PR Card

  • My immigrant visa expires on 17 th May 2006, I am travelling to Toronto on 30th April 2006. Can I stay in Toronto till 1st June 2006?

    Second question is how long to get PR card once newly landed immigrant arrives Canada?



    25 Dec 2005, 09:30 Anonymous
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  • Your PR Card - Canada

    Your immigrant visa implies that you must become a landed immigrant by May 17. That does not mean that you cannot reenter AFTER you have become landed immigrant and after May 17.

    In any case, I would recommend that you wait until you have your PR card to leave the country once you have arrived. You are leaving a VERY small window to get your documents in order. I would even recommend for you to "land" earlier, let's say, February and then come again.

    PR cards should have been issued on your name a long time ago. You should contact your immigration officer at the consulate where you applied to ask what happened to it

    Anonymous 29 Dec 2005, 02:20 - Report
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