Arabs and their twisted wiew on women
I cannot help but mention this issue after reading the last paragraph on this very site, regarding working women
I don't know how dare the Kuwaiti point the finger at "Eastern European" women, accusing them of being "prostitutes" and blaming them for reducing the level of respect that other women had enjoyed?!?!? As if Kuwait is an example of decency and a purity. Phlehase!!
Even if there are a few women who were promissed decent jobs, but then traded as merchandise by non other than Arab pimps, it doesn't mean that all of us are potential hookers. And it doesn't mean that those poor women had a choice.
This paragraph only shows how biased and sexist Arabs are, how unwilling and incapable of thinking right they are. They only look for excuses to show that the woman in general is an "impure", sinful creature.
I met quite a few decent Ukranian, Russian and Bulgarian women who were destinguished nurses, doctors and teachers, but I haven't met any "Easten European prostitutes"! I also met a few English women who couldn't walk because of how drunk they were, so promiscuity doesn't know borders, dear Arabs.
The Kuwaiti buy Philipino "maids", rape and force them to be the inflateble dolls for their horny sons, so that they don't jump on their sisters and they state such things?!? Get real!!!
They would make incredibly rude offers to you even if you are European (Eastern, Central, Northern or whatever), American (Newyorker, Southern, Californian etc), and even Arab, like some Lebanese friends have complained.
If you don't have your "ninja' suit on, you ARE a prostitute by definiton and you might just hop in their car if they tell you to, that's what they believe.
When I think of some of my former neighbours who wouldn't get into the same elevator, even after I got out, because I was impure, I only get even more disgusted thinking about my time in that country. And now I read this crap!
I wouldn't advice any sane person male or female to go there and spend energy on working for Kuwaitis!
27 Jun 2007, 04:37 q8nevermore
Thank God you have left our country.Q8EVERmore 11 Jul 2007, 11:20 - Report -
Not accurate
I found that section on working women in Kuwait to be very inaccurate. It might be accurate for Dubai... But in Kuwait, many Kuwait women - including most of the young women - work, and there was never that influx of Russian and Eastern European prostitutes that they had in Dubai.
q8expat 08 Oct 2007, 02:57 - Report -
Hi! Why don't you check out
They have different categories like "real estate", "for sale" and "jobs". Maybe you will find what you are looking for. 26 Feb 2008, 06:19 - Report -
It is the Arab culture that degrades women, regardless of country. Those attitudes are not Kuwait-specific.
Matthew 19 Jun 2008, 06:38 - Report -
So true!
To see decent kuwaitis................visit the kuwait ZOO. unfotunately they keep them in cages. The rest of the country is full of animals!
jack 31 Jul 2008, 01:58 - Report -
Jack and the Zoo
I guess you are right , Jack but you forget to mention , the Pig who you are in the Zoo too , if you don't like going to a country you can leave back to your homeland wherever it is , but to be such a low class , dierty bastard as you are , you need to declare your right in public in the airport once you land in Kuwait , so people there will escort you to your deserved place shit head
Murray 05 Aug 2008, 02:36 - Report -
Its absolutely True
Actually the Arabs are the unfit for Office Administration.They always appointing working womans for sexual harrasments only.
They involved decent sexual Torture with the Working ladies always in the office.
They tried always to make trouble to the working ladies especially Non-Arab womans to insist them for sex.
Some of the Poor ladies from Non-arab Countries have no way to escape from this type of decent sexual Harrasments so they except it.
If they need to stay in the job they have to except the sexual Harrasments otherwise they may leave.
Legal Laws in Arab countries also always supporting Arab People's(Bloodies of World).
For Example before one or One and Half Month one Thailand Girl Raped by Kuwaiti Gang(Morethan 12 Persons as per Kuwait police record)near by Embassy Area.
But the Kuwaiti Police Don't know or like to arrest the culprits still.
Thank you.
My mail id
[email removed]Bharat 30 Sep 2008, 04:04 - Report -
wait a min..or two!
Before anyone starts all over again about this, lemme clear this out, Im neither Kuwaity nor Arab but have been in this country for quite sometime.
I partially agree to what the ladies here have to say about that women are harassed. The points that I dont agree to are the ones that the Kuwaiti Police dont LIKE to arrest the culprits.
