Advantages and disadvantages of choosing Canada to immigrate

  • Advantages and disadvantages of choosing Canada to immigrate
    What does Canada offer?
    Why choosing Canada as a destination to migrate? Here we analyze the main advantages and disadvantages that migrating to the country at the north of the American continent presents.

    The people international movement has meant one of the biggest social movements that has ever existed, and that presents its greatest level of growth in the 90’s decade.

    The motives are many, since better opportunities to achieve personal aims (higher economic income, access to a better education) or for security motives, due to high danger levels lived in the immigrant’s origin countries, such as civil wars, etc.

    One of the most recurrent destinations is and has been Canada, but, what does it mean migrating to Canada? In the following lines, we will discuss both, the advantages and disadvantages, that choosing Canada as a destination implies for an immigrant.

    More info :

    01 Apr 2009, 06:12 Lolita
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  • Immigration to Canada! Please research on other side before taking a step

    I read the article. No doubt, Canada is one of the best places in the world to live, but only for those who get jobs according to their qualifications. Thousands of professional immigrants with university degrees end up with labor jobs, piza delivery, taxi driving, etc.

    For more information:

    Noman 19 Apr 2009, 01:57 - Report
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