Brazilian health services

Pharmacies, Dentists and Ophthamologists

Brazil provides all the health services you are probably accustomed to, however, most of them at a much lower price.

Pharmacies in Brazil

Pharmacies (Farmácia) in Brazil are well equipped and, due to subsidies provided by the government, drugs (Remédios) are usually quite cheap. Furthermore, the pharmacist is permitted to make a diagnosis and to administer vaccinations (Injeção).

Some medicines are only available with a prescription – at least in theory. In practice, this regulation is not really taken seriously. You will therefore be able to purchase a lot of medicine, which are only issued with a prescription in other countries, over-the-counter in Brazil.

As handling with drugs is still very frivolous in Brazil, you have to pay attention to the medication you are issued. You can identify the drugs which require prescription on a red stripe over the package saying Venda sob prescrição Médica.

Medication is easily available and some pharmacies, like the pharmacy chain Droga Raia  are open 24 hours.

Brazilian Dentists

Dental treatment is usually not covered by health insurance and has to be purchased either via separate health plans or be paid directly. However, dentists in Brazil tend to be much cheaper than in Europe or the U.S. This attracts many “health-tourists” who come to Brazil to combine dental treatment with holiday.

Dentistry in Brazil meets a high standard and offers the most modern treatments. In addition, dental congresses in Brazil attract professionals from all over the world who seek new technologies and clinical experience.

However, pay attention and compare different dentists before opting for one, as a “popular” dentist is not nessecerily a better one.

Private Clinics – Plastic Surgery

Brazil offers some very renowned clinics like the Hospital Samaritano, the Sírio-Libanês or Hospital do Coração. The clinics are equipped with the latest technology and provide excellent treatment with comparably low costs. In the US, cosmetic surgery prices are double or triple the cost compared to Brazil. According to TummyTuckCost , facility fees can range up to $10,000 for a tummy tuck procedure.

Private Ophthamology

In the field of Ophthamology you can find advanced laser technologies and in the range of plastic surgery Brazilian doctors are recognised worldwide.

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