Australian from Sydney. Needs help!!!!
My Name is Richard Young I am currently working as in an Advertising Agency here in Sydney. I am hoping to find an Advertising Agency or Marketing Agency in Geneva or Zurich. I would like to further my skills and grow professionally in this field.
I am also currently studying French here in Sydney.
I would like to know how I can obtain a working permit, which recruitment agency would be best to contact? is there a person's email or website you may be able to lead me to? or what advice can you give me.
Please reply to the following details below.
Many thanks
Richard Young
Senior Account Coordinator
TMP Worldwide Advertising & Communications
Level 21, 6-10 O'Connell Street | Sydney NSW 2000
ph 61 02 8233 4611 | fx 61 02 9233 5899
email: [email removed]
29 Mai 2006, 02:24 Anonymous