germany sucks
it is over, Germany is full with nazis, and the east germany sucks.
It is ugly (not all), dirty and the ppl always sad... (not everybody but a 95% YESSSS)
i cant understand them, why can´t they enjoy the life???
Sorry but germany sucks.11 Mar 2007, 02:10 new york man
@ Steve: why they r proud of something (affluence in bavaria) they haven´t created. In Germany there is a stateadjustment and Bavaria was a long time a recipientstate. But they have forgotten this fact. NRW for example never gonna forget this fact because NRW or BW is always paying.
flyindutch 11 Jun 2009, 07:04 - Report -
If Germany is dirty you must have not been to Oklahoma yet! I have seen more racism here from native Indians towards white people than I ever saw in Germany!
Maybe if you changed your attitude people would be more friendly towards you?for real 11 Jun 2009, 09:52 - Report -
Deutschland ist die Beste in der Welt!
Ich wohne in der Ukraine und glaube das Deutschland ist die Beste. Das ist traumfart schön, die Natur ist wunderbar und die Leute sind freundlich, höflich.
Alexander 12 Jun 2009, 07:41 - Report -
Its always the same, some people hate Germany because its "full of Nazis"(But thats wrong), and others like our country because of its landscapes, the weather and the people. There will always be 2 groups, the ones who hate Germany and the one who like germany and noone can change anything at their opinion.
And now back to Bavaria: People all around in Germany dont like Bayern, because the people there are "arrogant".But arent they arrogant theirselves, if they say, that we Bavarians are stinky arrogant people, who look down on the rest of the population.
I dont know why the rest of germany hates us, but its not our fault, everybody is a bit proud of his past and its just a fact, that the pupils in Bavaria are a bit smarter and that the money is better shared over the populace.Steve 13 Jun 2009, 02:56 - Report -
@Steve: Whole Germany doesn´t hate Bavaria. But pl. make a difference between Bavaria and Franken.
flyindutch 15 Jun 2009, 01:33 - Report -
Do I have too much or do you have too little?
I don't hate Germany, but am often frustrated by Germans. If you are not German this may help you understand them. If you are German this may help you understand yourself
I am a foreigner living in Germany. If you are German & have lost your job, I did not take it. You can not do what I earn money doing. I have earned the respect of many Germans for my work. From Udo Lindenberg to the alcoholic neighbor & Harz IV empfanger of one of my employees. I employ Germans & stimulate the German economy with my taxes & spending.
Authoritative comments & comparisons between countries about the quality of life there should be limited to persons who have LIVED in the respective countries. That includes but is not limited to being an official resident, renting an apartment in your own name, being gainfully employed, filing income tax returns, learning the language, & being socially engaged in the community (not just an enclave of ex-patriots). I say this not to devalue anyone's opinion but to distinguish between impressions from a short term visit and the experience that comes with residence.
The German "experience" is very different if you are vacationing, studying, living with your native born spouse, self-employed, (by the average German)instantly racially/nationally visually identifiable (Black, Russian, Asian, Middle Eastern, etc.), wealthy, speak fluent accent-free German, etc. Taking the advice of anyone fitting a drastically different profile than your own could be problematic. Native Africans have a very different experience in the United States as slave descendant African-Americans. A third generation Azerbaijani man has a much different perspective as woman visiting Kreuzberg from Turkey.
Having objectively observed German culture for more than 12 years, I believe I have discovered the cause for many of the behaviors that many foreigners find objectionable.
Self-esteem/Self-Worth/Pride...or more correctly the lack thereof. Very few Germans under 30 have any pride. Many who say that they are proud are overcompensating to combat prevailing views of their country. The line between national pride & exclusionary extremism is seen as dangerously thin & is therefore not popular. A man who hangs a German flag in his apartment window or in his backyard (when no German national team is in a championship) will make his neighbors (and any foreigners in the area) nervous. Civic pride that is seen as positive for many of us back home is virtually unheard of here. Populations who suffer from low self-esteem do not integrate well. They are fearful & mistrusting of outsiders. There is often a lack of education & social exposure that exacerbates this condition. The children & grandchildren of the war generation have transmitted the diminished expectations that they experienced after WWII. Post war life in the countries of the Allies were times of great social & financial growth. The media age allows every new advance to be instantly advertised around the world. Countries not experiencing such growth & prosperity become bitter. Jealousy becomes an epidemic. This manifests itself as hate & there are widespread attempts to discredit & devalue the more successful society (the propaganda battle between East & West Germany is a prime example). Personal & inherited war shame + low self-esteem + the media age x jealousy = Defeated Master Race Syndrome. (or DMRS) It is highly contagious & most Germans have a terminable case of it but haven't been diagnosed. Many who seek treatment escape from Germany to prevent re-infection. This decreases the number of "Proud Germans" & the talent pool (higher skilled/educated Germans are infinitely more like to leave Germany than those with a minimum education).
Seen with a compassionate eye Germans are a potentially good society currently affected by an enormous list of disadvantages. It is their unwillingness/inability to improve that many foreigners find horrible. If you come from an optimistic country, Germany will smother you. If you come from a country where inefficient or outdated rules can be repealed or overlooked, Germany will stifle you. If you come from a society where individualism is cherished, Germany will mock you. If you bring your originality to Germany, they will copy you. If you come to Germany & look better than, dress better than, earn more money than, have deeper faith than, receive more education than, have a bigger home than, have a bigger car than, or are happier than the average German, they will hate you....but these are all symptoms of Defeated Master Race Syndrome. Unless you are able to find those Germans who have been cured of (or hopefully never got) this ailment you will experience this.
Architects of the Third Reich could not have predicted that those that fled or survived their regime would rise to control much of the media is the USA. Accordingly the atrocities of WWII are retold with Dolby surround sound in theaters all over the world & probably will in perpetuity (lest anyone forget we'll release a new story every 18 months). Germany is not the only country to commit genocide...just the only one to do it in the media/information age where their victims have the power to tell the world & make a profit while doing it. As long as this is the case Germany will never escape its past & the world will never be allowed to forget it.
Additional problems that I have observed but won't extensively elaborate on:
Low bithrate: kids are too expensive for Germans
Exorbitant Taxes: .83 cents from every euro spent on gas is taxes. 19% sales tax on goods. income tax rates that go as high as 44%. Taxes/Fees on everything there's even a "fun tax" (vergnügungssteuer).
Crumbling Socialized medicine that has not enough tax revenue to support itself.
Church buildings that are too old, too large that are exclusively supported through taxes that more and more people are opting out of because they see the church as unnecessary (& the church is content to collect tax revenue & not serve the community).
The devaluation of German products: Goods produced in Germany are often given Asian or American sounding names to increase their marketability INSIDE Germany.
Lack of home ownership: It is common in Germany to pay rent (sometimes in the same apartment) for more than 40 years.
School system: It is decided as early as the 4 grade if a child will go on to higher education.
Foreign Language: Many students learn a foreign language for more than 6 years, receive good grades, & can not speak it conversationally.
Creative Arts: Originality is not valued. Artistic quality is based on one ability to copy an existing work.
Capitalism: The USA is seen as the capitalistic monster, but it's Germany with 1/4 of the residents who sells more things to the world than any other country...$1,530,000,000,000 in 2008...where is all that money?
Insecure Germans reading this now are probably very angry...because the things that I'm saying are unfortunately true. When kids in school called my mother a whore, I asked them "When should she have time to have sex? Between board meetings, raising my brothers & sisters, church council, & volunteering to feed the homeless, there was no time for her to stand on the street corner too." My mother was a vice-president of a Fortune 500 company. I didn't become enraged because it was categorically untrue. If I call your Father a cocaine addicted slob who beats your mother & raped you...if I don't know him personally AND none of it is true, it won't affect you. If I've been to your house & witnessed his behavior & everyone knows about his police record, then you will become infuriated when I print it in the newspaper. Angry, uneducated, factless responses or Anti-Foreigner (Go Home!) posts from Germans will only confirm that what I am saying is true.
Many Germans are not aware of how they are. They think that the "mean cold Germans" are somebody else. They don't see that they never smile while walking down the street. They don't recognize that they are rude to customers at their job. They don't see it as in their job description to be nice. They don't see that treating customers/clients nice is good for business...because in Germany it isn't. Most companies are not dependent on customer satisfactions, because a rudely treated customer still comes back. A rude salesperson in other countries would be fired or at the least earn less money through lower sales/commissions. German workers with direct customer contact have no motivation to treat you they don't.
Don't take it COMPLETELY personal...they treat each other the same way. Germans treat one another badly & hate it. They endlessly complain when they have to interact with governmental agencies, but won't fund these agencies giving the workers horrible working conditions. They hate rude people in public but cut in line themselves when they are in a hurry. They hate the lack of customer service (Servicewüste Deutschland), but accept it as normal.Germans hate cheap laborers from Eastern Europe but want everything for the lowest price possible. They exert twice as much energy complaining about their lives as it would require to make choices to improve it. The connection between choices & experience has escaped the German people. They believe that "Sh*t Happens" is a mantra. They don't see that they "chose Sh*t" & more importantly chose not to try to clean it up afterwards. If they offend someone or make a racial slur, it's the other persons fault for getting offended..."Es ist halt so!" (it's like that). Political correctness & civil courage are non-existent.
