
Rental agreements in Poland

When renting in Poland it may be that your landlord does not want to sign an official rental contract but rather only a private agreement, since many flats are rented out on an informal basis.

Since only official rental agreements are covered by tenancy law it is advisable to insist on an official contract. If you have to sign a private agreement, make sure that it includes a monthly rent ceiling, information about the condition of the apartment at your arrival and arrangements concerning the paying of utility bills.

Official rental contracts in Poland are the safer choice and there are two different types of them – standard contracts and temporary contracts. Temporary contracts are signed if the lessor wants to rent out a place for a specified time.

When signing an agreement, for either an unfurnished or furnished home, there should always be an inventory (annex) attached with all furnishings and their conditions listed. In addition it is a good idea to take pictures of the flat before moving in. This way it is easier for both sides to settle arguments about the condition of the flat when you move out again.

The owner may have a spare key to your flat, however he has no right to enter the apartment when you are not there.
A notice of termination of a lease should be made in writing and provide a reason. A contract can normally be terminated at the end of a month with one month’s notice. © 2003-2025 Just Landed