Depp
Marlon Brando
Carmen Electra
Hilary Duff
Nicolas Cage
Tom Cruise
Uma Thurman
Cameron Diaz
Bruce Wills
Tim Allen
Will Smith
Renee Zellweger
Jack Nicholson
Val Kilmer
Michael Keaton
Tom Hanks
Chevy Chase
Neil Armstrong
Levi Strauss (Jeans trousers)
Johnny Weissmüller
Chrysler (cars)
Clark Gable (1901-1960),
Henry John Heinz (1844-1919) (Ketchup)
Elvis Presley (1935-1977)
Donald Trump (*1946)
Doris Day (* 3. April 1924)
The Astors
Bill Nieder
Sarah Chalke (Scrubs)
Nick Nolte (1941)
Sandra Bullock
Leonardo DiCaprio
Walt Disney
Kirsten Dunst
Wernher von Braun
Albert Einstein
Matt Groening
Roland Emmerich ("Independence Day"
The Guggenheims
William E. Boeing (Boeing)
John D. Rockefeller
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Herbert Hoover
John Kerry
George Washington
Warner Brothers
General von Steuben
the half of all US senators
Ari Fleischer
Daniel Perle
"Germantown" ought to be America's capital!
the dollar is a deduction from "Taler"Hallo 10 jan 2009, 05:50 - Signaler un abus -
Germany sucks! Bomb this Place!
germany sucks! there stupid, and the most ugly and pathetic "human beings" on earth. those nazi f***ers, they are rasistic bastards who live an dirty ulgy country and they will tell you that their country is the best. we should bomb this f***ing whole country instead of hiroshima and nagasaki... germany deserve to gets wip from the map! death to germany! germans are scum of the earth. wip those bastards from the map! f***ing germans, i hate you dirty pigs!
Jason 12 jan 2009, 11:01 - Signaler un abus -
I hate German society (but not necessarily German indeviduals)...
There are some good Germans that's true - but I still find it impossible to respect German society. My reasons are -
1) The Nazis didn't disappear they were absorbed back into German socitey - with the full aid an co-operation of German citizens (the same citizens that voted for them in the first place). That is why so many Nazi war criminals were never bought to justice.
2) Modern German society prides itself on being an economic super-power - but their economy is build on revenues taken from the victims of WW2 - most hauntingly from Jewish victims of the Holocaust. I find that deeply disturbing especially as they have such a big Neo Nazi problem and do so very little to help those in need (ie people seeking asylum).
3) Germans are inherently arrogant, self serving and self pitying people - many of them see themselves as a persecuted race (rather than regarding their status in the modern world as being something they have inherited from their forefathers - and doing everything they can to remedy that damage).
4) So many people think that the things that constitute the English as a socitey are merely the products of German tribes and of German language - but anyone with even a basic knowledge of English will know that we are a mix of many languages, creeds and races. We only inherited a German influence because of the Roman invasion - which to my mind makes us more Roman than German (read Shakespear and tell me that we are the product of Germany).
My best friend at college had German parents but I still find it impossible to forgive the Germans for what they did to so many millions of people - especially as they do so very little to tackle their Neo Nazi problem and allow people from other races into their country.
SxSx 13 jan 2009, 12:23 - Signaler un abus -
Love it or leave it!
If you don't like Germany, just get the hell back to wherever you came from. Again, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.
Germany didn't ask you to immigrate, right? they don't need you, you need them, so show some respect. And if you hate it so much, why don't you just leave and go to your original place (ah, right, you probably hate it even more).
No, I'm not German, I'm an American, and my attitude for immigrants to the US is the same, love it or get the hell out of the country.
BTW, I've been to Germany a few times, and people were always extremely nice, not just nice, but beyond reasonable expectations nice. I think they are also funny, know how to cook, and some of the men are pretty good looking.Nicole 13 jan 2009, 09:15 - Signaler un abus -
You should not be still blaming German people for the holocaust; yes, it is true, a lot of people died during the WW2, but that was almost 62 years ago.
I would recommend, stop making critics about something that happened years ago, and to take a glance around, mainly about what's really happening at this instant.
A new holocaust is coming!! There are a lot of people dying right now due the Israel's attacks.
Think about it!!
Instead still blaming Germans, analyze the current situation in the Palestine territory…
I'm not trying to create controversy; I'm just trying to get people reflection…serhs 14 jan 2009, 04:50 - Signaler un abus -
American: "All Germans are racist!"
German: "All Germans are racist!"
This has basically been the argument of the people posting on here. What does that tell you?Open the box 14 jan 2009, 07:00 - Signaler un abus -
they are just envy of the german people .
. 14 jan 2009, 08:58 - Signaler un abus -
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
The United States is no paragon of virtue. Many people are racist here. We have our own Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, right wing militias and other extremist organizations that hates Blacks, Mexicans, Gays and Jews.
Americans are difficult to deal with because we think that everything that we do is right and has been ordained by God. Rarely do Americans listen to foreign opinions. If we had, there would have never been a Vietnam. The French were in Indochina for decades, but we ignored their advice and experience. Americans think that they have a mission to civilize the world with Americanism.
Americans refuse to learn other languages or customs. We go to Berlin and expect the Germans to speak English. Yet, when they come here, we still expect them to speak English.
I was at my gym the other day and I overheard a group of guys reveling over all the death threats against Obama. Basically, they thought that he shouldn't be President because he's black. Unbelievably, they hoped that he would fail and blamed him for the depression that this country is in- even though he has yet to take the oath of office. Their heartthrob, George Bush, who has led us to financial disaster with a war that never ends, wasn't even mentioned.
People in my state are neither very friendly or kind. I can go down the street and never hear the word hello.On Long Island, a poor fellow was trampled to death by crazed shopers the day after Thankssgiving. If Americans get mad at you on the highway, they try to run you off the road and flash you the finger. In my hometown...which is in the northeast...not the south, I regularly hear words like Niggers, Spick and Faggots.
What's my point? There are bad guys everywhere. It's not just in Germany, but you can find them in America, Great Britain, China etc.
One last thing...someone said that they can't forget about German atrocities in the Second World War. I wonder if the American Indians will forgive us for exterminating most of them for their land and putting the remainder in reservations. Listen, if the Germans are responsible for what their grandfathers did, then we are responsible for what their great-great grandfathers did.Jim 15 jan 2009, 09:45 - Signaler un abus