All of these things are the product of Post-War shame, low self-esteem/self-worth, the media age, & jealousy. Until these conditions change the climate will remain the same in German...continuing to worsen until it is unable to sustain life.
There are nice places in Germany & nice people as well. Your experience with Germans will completely depend on what/who you are by comparison. The things I describe are common in large cities as well as small towns. If you are not seen as better, a threat to their way of life, & don't cause or represent change...then your chances of a positive experience increases.
Know what you're up against & be realistic.
RNronniesneffe 16 Jun 2009, 04:05 - Report -
@ ronniesneffe
Hi ronniesneffe,
interesting text and by far the most porfound. Some descriptions r applicable but often u jump to a conclusion. Often u argue black and white. U enumerated chinks and problems of the german society (following ya opinion) but don´t refelect the causations. U listed the negative things but ignored the positve aspects. and there r many postive things.
i respect your opinion but definitily do not agree and definitely with your attitude. And iam also a foreigner.
p.s."The USA is seen as the capitalistic monster, but it's Germany with 1/4 of the residents who sells more things to the world than any other country...$1,530,000,000,000 in 2008...where is all that money?" - What do u mean wiv that question? U know what the export includes? It doesn´t deals exclusive with in Germany produced products which r sold in the whole world. Ohh no! Germany works also like a cross-docking centre. Especially the Netherlands. They transport and they deal. They r service providers but do not produce. So the whole world keep alive by the german and dutch export work.flyindutch 16 Jun 2009, 11:15 - Report -
I am going to visit Germany soon... is that "racism" really exist?
Well for a strange reason(Looking for Germany of course) I ended up in this forum and now I feel kind of afraid, there are a lot of positive and negative commentaries as well but the second ones seemed to be part of the majority, however these vacations I am going to visit Germany especially Berlin and Hamburg. I am going in a tour of different countries, and Germany is the last one I am going to visit, I'll stay there by my own maybe 2 weeks, but with all the things you are saying, I am thinking about myself as a woman in there.
I don't even speak the language, but I can manage, english, spanish and some french, so I thought it was kind of enough.
In my personal opinion I don't have anything against that country and I think the are amazing in a lot of aspects. I have had some german friends and they are not the nicest people on earth but for 2 or 4 people I won't put the entire country and say something negative, because I don't know anything yet. (at least by my own) all the information we read from everywhere shouldn't be immediately believe it. We have our own judgement to see if is true or not.
Anyways I am here for any recommendation I am a mexican girl of 24 years old.
Thank youKarla 17 Jun 2009, 12:12 - Report -
Hey Karla,
I think its not the right forum here to ask this question. this forum is totally not objective because u have the possibilty to write wiv different identities.
Look at the different threads equal of germany, france, uk, swiss, italy....
its full of racist judgments. The most aswers r written by one persons or by sick persons who believe in political groups which hates Europe, Germany and believe that the helocentrism is an atheistic doctrine.
for the last time the only one who criticised Germany in an ambitious way was "ronniesneffe" but not every fact is right.
I cannot speak spanish really well but I noticed that the spanish threads r more differentiated. There was also a girl who wrote the applicable sentence - "Everybody loves their country and this we have to respect. Try to act in respect and the doors r open in europe."
Please, follow this fact and don´t be interacted by so much intolerance of some guys here .
The best way is to talk wiv people and makin your own experiences. And please, don´t be so sensitive because its Germany. Often made bad a bad experience also because of their character and project it directly on Germany and the history. Don´t make this mistake.
I can give u the advice that u have to learn some sentences in the native language. For Germany for example....
- Guten Tag
- Auf Wiedersehen
- Können Sie mir helfen?
- Wo ist....
- Ich bin aus Mexiko.
It´s the same like in every country. For example in France really try to speak french. They don´t really like to speak english because they r ashamed to speak english wiv their accent as well as they have some prejudices regarding the british people.
Show the gesture of goodwill and u r welcome in every country.
Concluding... iam also a foreigner in Germany and my girlfriend is from portugal. We have never bad bad experiences in Germany.
So enjoy Berlin. It´s one of the most creative and alterable metropoles of the world. If u want to see more I can give u the advice to visit for example...
Münster, Trier, Dresden, Heidelberg, Aachen, the Loreley, the Allgaeu....
Greetsflyindutch 17 Jun 2009, 04:06 - Report -
flyindutch 17 Jun 2009, 04:31 - Report -
@mr_black ;-)
ohhh...a new synonym
flyindutch 21 Jun 2009, 01:24 - Report -
Thanks flyindutch =)
Thanks for taking the time to answer me, I know is not the correct place, but usually none is...
I just get worried but it's kind stupid, I will discover the fascinating Germany by myself and I will get my own opinion about it...
and about the people who is always insulting they should be ashamed, being rude is not the solution of anything it only shows how ignorant you are.
Be happy anyways.karla 21 Jun 2009, 07:08 - Report -
Hi Karla,
nice to hear that u gonna visit Europe! If need some official information u can also visit following link...
If u need more information (e.g. nice hostels, bars, cultural places, music etc.) u can contact me via Skype. My nick is "chartierkr".
I think its better to write via mail.
Have fun!flyindutch 21 Jun 2009, 06:40 - Report -
it's up to you...
I myself am German and I stayed abroad for one year (in a country - not USA - that sadly many Germans are prejudiced against) so my view on certain subjects changed a bit due to seeing a lot of things from a different perspective.
I can understand ronniesneffes point of view to some degree. That negative attitude towards life, that he described, is also a product of a mass media campaign to broadcast negative aspects all kinds of areas. If you follow the news closely, you'll find that it is quite common to downgrade any kinds of stuff related to Germans or German culture. Part of that is due to the fact, that Germans go to great lengths to prevent any kind of idea hinting that they might support a nazi idea and another reason is that it is also not good for making money (media) or isn't a good basis for making politics if things go well. With all the negative views spread it is likely that people end up getting frustrated to a gread deal.
Personally I am fed up with this public pressure of always having to display the obligatory post-war shame. I have not lived in that time and I am not responsible for any crimes committed there. Yes they are horrible and should never be committed again but you cannot expect Germans to grow out of this low self-esteem issue if you still keep on hitting them with the hammer of righteousness on their heads. Fact is that there is no other nation that doesn't have a dirty past but it is mostly the Germans the finger is pointed on. I have to say, also because they let others point their fingers on them. We live in a country that tries to be one of the best at everything, even at repenting
I strongly have to disagree with what was said above about things being bad here if you are a good person or better than the average in some ways. That would depend on your own attitude towards others and how you view them. If you think you're better than them and openly show this (intentionally or unintentionally)... well then also be prepared to get some unfriendly response.
Other than that you cannot expect noone to get jealous of you if you're more successful than many others but that will happen as well if you are a German. I know a couple of people (non-Germans) who accomplished way more than the average middle-class people and they NEVER had trouble due to this fact as far as I know. Personally I couldn't ever imagine me or some other German I know being rude or unfriendly towards a foreigner just because he/she has achieved more.. Geez, that's a gross view of things, I am wondering where that came from?! Or maybe you just like to see things that way?
Some reasons why Germans (I am using Germans now but you can use any other ethnic group instead easily) often have negative views on things are also because they are made to believe that things are actually that way. Schools teach us that an impartial point of view is standard so people believe they are well-informed by the media (Germany is a developed country after all). They start believing what is shown to them and when the time comes for them to use their own head and maybe finally relize that it wasn't entirly true what they believed, irritation and sometimes frustration are very likely to appear. Especially if they liked the original picture in their head because it was convenient to them.
A thing some people don't realize about Germany is that life here is going on behind the walls and usually not out on the streets. There are clubs to join or the circle of friends to meet with or the family.. etc. For some foreigners it might not be easy to get past these walls and thus feel left out of the loop. Germany then becomes boring, cold and rude. But it is actually more likely for a foreigner to get invited than for a native precicely because he/she is a non-German.
And about the lack of customer service... that is subject to change these days.
And let's not forget: it is always easier to see the negative side of things because the positive aspects are considered natural (and therefore are not worth of much notice)
Don't go looking for the bad stuff, look for nice things. And that doesn't apply only to a lot of Germans but also to the other pessimists around
I like this country for my own reasons and I like others too. They all have good and bad aspects and it is not a subject for general judgement wether one is worse or better than the other or not. That's a matter of personal preference.
@ Karla: Nice to hear you'll visit the country! Don't be afraid, there won't be any Germans waiting for a mexican girl around the corner just to throw mean words at herHave a little faith in humanity! I wish you a nice trip!!
mee 21 Jun 2009, 11:02 - Report -
"But it is actually more likely for a foreigner to get invited than for a native precicely because he/she is a non-German"
Ich stimme dir zu. Spricht aber auch dafür, dass es ein besonderes Interesse bzw. ein Neugier gegenüber Fremden in Deutschland gibt. - Allerdings du sollst das weiter ausführen. Versteht bestimmt nicht jeder.
Viele grüßeflyindutch 22 Jun 2009, 12:45 - Report -
The lack of bitter, counter-productive responses is encouraging.