Even though for the widely known fact that WASTA (influence/recommendations) here are stronger than the Law its-self, but there is a changing trend. Wasta's are become more and more difficult to find/use. If you read the local section of the newspapers you will surely see how many cases the Kuwaiti Police have solved and if they are Kuwaities involved, they are being charged for it! So they might have not found the culprits yet, but they surely will. Trust me!
Now, what q8expat said is true, that image has been given from what we have seen in dubai. In Kuwait, I have more than a dozen friends/clients who are European and NONE of them are IMPURE/PROSTITUTES.
About using the same elevators, If I see a women going into an elevator all by herself, I would prefer to wait out rather than being ASKED TO WAIT OUT. Otherwise, like a few women who just very camly say "hop in", then its all good for me! This shouldnt imply that I consider women impure!
Wearing the NINJA costume - Well its called an Abaya, just in case ya didnt know!Now its seen everywhere around that, yes, women in an Abaya are also victims of eve teasing. But a little less those who are not... The only thing is that sometimes we forget where (i do too) and wear clothes that are surely gonna attract trouble. C'mon people, this is not the culture/tradition of this place.. we do stand out and thats what makes us more prone to attention... lets just take care of that and Im pretty sure we wont have much of the troubles.
Well finally, the word is that the article does need to use words more carefully rather than using generelization.MBG-Q8 05 Oct 2008, 01:38 - Report -
Please ignore all grammatical mistakes that I have made. Typed while I was @ work so coulnt really concentrate!
Thanks!MBG-Q8 05 Oct 2008, 01:41 - Report -
I'm living in Kuwait and not an arab or kuwaiti. I've also read the article linked above. The last paragraph does not say that all Eastern European are prostitutes! DUH!!! Travelling to kuwait isn't easy if you are not western (American/European) or Australian! But the only cover up they have is as tourists. The article says that the Eastern European prostitutes who pose as QUOTES trourists UNQUOTE!!!
Anyways, this does not mean there are no prostitutes in Kuwait. You have various grades, the chinese, the europeans, arabs and lower grade sri lankans and bangladeshis among others. Still however, does not imply that ALL of them are prostitutes! (gimme a break) These lot have spoilt the family n clean ambience of the country and even though there are less (or more who knows n cares), they have left behind a craving for the other hungry scavengers in a lurk! These bastards (includes local as well as foreigners and labors) go hunting n harass innocent family girls and women!
Curses to them and may they rot n burn in hell!!!Disgusted 06 Oct 2008, 07:20 - Report -
wow very inaccurate!
all of my female cousins and aunts work in kuwait, and women are treated with respect!diane 31 Oct 2008, 11:55 - Report -
plus kuwaitis treat kuwaitis sooo well, its a great place to live if u are kuwaiti.. its a good way of life.
wow that guy anooyed me what scumdiane 31 Oct 2008, 11:57 - Report -
The Gulf as a Whole
Having lived in every Gulf State (country), I can tell you that the local
men on the morale majority do treat women poorly.
In the segregated schools of the Gulf, most femmine or slight boys are gang raped repeatedly. But this is not only femme boys, rape and molestation of children is normal. Not talked about, and rarely have charges pressed.
So, here comes the 'foriegn' women and men. Wow, tell me one man or women who has been subjecated to sexual harassement.
This I believe is from the segregation of the sexes. Pakistan and Muslims in India have the same problem. Treat women like shit, rape the kids, and the teens rape each other.
A society that expects boys and girls to be seperated physically mentally and emotionally until marriage is doomed until they change the system. Even then it will take at least 2 generations with the proper counselling in place to even meet a civilized society standard.
The Gulf is at least 300-400 years behind its treatment of children women and young males.
I love the Gulf, but it has serious serious problems which must be tackle before they can heal and be whole.
If someone things by discussing the problems of a society it means I do not like the society then they are misguided. Every country and culture has problems. The problem is the Gulf is far too righteous in their ignorance of sexual crimes.
If Allah could speak to us, he would not seperate us so cruely. We are all equal. We are all human. We cannot tell another person to live a life house bound. Like a dog chained to a fence, and given a walk once in a while.
Women do not need to wear the black heat attracking abyaas to worship whom they choose.
