Hello and especially SX from GB
I´m german y I have already been in the USA.
I was shockes about the situation that many blacks , Latins and white people build separate groups. And I also heard very often the word Nigger. So I got to know racism the as well. An dyou can find this phenomeno all over the world not only in germany.
To the comments of SX:
Yoe think that the economy is build on revenues taken from the victims of WW2 - most hauntingly from Jewish victims of the Holocaust.
Well do you know how many millones of dollras Germany paid and already and is still paying for the victims of WW2 ???? It`s not true that our economy is build on revenues from the victims of WW II. I don`t want to excuse waht have done the germans in WWII but your facts are wrong.
But I also know that millons of dollars does not heal the murdering of millions of people.
Secondly english is a `Germanic`language. Sientists put it in the germanic language familily.
The english language is part of the germanic language familylike german, swedish, dutch, denish, norwaigan (The scandinavian languages).
Languages which are dominated from the latin are the romanic languages like French, Italien, rumanian, Spanish, potugese and so on. But I´M sorry, not english althogh it also contains words fron latin.someone 15 ene 2009, 06:08 - Denunciar
germany sucks
- you are right
- Krautsalat
- ??
- new york sucks
- i hate germany
- ..
- Hey kids from clean, happy, save New York!!!
- you are right
- Germany SUCKS!
- Germany sucks??
- germany sucks ...
- It sucks PERIOD!
- America sucks
- Anonymous
- Germany is beautiful. Germans are horrible
- Germany, Germany everywhere!!!
- living in Germany
- bunch of c*nts
- Arrogant Germany
- germany
- Facts
- Germany
- it rocks
- Germany
- Seattle huh?
- Hell yea
- cutt-nutt
- Germans are nice
- German don't sucks
- Jew in Germany
- Amanda
- German answer
- Berliner sucks
- Anti-American
- germany does suck
- not everything is black and white
- a country of whistleblowers
- Where’s the laughter Germany?
- Idiot.
- viva Mexico + DN why don't u move away then ?
- new york man
- the wrold is a beautiful place
- Oh boy!
- ignorance is bliss
- blah
- people
- misunderstanding
- sorry *blush*
- Germany