I am aware that I express thoughts that many would prefer to deny or ignore. First my direct responses:
@Karla: Nice name. You trip appears to be focused around large "West" (influenced) cities. I say influenced because technically Berlin isn't in the West part of the country. Your experience would differ extremely if you were visiting smaller or "decidedly Eastern" German cities. Additionally it will be relatively brief. This plus your youth & two "X" chromosomes probably means you will have the time of your life. Being female might be your greatest asset overall. Sad but true. People of different genders who are placed in the same set of circumstances typically have more positive experience from the social (human) components. Anyone courageous (or foolhardy) enough to visit countries without a common language probably will probably be flexible & can roll with the punches.
I wish you a great trip. Extra-Tip: Advertising the fact that you are Mexican & JUST VISITING could improve your experience.
@mee: Your comments about German jealousy seem naïve if not completely in denial.
Neid, Volkskrankheit? Germans are notoriously jealous of one another & foreigners. To offer sugar-coated opinions to the contrary is reckless. This dynamic to everyday personal & professional social interactions in Germans is something persons wishing to live/study in Germany need to know. People considering something as extreme as relocating need such details in order to make informed decisions. We all place different importance on the components that make up life in a particular environment. For one, the quality of scientific education is all that matters, for another it’s public safety (low incidence of gun violence), & yet another is focused on availability/cost of health care. Maybe for Ms. Yamamoto a lack of religious diversity/tolerance is a deal breaker, for Mr. Abdullah it’s taxes & Mr. Smith can’t handle certain social peculiarities. Isn’t it fair to tell Mr. Smith the truth & let him make the best decision based on as much information as possible? A fully informed resident is far more productive than a disillusioned one. Naturally things like jealousy affect people on vacation to a lesser extent, but they too should have access to accurate information. If you don’t act envious, then you are happy & satisfied with your life, what you have, & what you have earned…IN COMPARISON TO THOSE AROUND YOU! The guy working at the assembly line at VW waiting in line for soccer tickets is not jealous of the drunken homeless guy passed out in the alley. He IS envious of the Turkish/Russian guy who just drove by in his new S-Klasse on his way to the VIP entrance to his luxury box in the Allianz Arena. This is not healthy “I wish I had that” or “wow, cool” form but a much more insidious form. VW guy (hab nichts gegen band arbeitern bei VW…es ist NUR als beispiel…some of my best friends work at VW…really) will be irritated anytime he sees someone pay with a large Euro note, wearing clothes that appear expensive, driving a nice car, or any other signs of success which VW guy does not have. Many Germans resent those who have or show prosperity. There is an unwritten rule that you are not supposed to have more than your neighbor…& if you do, hide it! Germans (& foreigners alike) often relocate or live lives of secrecy rather than risk the envious friends of their “former lives”. The mixing of economic classes often ends badly. The source of the prosperity is irrelevant to the offended party. VW guy doesn’t care that you legally & ethically earned what you have. To him it’s “not fair”. (dass du hast für 8 Jahre studiert & war mehrmals befördert spielt keine rolle.) Furthermore, you should have been content to your prosperity as to not make anyone else feel inferior by comparison.
I don’t feel your schools encourage free thinking, but rather the perpetuation of “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. This creates a society that will defend to the death certain accepted social principles despite their obsolescence. Ladenschlussgesetz: An impractical sign of German inflexibility for over 50 years. It was obsolete at its inception, but has been used as a piece of propaganda to advance various agendas. Despite the fact that most Germans find its limits stifling, it has been the political sacred cow since 1956. Those defending it have threatened that its elimination would result in the destruction of families, exploitation of the working class, & fabric of society becoming irrevocably unstitched.
I empathize with your “Post-War” shame & agree that it may seem unfair that you must bare its burden. In my previous post I eluded to the fact that the Germans picked the wrong race & the wrong time to perpetuate genocide.(there is, course, no “right” race or “right” time to commit mass murder) The victims of the Holocaust have a voice…very loud, electronic, mass marketed, all-reaching, digital surround sound, downloadable voice. Every German reading this may want to grab a strong drink because you are probably not going to like my solution for you. Since it’s highly unlikely that Jewish people relinquish their influence in the media & even less likely that they will stop talking about the Holocaust, Germans have only two options. Shame or Change. If the only negative thing about German society was its WWII legacy, then this board wouldn’t exist & we would all be eating Waldmeister ice cream in Schloss Neuschwanstein. Hitler took advantage of deeply rooted behaviors & beliefs to create the Third Reich. Without the fertile social conditions, his rise to power would have been impossible, fruitless, or unremarkable. Ironically, (based on the “no jealousy” post), among the contributing factors was widespread jealousy & envy of the large & successful Jewish population. Modern-day Germans have not made great strides in their popularity (especially among neighboring countries). Germans are often seen as cold, depressed, envious, jealous, inflexible, backward-thinking, & cheap. (THESE CONDITIONS ARE, OF COURSE FOUND IN EVERY SOCIETY, I’M ONLY LISTING COMMON IMPRESSIONS OF GERMANS) Every German knows what is meant by “Typisch Deutsch”. I submit that every time a German, REGARDLESS OF GENERATION, behaves in this manner it validates, perpetuates, & propagates the negative perceptions & stereotypes about German people. Every one of us comes from a culture or nationality with well known negative stereotypical traits. When we fulfill those stereotypes we do ourselves, all those like us, & our future generations a disservice. YOU ARE YOUR CHOICES. If you don’t want to live with Post-War shame, make Germany & Germans (by your actions) something less shameful. Make “Typisch Deutsch” something positive. If YOU change what “typical” German behavior is, then the opinions & stereotypes will change as well.
The media can talk all day about your past, but if your present is unequivocally different…then it’s just talk. If you aren’t who they say you are, then make who you are louder than who they “think” you are.
@mr_black: I am curious to hear specifics about your situation. In as exacting detail as possible. I find it fascinating to compare & contrast the individual components & choices that make up an individual’s experience. By exchanging this information we can enable to others to make better decisions for themselves. I received very subtle advice during my first visits that were difficult to decipher & interpret. Of course “if I knew then what I know now” would have played an extensive role in my decision-making, but I’m not so sure that my overall choice would have been altered. I feel that we have the opportunity to offer those at a crossroad as to their country of residence a powerful tool. My goal is not to bash Germany but rather to remove the illusions & denial. Please make sure that you are objective in your sharing. If you just rant, then you give ample fodder to those who reminisce about “the good ol’ days” (damals war alles besser) & those living in denial. Be clear & if you must include emotional details, make sure that it is discernable.
@flyindutch: Of all the people who have ever (anonymously) disagreed with me, your words have given me the greatest desire to meet & talk.
In conclusion:
The beauty of German churches, cities, parks, forests, & castles is legendary. The exhilaration of her Autobahn is the stiff that dreams are made of. Germany’s Schiffshebewerke (boat lifts) are awe-inspiring engineering marvels. Her Denkmalen (monuments) & structures are breathtaking. Even the preservation of Konzentrationslagern (Concentration camps) is admirable. If you drive at 230 km/h on A14 freeway after visiting the Völkerschlachtdenkmal in Lepzig, stop & see the last work from Hundertwasser in Magdeburg, walk the historic district of Lüneburg, watch the 38 meter ship elevator around the corner in Scharnebeck, trek west to see the Cologne Cathedral (600 years in the making), then back south to watch people surfing the canal in München, head back up & hug a column of the Brandenburger Tor & then make it to Rügen and…do nothing, you will know (some of) the beauty of Germany…BUT… Just as you need to inform yourself about the best way to go about visiting these places, you need to be prepared for the mentalities of some of the people you will meet along the way. If your stay requires anything more than a Schengen Visa, there are a number undeniable historical, political, psychological, & socio-economic realities that must be faced.
RNronniesneffe 22 Jun 2009, 08:43 - Report -
Would restrict myself to going Germany
I had leant some basic German for 1.5 years while in Asia. After visiting Germany for a few times already, my views of Germany changed. Basically a lot of threads that were said about Germans were true to a certain extend. My views seems to get worst exponentially with increase visitations to Germany.
At least now I know more about Germany now, and at least I've made a decision not stay in any Germany states in my lifetime and will restrict my tourist euros there. My holiday money spent elsewhere would make me happy. Anyway, Germany dont need your tourist Euros as they are already technologically export oriented and most of them will be more happy for you not to visit their country.Asian Tiger 23 Jun 2009, 02:06 - Report -
First at all thanks for everyone who is giving me an answer( I didn't
expect it and you are behaving like gentlemen) and yeah Flyindutch Ill add u in Skype =)!!!!!!!
Second eeeh I just didn't get some things and I don't want to break my head... thinking..
I just want to go direct to the point...
So what does it mean "Being female might be yout greatest assest overall..."
that sounded strange... I mean I don't want to do any conclusion so Ill wait ur answer..
and about..
I wish you a great trip. Extra-Tip: Advertising the fact that you are Mexican & JUST VISITING could improve your experience
I mean why the JUST VISITING is in Mayús ha ha, is it forbidden to stay there?
Actually I have some germans friends from my highschool, I dated one of them for half a year and we were cool all the time,
obviously we had our culture problems...anyways...
He is going to take me to some parts in Germany now that I go and almost all the time, he says he wants me to stay in there...
so you are saying if I do u will hate me?
I never had a purpose to go anywhere I mean, I travel because I can and want(I am on vacations!) plus Germany is the last country I am going to go,
there are people who is totally happy with the enviroment
that is around, I am mexican but I have a great life and thank God a good family that supports me, but if I want to try another thing
like staying there, should i be ashamed? I don't think learning a language is that difficult, actually I love german and japanese, but
since english is more important in here and I live in a small place I couldn't study it yet. I use to visit some things online, though.