Women are better than men. It is so clear.homospaianlesbian 30 Nov 2008, 08:42 - Report -
how hypocritical
You people make me sick to be honest! I'm Kuwaiti and i know my country more than you do! cases of women harassment is all over the world, so how dare you say that about Kuwait!! How dare you make up these stories about women being harassed in their offices? If we really had those harassment issues in offices, you really think we'd let our mum's or sisters or daughters to be working? HA! furthermore, where the hell did you get stories that we "buy" phillino maids? first of all, they come here by their own will, they get to live in a good household, work, get paid, so don't go making up stories about them being raped, besides, even rape issues is all over the world. Moving on, women here don't have to wear abayaas, or as q8nevermore here called them ninjas, they wear it on their on will. Guys hit on girls here? noooo you serious? oh my god this only happens in Kuwait? oh wow sheesh i never knew!! how about shut the hell up! it also happens here, there and effin everywhere.. am i right?
You talk about women equality.. i suppose kuwaities don't treat women as equals now? don't we have women in the parliament? yes we do, don't we have women as ministers? yes we do, do we allow them to drive? yes we do, do we and do we and do we? yes we do.. so just because you didn't like the place, i advice you to just shut it next timeCheeks 07 Dec 2008, 12:59 - Report -
NAKED TRUTH/scratch hard enough ..........
The problem with kuwait is tribalism , ignorance and corruption for a country with a million locals it has all the makings above and beyond those countries with 100 millions . They all want everything for free , they treat everyone with disrespect especially the new generation , all other arabs are treated as second class citizens , and if it wasnt for the oil and British it would still be iraqi land. Thats the naked truth , I hope the above reader doesn't get offended with constructive criticisms .JUST TAKE A LOOK AT THEIR PARLIAMENT ITS A FARSE .
TRUTH FINDER 10 Dec 2008, 02:22 - Report -
I will not argue about if the crap you are saying is true or not
Everyone has a opinion of their own .. but there is one thing to say ..
If you dont like it, dont stay
You dont have to live in Kuwait if you dont like it ... Hell i bet even the Kuwaiti's dont want you to be living on thier lovely land ...
Ive lived in Kuwait for 4 years, im a 24 year old girl ... ive seen no serious trouble at all ... maybe alot of flirting and stuff ... but that isnt really a big issue ..
And dont blame muslims or arabs for one arab or 1 muslims mistakes ... and also dont blame us americans for one americans misatke ...
Its pathetic to see people fighting over soemthing like this ...
Anyhow all the best to you all, and i hope you all stop wasting your time talking about that great country i will never forgetAngel 10 Dec 2008, 07:53 - Report -
Mirror on the Wall
KINDLY read the Kuwait local Newspapers and you will know how many rape cases are printed on daily basis....
Yes, Kuwait is Good ... But Kuwaiti's have Arrogant attitude. Every single drop of their blood is filled with arrogance...
KUWAIT is GOOD But,,,,
Kuwaiti's are -
- Disrespectful to expats.
- All expats are like slaves to them.
- (To the Kuwaiti above) - Come out of your cozy house and try to see the real kuwait... WAKE UP!
- If you are working in a company with Kuwaiti owner, then no matter how hard you work, they do not bother to give you salary increment for years.. You work overtime and they do not have respect for you and neither your work.
- If you are driving 120km on the first lane, see how they degrade and humiliate you by overtaking your car.
- Kuwait's have increased the House Rents but ask them to increase the salary and then see what they reply !!!
- (To the above person), you said, "Leave Kuwait if you don't like"... Come on, 60% of the people are expats and if we leave then who will run the Kuwait....
- So Again, I repeat, Kuwait is not BAD, but Kuwaiti's are disrespectful towards expats.Mirror on the Wall 11 Dec 2008, 11:44 - Report -
a compilation of what other's are saying
- (bad things about kuwait)
-kuwait needs more museums, libraries, book stores, cultural centers. i don't mean to be rude, but they've fallen from the camel's hump a few decades ago, right in the jaguar or benz and since their only interest is to get a bottle of booze and go shopping, they don't really have time to develop their culture.their independence day consists of spraying cars with shaving cream and... that's about it.
- im a kuwaiti living in this cursed country.there are no decenty bookstores or muesems ,only malls,malls and more endless malls. there is no culture here sadly.i wonder who is to blame?parlament?sabah family?the people?
-(kuwaiti's)-they look down on everyone.they're conceded assholes who wouldn't dare to say excuse me to any foreigner not even one whose country saved their ass only 15 years ago.
