English teaching jobs in Madrid

How to find teaching hours

If you are looking for English Teaching work one option would be to contact all of the people who offer English teaching jobs year round.

For example, check the current offer on CIEE. Once you find an offer, you can do the following:

  1. Call them to set up a face to face meeting with one of their representatives.
  2. Email them your CV / Resume (with scanned ID size photo in the upper right hand corner) so they might have a copy handy for your meeting. (It does you no good to send them your CV / Resume before they are expecting it).
  3. Meet with them in person to review your experience and availability.
  4. Keep them up to date on your availability as it changes. (Let them know what and where your current classes are so that if they have any new classes come up in that same area thay can offer them to you).

They will call you as classes come in and the people they usually count on cannot accept them. The more people you meet with the better your odds are of getting work, so just keep spreading the word that you are currently in Madrid and available for work.

Also you can place free ads both on-line and in the published versions of the following publications: In Madrid, Broadsheet, Segundamano, Aprende Mas, Teach in Spain, Madrid Insider's Notice board.

Also, you should look at all of the classified sections of the above publications, etc. for job offers as there are a limited amount of English language resources and you will easily be able to see who is hiring or looking for people at any given time and sign up or remind them of your availability as they post new offers.

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