I am just saying... I just want your opinon.
I hate when all in here make everything general and sometimes including me!
But being marked as a country is like being a cow.. burned.. yeah it sounds stupid and maybe what I am saying doesn't have anything to do
with this discussion, because honestly a lot of things that you said are pretty complicated hehehe...
But... there are a lot people, honest, hardworker and that don't need anything else for others...
ALL OF US are different... theres good, bad or stupid people in every country...
GreetingsKarla 24 Jun 2009, 02:23 - Report -
A lot of things I wrote are questions to ronniesneffe, I am sorry I did it so quickly because I was leaving that I made mistakes.
Karla 24 Jun 2009, 10:20 - Report -
@Karla: Germans are sometimes known for their hate & anger. I was trying to give you tips to get you the opposite.
Girls are more easily accepted as strangers. No one is threatened. Young, pretty girls are often very popular (school, parties, discos, etc.). The people we meet on vacation know us superficially. What's one of the most basic things we identify when we see someone for the first time? Gender. As a light brown young woman you will be much more accepted by the majority than a Black or Arabian man.
There is often racial & cultural tension between Germans & Arabic people (especially Turkish). Many Germans cannot tell the difference between similarly looking races/nationalities. Presumably you are a light brown girl with dark hair. To the "average" German...without any additional clues (language, culture specific clothing, Mexican money)...would look at you & think you were Turkish (or Arabian). Making it obvious for an adult with a 9th grade education (a dummy) or one who's never seen a non-stereotypical Mexican can help you avoid confusion. You also don't want to mistakenly be the recipient of "Anti-Turkish" sentiments.
If everyone thinks/know that you are just on vacation then you won't be confronted by very uncomfortable invasive questions. There are people who might feel threatened by "yet another" foreigner moving here. Many Germans are uneducated on immigration specifics think that EVERY foreigner receive large subsidies from the Government. This is of course false. SOME asylum seekers receive assistance, but it's not enough for anybody to reasonably live on & you wouldn't let your dog sleep in the horrible places the state has for asylum applicants. Some Germans are just generally nationalistic & don't appreciate foreigners of any kind. Many people are threatened by people who want to settle in Germany. "Will they have kids?", "How should they afford to stay here?", "Who's job will they take?", etc.. Many Germans operate under a "lack mentality". They think that there is not enough to go around. If you work then that means that there is a German out of work. Now you might be a double Dr. in Immunology & Micro're not stealing that job from'd actually be replacing one of the countless top scientists who leave Germany every year for other countries. Many Germans regret that the Government invited workers (Turkey, Poland, Italy, etc.) to come rebuild after the war & were quite shocked to learn that these people wanted to then settle here & have families. Accordingly Germany has (like any other country with immigrants) growing racial & cultural problems. Being conspicuously Mexican & visiting keeps you from being caught up in these issues.
When you visit, try to notice the number of Germans over 25 who laugh in public or are smiling. You might be able to count them on one hand during your two week stay. The average German is not happy with his/her life & IS DOING NOTHING TO IMPROVE IT! If you are happy (that you are alive for example) it only draws more attention to the fact that they are not. There are those (if you were living here as a student/resident) who would dislike you for no other reason than your life is "good".
Many Germans have a "mentality of lack" when it comes to personal wealth & prosperity. If you have 1000 Euros to spend, that means that there are 1000 less Euros to be had & is cause for panic & jealousy. If you come on vacation & you "appear" wealthy, there are those who will be very jealous of you. This jealousy is not hidden & is very common. If you have money to spend (expensive new dress, watch, bag, etc.), unless you want to hear someone micro-manage or criticize how you spend YOUR money...don't do it overtly. Self-indulgence is looked upon poorly...because that something that people do when they're happy & enjoying their life (see above). I have Mexican relatives & they celebrate life to the fullest.
Come. Have the time of your life. Just be aware of what attitudes you might meet & be prepared. Forewarned is fore-armed (if you know what you are up against, you can be better prepare...whatever happens)
I sincerely wish you the best.
RNronniesneffe 25 Jun 2009, 01:08 - Report -
Regarding your penultimate comment.....
Ronniesneffe, thanks for your text. But while reading your text it became clear for me what is meant with the synonym “baby-English”. At the beginning I had some problems to understand you. The word order of the American English is sometimes really confusing. This experience I have also done with the book “Operation Management” of the publisher Mc Graw-Hill Irwin. Some old German economic people have described our superficial school-English, which is also used in some enterprises, as counterproductive. It doesn’t improve the efficiency. Understandingly, but I hope I’ll improve my English.
Because, you also observed indirectly, we’ve not the possibility to sit opposite each other wiv a cold “Jever”, I want to comment quoting on your statements.
I don’t know how I have to express it, but with the most of your comment I agree regarding the basic construct, but I have the opinion that it needs to be seen more in a more nuanced light as well as described more differentiated. Furthermore in such a non-objective board it is important to describe the subject in relation to as well as to the positive things. Otherwise it depict a skewed view what can be quite dangerous and certainly abolish chances. In this spirit I’m glad that Karla has a pleasant and a not always self-explanatory tolerant view. It would be paradisiacal if only 50 percent of the humanity would have such an attitude. With comparing I mean also comparing the historical, social, demographical and geographical circumstances. The mere fact that Germany has 10 neighbour countries it is difficult to compare. So its conceivable that there are conflict situations. It become clear that Germany is and was a product of the environment. The Americans should know it exactly. The American politic has and had a significant influence in Germany. That begins wiv the German identity as well as wiv the German position on the Israel – Palestine conflict.
In the following I´ll comment your statements:
- “I wish you a great trip. Extra-Tip: Advertising the fact that you are Mexican & JUST VISITING could improve your experience.“ – You agree wiv the opinion of „mee“ that there is a general interest regarding foreign cultures in Germany? Regarding this fact I’ve made a lot experience. For example with my Portuguese girl friend. The people always evince friendly interest. When the people hear her name you´re always hearing…”Ohhhh….du bist aus Portugal?! Das ist ja schön! Erzähl mal!
- “Isn’t it fair to tell Mr. Smith the truth & let him make the best decision based on as much information as possible? A fully informed resident is far more productive than a disillusioned one. Naturally things like jealousy affect people on vacation to a lesser extent, but they too should have access to accurate information.” – I hold that you reflect too much in detail but differentiate insufficient. It´s really important to consider the bad and good things. Otherwise it’s not fair and irresponsible. I also distinguish in Brazil or in the USA. I can also numerate numerical problems but also regard the positive things and evaluate. If I account only the bad things, I act prejudiced and intolerant. I don’t want to abuse u as a intolerant person. Ohhh no, far from it! I believe that u differentiate for your own.
- “If you don’t act envious, then you are happy & satisfied with your life, what you have, & what you have earned…IN COMPARISON TO THOSE AROUND YOU!” – In general your statement is right. But regarding our theme it is important to differentiate in a more detailed way. It is important to consider the social, historical and ideological circumstances. In Germany and the most parts of Europe there is a socialistically awareness what is really difficult for the American to understand or they don’t have the needed horizon to understand this fact. I don’t want to act deprecatingly and I’ve also separate in this theme but I notice that even American politics have not the needed long-sightedness and the comprehension what the socialistically features includes. There r old men who abuse the democrats as communists or declaim the “New deal” as socialistically movement. The same I also recognized in Brazil. Definitely you are wondering why I accost the socialistically awareness regarding the theme of enviousness. I gonna try to summarise it in short sentences.
I have the opinion that enviousness is not only perception out of the humaneness or a result of the identity or education. I have made the experience that enviousness also results out of the coincidence of socialist ally and capitalist ally awareness. This you can notice in East Germany. And I know East Germany cause of my familiarly history and place of birth very well. I noticed that the enviousness in East Germany is really apparent. The reasons are really strange to be answered but I think it´s important to examine this phenomenon. The East Germans have a specific relation to consumption or rather the capitalism. For decades they lusted for “west products”. There were also people who collected Coca-Cola cans on their ledges. “Intershops” smelled like gums and for them the smell was paradisiacal. Otherwise there was a ideological big bang wiv the Fall of the Wall. It was a shock. The identity has been changed. For decades they cursed the enemy behind the “anti-fascistic protective barrier” and now they r also citizen of this country. This shock u cannot handle in a short time. This needs decades what many Germany do not understand. So, the East German is directly confronted with the colourful and sweet consumption products. He only smells “Intershop” and collaps. The paradise. At every corner they try to debauch him wiv grabby credits so he can have everything. But all of a sudden the East German recognise that he doesn’t get these things wiv a “Westpaket”. Money rules the world. He has to pull the strings and create an own self – confidence. A new identity, which disagrees wiv his old one. But he cannot pull down his old identity. That doesn´t work. That means that he acts wiv a less socialistically act in a capitalistically world. With the old attitude that the state has to care about my personal future and me he acts. Therefore he gets inflexible the financial profit stay away. With this demand of governmental care and the socialist ally thinking that every must have the same he begins to be inactive is asking for orders of the government. ( Germany is the country of reallocations. Everybody have to be aided.) But the the government cannot give him everything and so he cannot get everything he wants. With the old opinion everybody has to earn the same he ask….”why they earn more than me?”. And so there arise a new achievement of enviousness.