-bad behavior, hypocrisy, big cars on credit, kuwaiti bitches, little money that you don't earn yourself, heat, dust, boring malls, poor foreigners (your slaves at home) who have to clean your asses after you went to wc, no respect, corruption,.....
- you can trust a snake but not a kuwaiti...
- im a kuwaiti. we have no culture, no freedom, no nature, no nothing! it's all big fancy cars and malls - the people here are the worst people ever! all they care about is money and their stupid hair looks, plus the way they treat non-kuwaiti people like they are subhumans.
-kuwaitis only feel special in their own country, but once they cross the kuwaiti border, they're as useless as a vegetable...
- we hate kuwait, the climate, the polution, the lack of amenities, the poor lawmakers and law enforcers, the corruption in everyday life. most well travelled educated kuwaitis feel the same. the standards are so poor because the powers that be are always seeking the cheapest pricing. the building regulations are sub-standard and not monitored. the driving is farcical and dangerous. the oil companies polute more of the atmosphere than all of europe because there is no one to enforce the laws that are in place. the reason is that kuwait is a tribal society, they protect each other and the government keeps it that way by treating them like chidren and supplying everthing they need. critisism is not tolerated even newspapers are shut down if they don't conform. radio and tv are govt propoganda machines. indeed ktv is housed in the miistry of information building need i say more?
- i'm a bedoon living in kuwait my whole life, my mom is kuwaiti and my father is bedoon.. when was a child i never knew am bedoon, no one told me! once in the school my classmates made fun of me (kuwaities) bcoz am bedoon and not original or something!! i was shocked and i thought its just and mistake, i came to mom crying and pissed off telling her school made a mistake, she tried to cover it for 2 years, then she told me the truth after 2 years .. my father worked soo hard to show us they we are still as same as our kuwaities cousins (my mom family) anyway! after i have finished my high school (mubarak el sabah high school) i started to seen the ugly side of being bedoon! university of kuwait didnt allow me to complete studying claims that am bedoon and i should even if my moms is kuwaiti! bedoon father should be divorced or dead soo! no education! then i stay for 2 years with no job! since am bedoon with no education! who gonna hire me? somehow i managed to get a job later (wasta vitamin) i have never seen a other country before bcoz i have no f***en passport! whatelse, yeah.. i have to pay for hospital every time. and guess what! i have no lisence to drive a car!
a compilation of what other's are saying
- (good things about kuwait)
-you wouldn't know culture if it hit you in the face. did you visit any museums? go to any weddings, drink tea in a tent with a kuwaiti family, visit any mosques.
- i've been fortunate enough to live in many different countries and experienced many differnt cultures, but i'm still happy to call kuwait my home. no country is perfect. australians are quite racists. if you're an arab, theyll either think you're a terrorist or that you plan to take over their country, asians are treated like shit and they believe that they plan to take over their countrie as well.
- let me tell you something, not all kuwaitis are rich, care the most for the money, selfish, shallow!!! i know alot of real kuwaitis who are sophesticated, clever, and care the most about other peoples feelings and thoughts!
- i'm kuwaiti and i know my country more than you do! cases of women harassment is all over the world, so how dare you say that about kuwait!! how dare you make up these stories about women being harassed in their offices? if we really had those harassment issues in offices, you really think we'd let our mum's or sisters or daughters to be working?
- if you realy have manners, you wouldnt sit there in ur f***ing chair typing on your old computer bad things about this "golden" country. not all kuwiatee people are rich, and all the rich people are donating money for you poop countries. in the past several years the kuwait government had donated more money than the money consirved to build stuff like dubai.
- and for those complaining about kuwaitis not being good to the poor, when did you stop what you were doing to help one of the homeless in your great country. america has more homeless people than kuwait does. i dont think i have seen a homeless person in kuwait. have you ever personally taken one of them to your home and helped them settle themselves some place? i didn't think so. and i don't understand why you'd expect it from someone else.
we've had maids in my family, and i must say we've never treated them badly. they spent years with us and were treated like family.
- guys, it is true that there is alot of things going on in kuwait not right,but when you come to work and live here, in this country you can not f*** it from behind ,because the money you are earning is from them, besides that not all kuwaitis are alike
- americans in kuwait they r like gods.. dont wait man.. just come to kuwait.
