Dan Sela en Montreal

  • Es verdad lo que dicen estos articulos, Dan Sela de Sela salsa, estuvo hace unos dias en Montreal y nos ofrecio los zapatos de baile que supuestamente traia desde los EEUU a travez de una compañia de nombre Very Fine que hace zapatos para bailarines. Nos dijo que era el distribuidor exclusivo para Montreal, entonces llamamos a la compañia a la señora Brenda Romero y ellos nos confimaron que efectivamente Dan Sela les habia pedido la distribucion en Montreal. Aqui pensamos que si el era un distribuidor autorizado podiamos tener confianza, entonces fue cuando le dimos 1000.00$ USD para pedir un stock, eso fue hace un mes y el Señor (o mejor el Ladron) Dan Sela aun no ha depositado el dinero en la cuenta de esa compañia.
    Nos hemos visto en la nesecidad de poner el denuncio a la policia y a las autoridades de inmigracion para que no le permitan la entrada de nuevo a Canada. s usted quiere verificar puede Llamarnos al Tel: (514)274-7991 Montreal(Canada). nuestra institucion se llama Academia Estofa Musidanza.
    Nota: si alguin sabe el numero de algun documento de identidad de este Señor por favor escribanos al E-mail [email removed]


    Fraudster Sela on the loose

    14 September 2006, 01:44:53 pm


    Picture of Dan Sela with one of his victims


    14 September 2006, 01:49:41 pm


    Dan Sela lives off others
    I am glad to see that people who have been taken in by his fraudulent ideas are telling others I too gave him money for his so called Robotix company only never to see him again once he had got what he wanted. He seems to target women like myself whom he convinses to believe in him.
    I hope people with whom he is currently dealing with in Spain see him for what he is.

    19 September 2006, 05:09:09 pm
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    27 Sep 2006, 04:19 Anonymous
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  • Dan Sela: I want your cash for a Salsa Cogresso

    Fraudster Dan Sela himself, outlining his next scam.
    Salsa music sets the mood, Dan steals your wife. And your valet.

    Beware Canada, this is a Salsa Fraudster


    Anonymous 27 Sep 2006, 11:19 - Report
  • Dan Sela, fraudster in Peru

    Dear all, Dan Sela has landed in Peru a month ago and he has just been jailed for a suppossed Salsa Congress that would obviously never take place. If you want to contact the people that is promoting his trial please write to: [email removed]. Lisset Guillermo; she will give you more information on details, names, etc. He has been staying at Hotel Espana for a month and has not payed a single day yet!!! So we all know what's next.
    Please, respond to that e-mail address so this man can really get what he deserves!!!

    Diana Chavez, Lima - Peru. dchavezd@hotmail.com 03 Mar 2007, 04:25 - Report
  • Dan Sela international jewish fraudster now on the run

    Nice to read Dan Sela has been jailed, obviously he was steeling money in Spain, Mexico, Canada and Lima.
    If anybody wants fotos of him we have them.

    His simple trick is to take deposits and never do anything.

    Frank Lindner 29 Aug 2007, 10:00 - Report
  • HAHAHAH Now this ASS HOLE trying to open new forum

    When will you be ready AS A MAN to give the face?
    You are a PATETIC little dick!!

    Now you started to copy and paste this messages?
    YOU LOOSE ACCEPT IT! you loose you are a PATETIC LOOSER!

    I think that may be YOUR WOMAN or EX.- WOMAN wanted to be with Dan, AND THIS IS ALL YOUR CORAGE!!

    hahaha jajajajaja

    You are frustrated because of Dan, Accept it, Dan is more Man than you.

    You really SUCKS!
    For sure you are UGLY, FAT AND WITHOUT FUTURE!


    bye bye FOOL and LOOSER

    Ve con tu mamá y dile que te enverije de nuevo para que vuelvas a nacer y te parescas a Dan, porque esa es tu frustración verdad? Quisieras ser como el, pero como no soportas no poder serlo, andas de calumniador!!

    Pues chinga tu madre, cojudo!

    TU MADRE, PUTO DE MIERDA!! 01 Oct 2007, 12:08 - Report

    Ohh yes, your evidence is VERY STRONG, ANONYMOUS AND CONVINCING, no doubts! This is why Dan is in jail right now, ha ha ha, happy

    FIRST: I would like to remind you, dear janice walker, that you were the first one that post a video in youtube, edited by YOU, slandering and defamating Dan, and it was of the dan´s video show in channel N, that he gave to you, as I told severals months ago. So if you were agree to enter in this GAME you need to accept when you LOOSE and that you ARE NOT the only one that can post videos in youtube, and also, you must to RESPECT OTHER´S FREEDOM SPEECH, mmm? So according with this, if you were defending this right, so others can say whatever they want about you, dont you?....SO DON´T COME HERE WITH YOUR DOUBLE MORAL, because the little woman are you.

    SECOND: I didn´t see any positive message for you on youtube, I saw very bad comments about you.Apparently nobody wants you in cusco. And according with this comments the Co-woman are you.

    THIRD: If you have been able to speak very bad about your own dance partner and "FRIEND" Enrique Huangal, in your own website, What can your enemy Dan Sela expect from you?..IMAGINE!! For that reason, it´s nobody´s surprise your SO FAILED bad comments trying (JUST TRYING!) destroy him.

    QUARTER: Really, my sweet heart janice, you need to go back to your OWN LIFE, because as you for sure know, Dan Sela actually don´t give a SHIT about you, this forum and your hobbie of slanderer. Beleave me, he continues with his normal life, working, dancing, teaching in all the places and countries that to him one feel like to him and NOBODY can do nothing. SUFFERS WHO SUFFERS, thus is and thus will continue being. So, distracting the attention? attention in what exactly?..Ohh yes,this forum, with STRONG EVIDENCE...ha ha ha, I think nobody put attention on you, in any way!!! ha ha ha ha

    FIFTH: I hope that Dan takes legal actions against the responsible for all these lies and slanders. I hope that after 2 years to that full forum of lies was opened and that still there is no evidence of which it blames to him, people makes their own conclusions. Because this forum is just wordinesses and rumors that have tried vainly to destroy to our friend Dan Sela, we have decided after a pair of months to ignore it absolutely. And we supported in everything to Dan, encouraging him to takes pertinent legal actions and to put in the jail to those idle ones that they have tried to discredit him.

    SIXTH: Janice, please take some lessons with some teacher, and just after try to teach to other, ok?

    SEVENTH: Dan: if you get to read this message, I hope that you can forgive us for to have doubted of you. Sorry my friend sad!, we extend our support to you, and we wished luck you for all your projects and your life. We are human beings and we can be mistaken, now, we just can tell you, continue fighting and go ahead with the high forehead. WE LOVE YOU, we didn´t forget you, we wait for you and WE ARE WITH YOU.

    Good Luck!

    Liz Liberman 01 Oct 2007, 12:13 - Report


    VICTOR 03 May 2009, 04:23 - Report
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