With this example I want to describe only one facet. I don’t want to declare that this is the only reason but I want make plain that it is complex to understand Germany. This country has undergone numerically metamorphosis and this includes problems, which has to be handled.
Enviousness is not always negative. It depends on how it is demonstrated. Negative, when u disapprove something someone. Positive, when u use it as a motivation.
- The guy working at the assembly line at VW waiting in line for soccer tickets is not jealous of the drunken homeless guy passed out in the alley. He I envious of the Turkish/Russian guy who just drove by in his new S-Klasse on his way to the VIP entrance to his luxury box in the Allianz Arena. – I think u haven chosen a really disadvantageous example. First, the VW employer is also envy when the homeless drunken guys because he miss the effort.
You but definitely not describing regarding this subject perhaps intentionally choose the example with the Turkish and the Russian. But I can tell a little bit about these phenomena. Actually I´m working for a car rental service while studying. We only rent luxury cars. 75 percent of my workmates have a Turkish background as well as we ´ve many Turkish customers…so I have a wonderful possibility to discuss about this subject. Intrinsically I don´t want to give rise to this subject, because I´m tired about this theme but I want to describe it regarding your example. Furthermore I want declaim that the most people wiv Turkish background starker opinion about his Turkish residents.
I want to speak about these guys who r sitting in their S- Klasse wiv their ritzy gold chain, intolerant music out of their boxes and gesturing in a aggressive way. I mean these guys who have adequate behaviour, only speaking a slang and recognised that the intelligence is really constricted. Empirically and cause of many dialogues wiv these guys and my Turkish co-workers, I know that these guys didn´t “earned” the money legally. So I cannot pat them on the back. I suppose that u would do the same. Only an example. You wouldn´t also pat the back of a candyman and say….”oh, well done.” I don’t want to continue this theme but I think u understand me.
Another theme is that a lot of is payed on tick, perhaps to demonstrate sth. Or to increase envy. In my enterprise I sing a song about it. But the most overlook this fact….
- “VW guy doesn’t care that you legally & ethically earned what you have.” – ahhh…. U mean the employer in Germany, Mexico and Brazil?
- “to him it’s “not fair”. (dass du hast für 8 Jahre studiert & war mehrmals befördert spielt keine rolle.)” – That´s the perfect example, I think. And really I cannot understand why these people cannot comprehend that diploma holder earn more money. The students have extensive additional costs but cannot earn a lot of money as well as they cannot pay for the pension fund while their studies. It means that they have to catch up this financial gap in a shorter time. Furthermore they will work in higher position with more responsibility, which have to be payed. We r not living in communism where the dustman earn the same like the engineer
- “I don’t feel your schools encourage free thinking, but rather the perpetuation of “The Emperor’s New Clothes”.” – I don’t think so. Especially in social studies freethinking is extensively encouraged. For example the Americans didn’t cover themselves with glory regarding this theme.
- “Ladenschlussgesetz: An impractical sign of German inflexibility for over 50 years.” – This catched out of the cloud to firm that the “LAdenschlussgesetze” r a symbol for the inflexibility of Germany. Regarding this topic there is also a socialistically and union background. Really absurd.
- “Ironically, (based on the “no jealousy” post), among the contributing factors was widespread jealousy & envy of the large & successful Jewish population.” – You definitely simplify this theme. Your conclusion seems to be “zurecht gelegt”. Envineous is not a German phenomenon. Regarding the Jewish population the envy was all over the world. There are still a lot of depreciative proverbs in English regarding Jews which describes their cursorily social position in the association. And it’s not rare that for example Americans use the word “Jew” as a cuss word.
- “Every German knows what is meant by “Typisch Deutsch”. I submit that every time a German, REGARDLESS OF GENERATION, behaves in this manner it validates, perpetuates, & propagates the negative perceptions & stereotypes about German people.” – I haven’t made such an experience. And often the statement “ Typisch Deutsch” is an invention by the Germans ´cause of their lacking self – confidence. The Germans notice these blanked statements too seriously. Mostly these statements are meant intentionally sketchy. For example the English often makes jokes about the Germans. But they find it amused and cannot understand why the Germans notice this too seriously. Another example was the images in a polish magazine with Mrs. Merkel in a Nazi – uniform. The most Polish magazines were ashamed about these images and when you research exactly u notice that this magazine belongs to the “Springer-Verlag”. I think that such simplifications u doesn’t have to notice too seriously. Americans, Mexican and Canadian don’t stint with such sweeping statement, too.
- “If you don’t want to live with Post-War shame, make Germany & Germans (by your actions) something less shameful.” – I think that Germany does a lot for his fame. They invest milliards for international promoted projects (e.g. “Action medeor” – the leading pharmaceutical public social aid in Europe), numerous “Goethe – Institute” and the secondary projects care for the international cultural cooperation and regarding the diplomacy Germans has often an interventional position. For example in middle East.
- “If YOU change what “typical” German behavior is, then the opinions & stereotypes will change as well.” – Everyone acts more or less like a stereotype. That’s humanly and a part of our identity. And a loss of identity was often the reason for brutal conflicts.
-“the media can talk all day about your past, but if your present is unequivocally different…then it’s just talk. If you aren’t who they say you are, then make who you are louder than who they “think” you are.” – Please, tell me who the Germans are? I hate the simple examples buts look at the German U-21 national soccerteam.
This is a small profile of Germany. Germany is no more …. “Schmidt”, “Schuhmacher”, “Meier”. Germany don´t have to demonstrate something. They have a new identity which can be seen positive. Germany is multi –cultural.
The most have recognised this fact. And the Germans are at it.
Exemplary, I think that the French and the German society are alike a lot. In German journals you have the same social topics like in French journals. Symbolically the French journal “ Le Monde” and the German one “Berliner Zeitung” make regularly editions in common. That means…that at the front side “Le Monde” is printed and at the back the “Berliner Zeitung” . The motive is to show that the both association are quite similar. I think it’s a wonderful idea.
Finally, I want to call, that it is difficult for other nationalities to understand Germany. ´Cause of the geographical layer, the history and the resulting responsibility, Germany has special denotation. It is unacceptable to judge simply about Germany. That’s naïve, provincial, not fair, dump and not cosmopolitan.
Yours respectfully…….flyindutch 25 Jun 2009, 04:42 - Report -
hola ronniesneffe
about what you wrote before, that the pretty girls are more easy accepted in Germany, yes maybe you can say that from the younger German men but not for the old people, or the unfriendly women that lives in Germany. They are so horrible and stupid because they treat bad one person without to know anything about this person or without to have a problem with this person. I will tell you something I came to Germany without too have any prejudice but the people learn how to be racist from the German people here.Maia 25 Jun 2009, 06:07 - Report -
ronniesneffe is 100% correct
ronniesneffe is 100% correct. I love his conclusions and description.
Germany is shit when you you are a good individual. It's a country just like ronniesneffe described. Thank you very much for writing this excellent description of Germany and its people.great 26 Jun 2009, 12:22 - Report -
Don’t insult my intelligence…
…or my grammar. The differences between English & American grammar are for the most part negligible…at least in this context. Your difficulty is rooted in the fact that you are not a native speaker. I believe that you can speak English…but until your proficiency is such that you’re not running to the dictionary/thesaurus in order to express yourself (or understand my statements), you will always have some difficulty in communicating regardless of which side of the Atlantic you are on.
Face-to-Face meeting…Name the time & place…with the caveat that I travel a lot & it would be better if you chose more than one date…& with enough time for me & my staff to plan.
The “general interest” that you spoke of that Germans have I would more liken to being rudely nosey. Interesse ist was anderes.Deutsche leute sind extrem neugierig. Punkt. The fact that you don’t acknowledge this brings your objectivity into question. You have either not been here very long, have no (or limited) personal contact to native Germans, or are completely in denial. Germans stare, they ask questions that would be seen as rude in nearly any western society & love to meddle in the affairs of others. Spend 1 hour standing around inconspicuously at your neighborhood “wochen Markt” & the old people there will inform you about every sordid detail of your neighbors lives (& how they would do it differently). Their “interest” in other cultures & societies does not have the same foundation as the genuine human fascination that other western countries show their visitors.
Germans are NOT true socialists. They just like covering their own ass. A German’s wet dream is a situation where everything is protected from loss (versichert). Driven by a fear of change & lack they (try to) insure EVERYTHING! Admittedly their national work & health insurance systems are the envy of world (for now). However, abuse of these systems by the people who use them is rampant. Young people see Harz IV & Arbeitslosengeld as entitlements to be used as paid vacation between career choices. There are people who “need” it…but they make up a small percentage of the actual cases. The only reason these programs still exist is because of the fear instilled in the electorate that they MIGHT need these services one day. Old people suck the healthcare system dry by going to the doctor every 20 minutes (until they implemented praxis gebühren) because they feel that they’re earned it. Both systems will collapse under their own weight (& the lack of tax money to support them) in the next 5-10 years (Der Landeskirche auch)…if not sooner in the event of a catastrophic health event.
