Manipulation of Facts

  • Hi, There are A lot of contradictions in this case, the people need to put all information:
    -Canal N: This channel sponsor the congress with promotion, they make a live promotion of the congress on the tv with interview to Dan and Gina and also with another dancers that were part of the artist invited to this congress, among them Mauricio Triana and Juan Becerra, and canal N make a lot of continues repetitions during all the weeking before the event, I have a copy of the grabation from the tv.
    -Police in Peru: partial and abusive. The police put in the note that they "catch them" after a big operative and that they find on their room a "severals vouchers of differents banks", but it does not mean that is 100% correct. It was not true. 1.-They went by their self and voluntarily to the comisaria with the 14 people that make the announce for to put clearly the situation.2.- Is not exist this "sevearl vouvhers finding in their room" the only vouchers that were those that the tourists had in their hand at the time of puts the denounces. 3.-Enrique Huangal was not pay any ticket to the congress and with out proof of voucher and payment of the supposed "fraud", the police leave him to denounce againts them. 4.- Ernesto Vegas and Barbara Leal denounce them in this supposed "fraud", because of Dan refused to make any payment for their services in the congress after Dan was advised about Ernesto by telephone from the real company Fusion Salsera from Caracas wich Ernesto supossed to represent in this congress. Ernesto Vegas and Barbara Leal, are in legal process in Venezuela for Fraud, because of is not the first time that Ernesto Vegas lie to people to find contracts outside of venezuela being made happen through bailarin, coreografo and official represent of Fusion Salsera and Barbara is just a begginer being made happend as profesional dancer. But with all this facts, the peruvian police leave to Ernesto and Barbara denounce against Dan in fraud modality,when in any case must to have been by contract breach. 5.- The congress was open in 1st. of march in pre-congress party in Monasterio Club, so it was not exist any fraud.6.- The peruvian police was advice by Janice Walker about this anonymous forum on just landed, not because of the smart police.7.- The peruvian police described Dan Sela as a "international fraudster" having as east sustenance forum with anonimos messages that try to persuade people to destroy the name and the reputation of this person without prooves and that it is obvious that they are acts of bad faith with the unique objetiv to destroy an image, without previous investigation, corroboracion of the veracity of the sources and giving credito and place to anonimos messages published with single a clear objective to damage a reputation, that is denominate as a defamation. 8.- The press, in particular Canal N was called by the own Peruvian policia to make of to expose them to a humiliation publishes. Denying the right of a call to relative or friends to them, denying to them the right to lawyer. Totally violet fundamental rights handcuff as dangerous criminals. Eeverything in base to anonimous forum from 2005 to before of march 1st. 9.- Pilar Galicia Valle administrator of Hotel España, open the room of Dan y Gina in 2 and 3 of March. She declare in the police after her citation that it was the peruvian police the ones that entered in their room to find evidences, they did not find anything, but they took a personal stuffs, like a digital camera, mexican movil, wathc, ipod, nothing that can be considerate as evidence of a crimen. Pilar Galicia Valle insist a lot in that no one of the tourist hosted in her hotel among them Janice Walker, Enrique Huangal, Ernesto Vegas and Barbara Leal, entered in the room of Mr Sela. But is very doubtful, due to its contradictions and to that she gave back one of the objects that supposedly the police took for investigation, the famous white dress of Gina.10.-Pilar Galicia Valle was demand by robbery, fraud and illegal appropriation and is in investigation.
    -All this has been result and consequence of the opening of a forum anonimo with defamations. Izaac Altman of the salsa federation posted a message denouncing that somebody use their name to put a message difamatorio against Mr. Sela, of this same way any person can use a name and data of contact to incur the defamation crime. Important that Mr. Altman clarified this because could have been demand object.
    -Also is a contradiction that some one called "Jhon" is persuading to people anonimous of desperate way to present proofs against Mr. Sela, we hope that they do not make them, an ill mind can be able of that to destroy a name.

    Liz 04 Apr 2007, 02:20 - Report
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Carefull w. Fraudster Dan in Marbella

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