Take a hike

The Best 50 Routes in the Community of Madrid

Madrid is known for its museums and 'marcha', so most people are surprised when they find out that just outside the city there is some spectacular countryside and beautiful mountains to discover. If you are a car-less city-dweller, there is an added bonus – public transport can get you there...

Beau Macksoud and Cynthia Blair Kane ended up taking a train to Cercedilla by accident and started to discover the range of different walks and excursions around Madrid. They turned their hobby into the first guide in English on the subject and also organise regular excursions to introduce people to different walks. Click here  to find out more about the story behind the book.

The book

Most of the walks featured are in the Guadarrama mountains north of the capital. Depending where in the city you are driving from and the traffic they are normally under an hour away. There are also good connections by public transport and taking a train up into the mountains is a relaxed way to start and finish your day out.

For each walk, there are written directions and a map. There is a good balance in the level of detail, more detailed where needed, less for the well-marked routes. Information about the distance, time and level of difficulty is useful when choosing the next walk (especially if you need to find something younger children can enjoy).

The authors have included information about different towns and places, in addition to snippets of relevant cultural and historical information. By each walk there is a Spanish/English glossary of useful words you might find useful. The text is easy to read and full of tips and things to look out for. If you like walking, this little gem is definitely worth it.

Order a copy here 

Organised excursions

Cynthia and Beau run a regular programme of walks. Both expats and Spanish people go, so they are a great opportunity to meet new people and practice different languages. There is a small charge per person to cover lunch and drinks.

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