What the...?!

  • You all sound like 10 year old kids having an argument about whose dad's the best! I never knew people could be so into their own country.
    You're all stereotyping big time and that's a mild form of racism. Not liking the Swiss, isn't that racism? Unfortunately racists are everywhere, and being Swiss doesn't give you a ticket to be one. Ok, some countries have clearer views and policies on immigration and social help than others, but it doesn't mean that the whole population agrees. I'm French and although it's fairly easy for immigrants to enter the country, I assure you that many nationals are pissed off about it. I now live in the UK, and it's the same here. Don't kid yourselves, you have raised the wrong argument to decide which country is best.
    Now, I don't know which country is best and frankly I don't give a shit. I'm only glad I'm never gonna have to sit at a diner party with you lot. Boooooriiing!

    So long

    chriistophe 23 Jul 2009, 11:15 - Verstoß melden
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Switzerland sucks

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