- i can comfortably say that kuwait today is much more different than say 5 years ago...people are more open-minded, helpful, and understanding.
it's very safe country compared to many other developed countries encluding the us and all europs.
in short, respect yourself and the society that you live in, and you'll be respected. you can't come to a muslim country like kuwait and complain about not having alcohool, night clubs, or bars. be logic.Complilation 11 Dec 2008, 12:16 - Report -
2 all the HATERS!!
Haters have 5 minutes to get the hell out of my country!!
If you don't like Kuwait go back to where you came from!!
Get the HELL OUT!!
Kuwait is a crown on your head!!
Get out now!! LEAVE!! SICK Retarded shit head!!Ann 28 Jan 2009, 12:19 - Report -
don't blame
all the kuwaitis are not same but expacts are also doing some bad to kuwatis . like stealing money specialy Banlagalis .. and cheating and some expacts are selling alcohol & selling innocent womens also.. we came here to earn money but not like this wikked way. kuwaiti need luxerious life big lates model cars,.. ciga.. ladies too thats tjeir culture we can say.. we should be very careful all the time really its not easy to live along in kuwait as a women.. some egyptians are very bad than kuwaitis.. what is sloution for them.. I have seen may cases all the egyptins are same specially RS.. secutitis.. at the same time don't blame always about kuwaiti the very kind people. the respects expacts & others as what Quran says.. I work for Syirin.. he cut more than 300 Kd from my salary. he don't want to give release also . one kuwait wants to help me but he don't let him help me also.. even I ma married my wife is pregnant I paying room rent by my own. I was being punished by cutting my salary in this stuation for nothing I know I didn't do any mistakes God Knows who I am.. please emaging how cunning & cruel Boss is he .. he is syrina . Now what you say about kuwaitis..
inncoent 26 Feb 2009, 05:49 - Report -
Fuk u bitch, thank god ur consuming resources elsewhere. I happen to be american and kuwaiti, so fuk u...i should find ur ass and make u clean my house u ignorant bitch...i understand some citizens in kuwait can be quite rude, but that's no excuse to label all kuwaitis and their country negatively...i guarantee no one here will call u a prostitute out of the blue like that, maybe u gave people a reason to... UR GARBAGE
Angry Dude 09 Mar 2009, 08:14 - Report -
Mainly egiptians
Egyptians,are dominant in kuwait..
they are very rude..
they are garbage..
i dont want to see dis ppl even
let them fire from kuwait...
they like to live dirty..
they r fuck....Some1 22 Mar 2009, 02:42 - Report -
individual role
every human in the world has his/her own view of thought to determine for situation coming. no one is limited or bound and every one is irrespectable. the right "there is will there is way"
ghulam 27 Mar 2009, 08:53 - Report -
individual role
every human in the world has his/her own view of thought to determine for situation comingt through society.. no one is limited or bound and every one is not irrespectable. the fact when a person show the respect, he found similar respesone. the right "there is will there is way" try to find good and decent ppls u would find. even in kuwait or all over the world.
ghulam 27 Mar 2009, 09:01 - Report -
2 Mirror on the wall
So Again, I repeat, Kuwait is not BAD, but Kuwaiti's are disrespectful towards expats.
Because expats are very very respectful toward Kuweitis.
I am not not Kuweiti but the attitude of most expats ont his forum makes me sick.
And ur answer to this is just ridiculous
Leave Kuwait if you don't like"...
Come on, 60% of the people are expats and if we leave then who will run the Kuwait....
Suddenly u agree about Kuweit interests ?? U r pathetic and so hypocritical.
Generalisation generalisation and generalisation pouah for god's sake just leave i u r not satisfied.Maria 07 Apr 2009, 04:27 - Report -
this is really great...i advise all of u to stay in ur house and shut it off!!! ds would be never one can accept everyone's or anyone's opinion. get a life and make the most out of it!
been in kuwait 09 Apr 2009, 07:56 - Report -
Kuwait is respectful country.
I am first time on this blog ,,, I totally agree with MARIA, and became sick to read the above articles. People are simply portrating negative picture of Kuwait, which is ABSOLUTELY WRONG. Tell me which country of the world has no crimes,corruption,rape, or other lot of problem... If you compare Kuwait with those countries you will find it nothing. I am not a Kuwaiti, but living in this country for many years in peace, and enjoying. Kuwaitis are generally GOOD people, DONT tell them BAD,,,, Since you are earning your living from this land ,,, then pelase respect it . Thanks
Zahid 05 Aug 2009, 10:25 - Report