I understand German society…that doesn’t make some of their characteristics valid. The wall between East & West Germany was initially psychological (Propaganda kreig zwischen Wochenshau Ost & West) then physical (die Mauer). East Germans wanted to believe that they had living conditions equal or better to those in the West…They were wrong…but they were also lied to by the leaders of their society. It soon became impossible to keep the “truth” from the citizens of the DDR. They knew to a certain extent (when they had contact to the West) that they were lied to…how much was unimaginable until the wall came down. Germany currently lives with an emotional “Mauer” (wall) to the Western world. They want to believe that they are at par with the English-speaking world they admire. They are not. They are about 10-20 years behind. I’m speaking of the day-to-day lives of the average German. Compare 2 demographically equal (gender, race, age, etc.), equally educated, equally employed people living in Gemany & any English speaking (1st World) country. ANYONE WHO IS NOT FLUENT IN BOTH ENGLISH & GERMAN, HAS NOT SPENT AT LEAST 2 YEARS IN AN ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRY AND GERMANY IN THE LAST 5 YEARS IS IN NO POSITION TO MAKE STATEMENTS CHALLENGING MY ASSERTION!
Isn’t it racist to assume that “brown people” (Black American, Turkish, African) with money didn’t earn it legally. Even if you CLAIM now that you don’t think so, most people do. The VW guy in my example doesn’t care that I do a job that’s “worth more” than what he gets paid. If he did, then he would acknowledge what I have invested in my career. He might think that Lawyers, Basketball players, & CEOs (managers) are over-paid. The fact of the matter is that he can’t do what they do as well as they do it, he didn’t invest the same time & energy & accordingly isn’t “worth” as much for his work. It’s actually 100% fair. When I fly, I get on the plane first…because I’m one of the airline’s best customers. Is that fair? Of course it is. It’s a privilege that is open to everyone willing to do what it takes. Fly 75,000 miles in a year & you can do it too. But wait, you have no reason to fly that often. Furthermore you have better things to do with your money that to fly a lot. The average guy who flies to Mallorca once a year isn’t loyal to one airline…he flies with the cheapest…it’s what’s most important to him. Instead of carrying around my receipts showing how loyal I’ve been with 1 airline, I carry my platinum card. I went to school, VW guy went to parties. I trained & perfected my abilities. VW guy went to an internship for a job he KNEW did not pay as much as mine. Fair?...100%.
A school who decides in the 4th grade what my future “caste” will be is not free-thinking & therefore cannot teach what they are not (Just like a country that has always been a monarchy cannot teach another country to be a democracy). A school is unlikely to challenge the “matrix” constructed by the establishment that gives them their funding. Spend some time at a privately funded German school & you will see a drastic difference in curriculum & thinking.
The Ladenschlußgesetzt (the federal laws that let stores be open for business only when the government allows it) was antiquated when it was created. Unless you are married & so well paid that your spouse can stay home & raise the children (or collect welfare), laws where all stores close at the same time is impractical (if you get off work at 5 & the stores all close at 6:30, should all single working people be expected to go shopping in this 1 ½ hour period?) Germany wasn’t that kind of society anymore after the war. The law was a poor attempt to level the playing field between large & small businesses in an attempt to discourage competition. Most affected workers are paid hourly. The more they work, the more they get paid…they don’t suffer due to longer business hours. A business owner (with a sensible business model) who is open longer can make more revenue…he doesn’t suffer due to longer business hours. Consumers want to spend their money…the longer stores are open the more money they can spend….they don’t suffer due to longer business hours. Consumers can only buy goods & services when the businesses are open. Here is where the Achilles heel is. If Aldi is closed & Real is still open, Real gets my money. In the beginning everybody played by the same rules & nothing changed…like a cartel. The internet changed all that. The internet never closes, doesn’t belong to a union, & doesn’t discriminate. The dramatic rise in internet shopping (particularly eBay) could not be ignored & more importantly cut in to shop owner’s profits. Longer hours on Thursdays & Verkaufsoffener Sonntags became regional wars to attract shoppers to other cities. Even when the German government let the individual states decide, it didn’t get rid of the law…they just don’t enforce it (didn’t want to give away any power…so they could reclaim the restrictions at a moment’s notice). With their new found freedom, at first, stores kept things the way they’ve always been because no store wanted to be the fool. They all said it would never become popular & no hours changed. As soon as 1 store took the risk & became an overnight profit king (mist, alle laden machen in 30 minuten zu & ich muß einkaufen…a-ha Kaufland hat bis 22 uhr auf) the others copied the one with the success (standard German business model…copy someone else’e idea…being original is FAR too dangerous). Hip-Hop clothes used to only be available to people who knew someone in the U.S. Then the internet, now there is a hip-hop store in nearly every major German city (even national chains are starting to sell “street” styles.) I understand unions far more than you give me credit for. They are there to protect the rights of their members. Extending the hours of existing legally operated business does not alone threaten workers rights. It just means that greedy business owners have to hire more workers & are afraid to take that risk. Furthermore, the most people affected by the law are not a member of any union. It serves no social or working class purpose. Just like stores & businesses that close for “Mittag” it’s an idea that hasn’t been relevant since 1933.
Unless you believe that Southpark is a documentary, “Jew” by itself is not a curse word in American English & rarely used because the proper adjective form is “Jewish”. It’s FAR more common to hear German youth use “Jew” as a curse word.
How ironic. What’s more ironic is that you try to justify German jealousy of pre-WW II Jewish society by pointing out that “other people were jealous of them too”. Unfair stereotypes of Iranians living in France do not make the Iranian election valid. The German government sent the SA (military stormtroopers) to stand with giant signs outside Jewish businesses in an attempt to keep Germans from spending their money there. ("Deutsche! Wehrt Euch! Kauft nicht bei Juden!"
Hast du was von Kristallnacht gehört? Don’t be too lazy to gain wisdom…I’ll even feed it to you with a spoon…
“Typisch Deutsch”. It doesn’t matter who created the phrase, it matters what it means. It is certainly nothing positive. It means typical negative German behavior & mentality that everybody knows about but nobody does anything to change. No German wants to be seen as “typically German”. If you don’t believe me, go up to a German today with a smile on your face & after they’ve done something (anything) say “Typisch Deutsch”. Do it 5 times: 1st to someone old enough to have fought in WW II, 2nd do it to someone during a Fußball (soccer) game, 3rd do it to someone with at least one Dr. degree, 4th do it to someone under 25, & 5th do it to someone from the former East Germany. Let me know if they take it “too seriously”[sic]…or which hospital I can visit you at after attempt number 2.
I’m not sure what you want to show me with the German U21 soccer team. They won the championship, but that alone is not relative to my comments about “Typisch Deutsch” behavior as well as Germany’s past & present identities. The championship title doesn’t change how a foreigner gets treated on a German train (Deutsch Bahn) or that they get denied entrance to dance clubs (Disko). It doesn’t make Customer Service people less rude & it doesn’t make German bureaucracy more pleasant. I’m not talking about what happens in the various European sports leagues. I’m not talking about the Eurovision song contest. I’m not talking about what the Bundestag does or its relationship to No. 10 Downing Street or The White House…I’m talking about what happens every day on the street in front of YOUR HOUSE! When what takes place THERE changes…what the world thinks of Germany will change.
“it is difficult for other nationalities to understand Germany”…difficult, but not impossible. It is more difficult for Germany to understand & face itself. I didn’t just come here yesterday & I did my homework before I came. I have studied Germany’s complex history in an attempt to understand the many behaviors & contradictions that I could not reconcile. Germans were very paradoxical to me. After more than a decade I understand WHY they are the way they are. That doesn’t mean that everything they do is OK, but it means I understand the underlying causes. Most people don’t, not even the Germans themselves because the subject matter of their past, present, & questionable future is very painful to them. Sadly they would rather let “Shit Happen” than to decide their own fate with the choices they make.
Societies that don’t think “forward” & don’t keep up, unfortunately die out.
Anyone looking here for tips before they move to Germany already has positive reasons to do so (Love, money, etc.). They want to know if there are OTHER things that they should know BEFORE they come or make the decision to come. I don’t feel it’s my purpose to tell the obvious positives (castles, sausage, historical buildings, etc). That’s all available on Wikipedia. What isn’t available is that your working class neighbors will hate (be bitterly jealous of) you if you buy a car that 2 price classes better than theirs or have an apartment with more than 2 bathrooms. You are not saying that my statements are wrong; you just think I’m being too hard on them. Not fair for you to decide that for other people. If the facts are right let the readers decide for themselves if Germany is right for them. Trying to cover up the realities of RESIDENT life in Germany is evil.
P.S. No English speaking person calls a cell phone a Handy, No English speaking country broadcast (or even knows) “Dinner for one” & Additionally: you watch a movie in a “Drive-In”, hang lights on an “Evergreen”, die from a “Shooting”, & “Oldtimers” have feet… not wheels.ronniesneffe 30 Jun 2009, 12:07 - Report -
I did NOT put a "smiley" after the word "Juden". The " and the ) that followed were incorrectly encoded as a "winking smiley". Anyone with the power to correct this error should do so.
ronniesneffe 30 Jun 2009, 12:13 - Report -
Dear "",
why did u delete comments wiv the declaration that every human has the same rights? Stop wiv the manipulation!
Greetsflyindutch 01 Jul 2009, 06:56 - Report -
If my message entitled "GREED" is missing then it has been deleted....AGAIN.
Maybe someone with the power to do such is afraid of the truth...& quite possible overindulging their hunger for power...that's how dictators get started.
