Looking for work

How to find a job in Turkey

Your job search will depend on where you want to work. You can find part-time tourism jobs posted online (or on cork boards!). If you want to teach in Turkey, you might have to visit schools in person to find information on openings.

It is best to find a job before you arrive in Turkey, not only for your peace of mind but so that you can obtain the proper visa and permits. If you are looking to teach English, online portals such as TEFL  and Dave´s ESL Cafe  offer up-to-date listings of open positions. International newspapers and magazines with classifieds sections might also carry job listings.

If you don´t have a job before you arrive in Turkey, get ready for an adventure.

Part-time work

Part-time work, especially in tourism (turizm), is readily available throughout Turkey. To maximize your chances of finding work, aim to arrive in March or April. This gives you time to find something before the tourist season starts. If you are working in a large city, you may find job postings on boards at youth hostels. Otherwise visit bars, restaurants, hotels and clubs – anywhere you think might need the help. Even if a business isn´t advertising openings, an owner might jump at the chance to hire a foreign employee.

You will not be well-paid for this kind of work, and as a result, it´s best for young people who aren´t looking to save. If you´re working in a bar, for instance, you may be paid enough for your rent and earn the rest in alcohol!

Also, note that many part-time jobs are paid in cash, and that employers will not sponsor work visas. While this is generally not a problem (Turkish police have more pressing immigration concerns) you should be aware that in many cases you will be working illegally and should not expect protection from dishonest employers.

Teaching English in Turkey

If you can´t secure a teaching job before you get to Turkey, you will probably have to visit schools in person to ask about openings. The best positions (in terms of schools and salaries) require formal degrees and teaching certifications, but there are other positions available to less-qualified applicants.

If you feel your qualifications might be lacking, try visiting a few dershanes (private schools). Make sure to have your passport, a copy of your degree, a teaching certificate (when applicable), a curriculum or resume, and a passport-size photograph. Dershanes will often hire teachers without formal teaching certifications.

Finally, check with smaller, private language schools. There are hundreds of these throughout Turkey, and while some require extremely formal qualifications, others will be content with an outgoing personality and a college degree.

As with part-time work, be aware that many (particularly smaller) language schools may not sponsor a work visa. If this is the case, you will have to leave Turkey every three months and then re-enter in order to remain in the country legally.

Make sure you ask whether you will get a work permit before you accept a job.

Other jobs in Turkey

Other forms of employment are tougher to come by once you arrive in Turkey. If you plan to work as a nanny or au pair, online portals like Anglo-Nannies  can help you find a placement. Nannies are paid fairly well (certainly compared to bar and restaurant staff) and are often given room and board by their Turkish families, though they are expected to work long hours. The experience will vary by employer.

A variety of jobs are posted online at Turkey Joblink , and these include business and technology positions.

Finally, you might want to check in the classifieds sections of expat magazines such as Land of Lights which usually serve a local community (Land of Lights is geared toward Fethiye).

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