@ proud brazilian aka paula
you told me that you are reading news and international newspapers. so research more about paula oliveira. she made it up and caused the injuries to herself. she has admitted it to the police now !
it's good for you that brazil didn't declare war against switzerland because you would have lost after one day.
also i have read that there has some time ago been a brutal racist attack on an indian man in brasilia. he was set on fire.did you not hear about that ? evil people exist not only in germany.
if you are really a brazilian guy i understand why so many brazilian women want to marry german or other european guys.Alex 19 Mär 2009, 03:11 - Verstoß melden
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germany sucks
- you are right
- Krautsalat
- ??
- new york sucks
- i hate germany
- ..
- Hey kids from clean, happy, save New York!!!
- you are right
- Germany SUCKS!
- Germany sucks??
- germany sucks ...
- It sucks PERIOD!
- America sucks
- Anonymous
- Germany is beautiful. Germans are horrible
- Germany, Germany everywhere!!!
- living in Germany
- bunch of c*nts
- Arrogant Germany
- germany
- Facts
- Germany
- it rocks
- Germany
- Seattle huh?
- Hell yea
- cutt-nutt
- Germans are nice
- German don't sucks
- Jew in Germany
- Amanda
- German answer
- Berliner sucks
- Anti-American
- germany does suck
- not everything is black and white
- a country of whistleblowers
- Where’s the laughter Germany?
- Idiot.
- viva Mexico + DN why don't u move away then ?
- new york man
- the wrold is a beautiful place
- Oh boy!
- ignorance is bliss
- blah
- people
- misunderstanding
- sorry *blush*
- Germany
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