RNronniesneffe 03 Jul 2009, 09:19 - Report -
It noticed it! That´s the reason why I´ve wrote the last comment addressing to "justlanded" and why I gave u my skypenick!
Greetsflyindutch 03 Jul 2009, 11:34 - Report -
ronniesneffe, please post your article "GREED" again!!!!
I want to read it, please ....!!!!great 05 Jul 2009, 10:30 - Report -
You described my English as confusing. I found that insulting especially in light of the fact that you could recognize it as American. Do Germans appreciate people from Switzerland or Bayern criticizing their “Deutsch”? Of course not. More people natively speak my grammar than the English grammar you learned in school. I found it inappropriate for someone with numerous vocabulary errors to have such an opinion about my grammar.
It’s as I suspected, you are more German at heart as your moniker implies. Accordingly you are offended by an outsider who criticizes the place of your birth. Still, your replies get longer & contain fewer facts. You don’t have any counter evidence, only examples of others who commit the same social transgressions.
Wochenmarkt. You don’t address whether or not this concept is out-dated.
Old Woman. You don’t see that in other countries where older people assemble in public, they are happy. Germans are not known for being happy.
Socialist. Germans pride themselves on their social politics…without realizing the true nature of their politics…classism.
Abitur. My comments were actually directed at Abitur capable people who don’t get “voted into the club” by their 4th grade teacher. Anyone who finds there direction after they figure out there’s no Santa Claus is in bad shape.
Ladenschlußgesetz. Something that affects every single person in Germany is relevant to this discussion. Again, you refused to discuss my points.
Jew as an insult. So is your point that if you haven’t heard it or someone non-German does it also, it doesn’t matter. Tell that to someone working in a rape crisis center. I bet you haven’t witnessed any rapes today. Someone was raped in America today. Based on your logic the women who’ll be raped tonight in Berlin are to be ignored.
Jealousy. You countered my statement of pre-WW II jealousy of Jewish people & businesses by declaring
“Envineous is not a German phenomenon. Regarding the Jewish population the envy was all over the world. “
Typisch Deutsch. The point was that Germans don’t like being called that. They hate their own behavior, but do nothing to change. I was not honestly expecting you to end up in the hospital.
flyindutch you seem to have lost the point of this forum…it’s to share experiences about foreigners who reside in or would like to reside in Germany. I shared what I have observed. Unless I have said something materially non-factual, you should not have such objections to my posts. You are unhappy because I have “outted” Germany’s dark side. It’s not just sunshine, castles, & beer…unless you’re a tourist. I’m guessing you look German, act German, & even sound German…to OTHER Germans. That means that they don’t perceive you as an outsider or a threat. Your life is nothing like what most people reading this board have experienced. My daily life is a lot closer to reality for a non-German sounding, foreign-looking resident.
This forum is not about America, Brazil, or Iran or anything that happens in those countries or comparing them to Germany. It’s about life in Germany. There are a lot of things that I like about Germany & my life here. Everybody interested about living in Germany (as a foreigner) has a right to the cold hard facts. Anything other than the facts belongs in a verbal face-to-face discussion among friends or acquaintances. I own & accept my direct “black & white” nature. Shit stinks & fire burns.
MY SENTENCES IN CAPITAL LETTERS were to keep away the unemployed anti-American idiots for feeling like they have any place in this discussion. My attempt was to raise the IQ level of this discussion & bring it out of “one-liner” hell. My goals have been to inform & defend my statements. I have successfully done that. Don’t be like a bad politician & try to shine the light on someone else’s scandal to keep yours off the front page.
I respect you…just not enough to abandon the facts. I would (in the appropriate forum) state the facts about my County, Race, Church Denomination, Occupation, Hair, or about myself personally.
The offer to meet still stands.
Respectfully & Factually Yours,
RNronniesneffe 06 Jul 2009, 09:27 - Report -
We Dont Understand Who We Are
Most of your statesments are true in some respects, especially our lack of conscience about ourselves - but you see it only negative, as complex- stricken. Many of your argument also can be seen positively or at least neutral.
Your comments about health issues, poverty rate and other social issues are dependent on your mother country. If it is the USA (I guess this because you speak about "socialized medicine" a typical american statement) I must remember you to the massiv social issues in the USA.
So Please don´t hide where you (or your parents) are from!
If god allows another time I´ll tell you my point of view regarding your points.
Every society has its advantages and disadvantagesAdmitImGerman 07 Jul 2009, 07:09 - Report -
Some Americans have very harsh prejudices towards Germany and their people.
I met in an arabic country a very sophisticated east coaster. He always bashed Germany as "socialized" and "lazy" people in the younger generations, while the USA is "booming", you can find a good job easily ...
Now we see that you Americans weren´t aware thatthis big bubble must burst - and most wealthy Americans used to ignore the poverty and struggle many of their fellow Americans live with.
This man was SO arrogant (he always bashed the arabs who treated him so hospitably though he is a citizen of the country that put their state on the "axes of evil".
The arabs, aryans (indinans, afghans, iranians ...)and many people more all over the world like Germany or even glorify Germany to a degree it´s not nessesary at all ...
Prejudices last a long time, while the world overall is changing - glorifying or bashing, it doesn´t matter ...
At least some American exspect, that every citizen in the world trat them like a king, because he´s AMERICAN. If he is trated like anyone else, he feels mad ...AdmitImGerman 08 Jul 2009, 04:06 - Report -
noone has to feel sorry for germans just because they are living in germany. it's a beautyful country and if you cannot find friends here... maybe you should work on your attitude.
Germans are no nazis. look at france or netherlands, there are right-wing-parties in the government. in germany not, because they do not want to be ruled by stupid nazis anymore.
it hurts to see so many people in this blog writing and thinking bad about germany. it shows how intolerant and ignorant they are.
germans are often very well educated and honest, interested and diligent.
Shame on people who dare, in our modern times, to write down stupid prejudices in a public forum. if you don't have a clue, just shut up.pierrot 08 Jul 2009, 03:51 - Report -
They respect you,they are clean,they are on time,its safe to go out at night.But they are cold,undfriendly,they get mad very quick(for any stupid thing).They dont have any pacient,the weather is very bad,and here is extremly boring,they dont know how to dance,lol.Im living here 3 years now,i cant take it anymore,every one is just so rude.I dont have any!!german friend.They just dont want to speak with you!!,all my friends are from usa,france,poland,africa.I dont recommend this place to anyone,its very sad,i feel sorry for this people........
from germany 09 Jul 2009, 08:19 - Report -
I'm a german girl... it makes me kind of sad to read what you think about our country! I've been to the US three times. We've got relatives there, and I enjoyed it very much (nevertheless I was always happy to get back home =). If you ask me, the cultural differences between the countries are the biggest problem. If anyone, doesn't matter where he or she comes from, goes to another country and expects everything to be the same as in his or her mothercountry, it's obvious that he or she will be disappointed! (This is what I noticed during my visits in the US... people only know THEIR culture. Here in Europe, so many different cultures exist close to each other which makes everyone a little more open-minded.)
Maybe you got to meet the wrong people... I think many people here are very communicative... and Germany is absolutely not boring! Tell me anything you can do in the US which you can not do in Germany! Almost every city has a very nice looking hisorical centre... and things like "germans don't know how to dance" are just ridiculous... I've been dancing latin and standard dances for more than 3 years now (I'm 16) and in German discos you always see girls and boys who really dance very good. Of course there are also many people who absolutely CAN NOT dance. But such people are existing in any country... aren't they?
When our American relatives visited us about 2 months ago, we showed them around... and they loved Germany! They even cryed when they had to leave. I'm not kidding.
So, anyone who doesn't like Germany... just come to visit us..! I'll show you around!Lea 12 Jul 2009, 01:02 - Report -
Hey Lea, are you blonde? Single?
Btw German girls are the best.hmm 13 Jul 2009, 01:07 - Report -
Alright can you guys tell me what you think about this? It's been bothering me for a very long time. Last month, I took down the red white and blue and hung up the good old red black and yellow of germany. (I live in America and I'm an american/german). I couldn't help but smile as she waved in the wind. It looked beutiful. The next day, someone rang my doorbell and asked me what happend to my American flag. I said it was germany's turn to show off thier colors. No ploblem, right? Next week: someone else comes up to me outside my house and asks me what happend to my American pride. I said I lost it and if he sees it to bring it back jokingly. He shook his head and walked on. fourth of July: the german flag is still hanging, as this is getting intressting. The next morning the german flag was GONE!! I don't know who took it, yet I am now prouder of me being german than American. Tell me: did I do anything wrong??!??
Gfreeman 14 Jul 2009, 11:20 - Report -
Alright can you guys tell me what you think about this? It's been bothering me for a very long time. Last month, I took down the red white and blue and hung up the good old red black and yellow of germany. (I live in America and I'm an american/german). I couldn't help but smile as she waved in the wind. It looked beutiful. The next day, someone rang my doorbell and asked me what happend to my American flag. I said it was germany's turn to show off thier colors. No ploblem, right? Next week: someone else comes up to me outside my house and asks me what happend to my American pride. I said I lost it and if he sees it to bring it back jokingly. He shook his head and walked on. fourth of July: the german flag is still hanging, as this is getting intressting. The next morning the german flag was GONE!! I don't know who took it, yet I am now prouder of me being german than American. Tell me: did I do anything wrong??!??
