Research funding and subsidies are important motors for economic growth. Most of the programmes are implemented on a national level. The City of Vienna has identified knowledge as a vital resource and funds a wide range of programmes to promote innovation and complement national actions. Service and support from the Centre for Innovation and Technology (ZIT), the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF), the Anniversary funds and various other funds have proved to be very successful funding instruments over the past years. Effective measures include the active encouragement of cutting edge research and intensifying knowledge dissemination between institutions and businesses, thus improving links between theoretical research and practical application. The programmes and initiatives launched by Vienna have made clear, positive impacts. In the city approximately EUR two billion are spent on research per year, which equates to 3.2 percent of the city’s gross product.
The House of Research (Haus der Forschung) in Vienna's 9th district will become the centre for all major organisations that provide research support and services. Organisations such as the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) will be based under the same roof, in order to make greatest use of synergies.
This article has been submitted by Wien.at .