Gfreeman 14 Jul 2009, 11:20 - Report -
Eigentlich nicht…
& Uneigentlich… American pride is much different than the “national pride that I’ve experienced in other countries.
First of all I SUPPORT YOU 100% in the expression of your national heritage…I just want to explain to you what probably happened…
As a country born out of oppression from another, Americans see their pride as sovereign…meaning they were once seeing as a colony to control & exploit & then they rejected all imput & influence from outside. This is not necessarily a good thing 233 years later, but it just became habit. It probably would have been different if you had a German-style bakery & you flew the flag since the day you opened. It would also be different if Germany was making a grand showing in the Olympics or Worldcup. Most likely the offense was not that you flew a German flag, but that it replaced an American flag. Up until September 10, 2001 your actions would have gone completely unnoticed. The events of 9/11 added a more reverent & nearly religious quality to American patriotism. Americans LOVE their flag! The Love is consuming & almost obsessive. This feeling intensifies with age. Like any such progression, it can often go too far. They were wrong to take your flag. They probably saw it as some sort of anti-American statement on your part. A mass-murdering cult leader, serial rapist, or child molester has a better social position than an admitted non-patriot. Probably your only crime was having the American flag FIRST, & then replacing it with the German flag…without clarification. Naturally everyone walking by your house isn’t aware that you are of German ancestry. You’re probably not famous to everyone in the region as “The Half-German Guy”. That left everyone to draw their own conclusion as to why the American flag got replaced. Most (non-Asian) Americans have no direct connection to their ancestry. Yeah, they more or less know what they “are” (z.b. Half German, Half Italian…or 1/3 irish & “who knows what else”) but most DO NOT IDENTIFY WITH THEIR ANCESTRAL HERITAGE. It’s too long ago. In the days of Ellis Island's mass immigration, it would have gone over better because everybody remembered who they were & where they came from. This situation is further complicated the closer you are to New York OR if there is a large Jewish or WW II veteran community in your area. If this is the case, there was really no way that you could win. (You would have had more luck flying the Iraqi flag.) That this foreign flag flying continued through the very “holy” 4th of July weekend was a recipe for disaster. Your only option would have been the following: Ever notice that wherever the American flag is AND other flags are too (even official, state, city flags), that the American flag is either larger, higher, set apart, or above it on the same flagpole? There’s a reason for that…not just socially…but legally. Flag etiquette has its own full size chapter in the U.S. Legal Code (Title 4 of the United States Code).
Legally & culturally flying an American flag is a serious undertaking. Naturally every American does not see this subject the same way, but a vast majority do hold the flag in great esteem. Taking down your apparently very public American flag & replacing it with one from a different country was not bad in and of itself. I understand why you did it & feel that it was your right. Others do not know the reasons behind it & are forced to form their own conclusions. Most Americans cannot imagine a justification for replacing an American flag with that of another country…ANY country. Your only option would have been to fly a slightly smaller German flag UNDER the American flag (or engage in a multi-million dollar advertising campaign to explain your decision to every man, woman, & child in a 500 mile radius).
If you’re not too (understandably) bitter over the whole situation try the “2-flag” solution above. I think your neighbors will then understand what you want to say.
As an interesting footnote, prior to 1942 it was common to salute the flag (while saying the “Pledge of Allegiance”) in a manner eerily similar to the “Hitler Salute” (Hitlergruß)
Hope you pass this patriotic test "with flying colors"...
RNronniesneffe 15 Jul 2009, 10:06 - Report -
Being born and bred in Germany, I never really understood the Americans attachment to thier flag. I lived in Germany till I was 17 and I was quite patriotic there. Hell, I even dressed myself in the flag and painted myself black, red and yellow with my friends one year. I just dont feel the same way about America, as I am German by heart. Now I never really got to know the neighborhood as I move alot. Now I live in a town near Boston, a very important patriot city. I found your argument very well presented, and I agree with you on many aspects. I just don't know if it would have been differnt if I had a German flag from the beggining? I take my german flag whenever I move. I took her to Paris, England and Poland. And she didn't last long in America. As I said, I'm german. I stay german when I move or even get a new citizenship. Now, also don't want a smaller german flag under americas. I think they deserve equal positions. Maybee 2 flagpoles?
Gfreeman 15 Jul 2009, 01:17 - Report -
german women
I've had the same problem with a number of german women, spread over 10 years. I am a foreigner (english-speaking) not bad looking, fairly intelligent, an average job, german language is average. I don't classify myself as "a great catch" for a woman. But since I moved to germany, I have had contact with several women who seem to be obsessed with me. I am friendly to them but I have never slept with them becasue I am not attracted to them so for me (over several years) the relationship is therefore "just friends." I am friendly but I don't flirt or touch them, maybe a quick kiss to say hello/goodbye. I meet them now and them every few weeks or months for a drink or dinner just like normal friends, they don't know each other. But they (4 of them) cannot seem to get the idea that I don't want to have sex with them. Especially after a few drinks, they can get verbally unpleasant, aggressive, like I owe them something. It doesn't happen all the time, maybe they behave like this once every six months but I really wonder why they can't accept the situation. I never had this experience before from women. It's something younger men tend to do (me to, once!) but I have experienced this from mature women before. They also have other male friends etc, it's not like they are desperately lonely.
barry 18 Jul 2009, 05:33 - Report -
To Barry
Man, what are you talking about? German women are the best in the world, I love german women... God they are so beautiful, and open-minded towards english-speakers(especially in West Germany)
well 19 Jul 2009, 09:07 - Report -
they want you to take them back to america... get used to it, just remember once they get the green card they're done =].
AF 21 Jul 2009, 03:49 - Report -
Thats a lie!
Did you know,that the most american has german ancestors?And the people in Germany are not arrogant and they do not suck!AND:We are not racism!There are so many aliens in Germany and they are threated like all the other persons,too!
And the black people are not accpted completly in the USA!
And I am happy to be german,because we have beathiful music ( Bach,Beethoven,Pachalbel) and wonderful arcitecture!We have a horible history,but we learned and now we live in peace without atomic bombs and aircraft carriers.We have a strong economie and we live in prosperity.The quality of our products is famous all over the world!I know,we are some kind of kind of prudish and closed,but that is our nature.
I hope,that the world forgives Germany at one day for the things that happen in the second world war!
Guten Abend!Marvin 23 Jul 2009, 01:24 - Report -
germans are hideous
I don't know why my post is deleted. Are the mods controlling what the world should or should not receive?
What's really revealing about German mentality and attitude against the world is Germans' "Aryan Master Race" crap. If you examine what they profess by this (and you don't need more than 10 minutes to get to the bottom of this crap), this is not simply about their racial identity. It is hidenous ideology the kind of which can be born only in the hell. It is about their race, their god, then violence, death, destruction, blood, blood, blood ... The symbolism is all spattered with blood, cross, swastika, and then blood, cross, swatiska, and then ... the kind you see exactly in KKK and Nazi. There is not a single shred of humanity or humanism here. It is downright their race and death and blood for others. Exactly the same kind you associate with German trademark Nazism. No normal free thinking humans can adopt such crap as the source of their identity. Only psychopatic, morbid, ugly albino white trolls the kind of which is vividly described by many commentators here would identity themselves such way. They say Germans are the "ancestors" of many Americans etc. and yeah, many who carry German identity also carry such monstrosity as well. That's why you see KKK in America. Yeah they spread the evil all around the world to this day. Nazism is dead? Nazism is the way Germans think and act. What are Germans good for all other peoples of this planet who want to live in peace and love? Such race - whatever name Germans want to go by - is not welcomed. Bring those good music and famous products with you, and just get lost, and the world does not miss citizen 23 Jul 2009, 02:55 - Report -
We hate f...g germans as well! We can not and must not trust them ever again! Greetings from Poland!
goral 23 Jul 2009, 08:25 - Report -
Although MIND CONTROL- IS destroying world in furture. ANTI-CHRIST is destroying EARTH 25 Jul 2009, 04:05 - Report -
tha racist from all over the planet in this forum fightin each other... LOL
youre all the same trash bitches 25 Jul 2009, 07:59 - Report -
Who likes Germans?
I've been to Germany over 30 times and with a couple of exceptions I've had nothing but great experiences with Germans. Sure there has been a few of the "why are you here auslander" comments but they came from generally drunken bitter losers of which every country has it's share. I live in Toronto which is pretty smug about it's multiculturalism but scratch beneath the surface and it's not much different than what Germans are being villified for in this thread. I came to this website to get some tips on living in Germany. I plan to spend a year at least exploring the country. I'm not going to be taking anyone's job or using any benefits as I've made enough money to basically pack in the working grind. I find the country absolutely fascinating and I no longer take offense at German directness, staring and bad customer service.:>
Just to chip in on the comments on Americans. Perhaps the majority of them are not the most educated on countries other than their own but you won't meet much friendlier,generous people as individuals anywhere. The average American can't be blamed for their governments actions.
yyzer 26 Jul 2009, 10:44 - Report -
I hate germany
i come from germany and i .....
how write this?
these people are bad yes bad
what they say abut germany
ich kann euchh nur sagen diese leute die das schreiben sind doof wirklich nur blödanonym 27 Jul 2009, 10:16 - Report
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